" I'm gonna give you to the count of 10, to get your lying, yellow, no-good keister off my property, before... I pump your guts full of lead!"
clue - A Family Comedy Without The Family
" I'm gonna give you to the count of 10, to get your lying, yellow, no-good keister off my property, before... I pump your guts full of lead!"
clue - A Family Comedy Without The Family
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" They call us down here. They take away our weapons? They expect us to go into a building full of drunken cartel gunmen unarmed? I mean, that isn't fun. "
CLUE : he is a badass DEA special agent
" A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America
soulshocked. sorry but wrong answer. my clue is bald. tom cruise' character wasnt bald.
Man Apart, A (2003)
Sean: They call us down here. They take away our weapons? They expect us to go into a building full of drunken cartel gunmen unarmed? I mean, that isn't fun.
"This list... is an absolute good. The list is life. All around its margins lies the gulf."
clue - Spielberg's greatest achievement
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SCHINDLER'S LIST"This list... is an absolute good. The list is life. All around its margins lies the gulf."
try this one:
"Shut him up or shut him down"
Clue: Irvin Kershner
" I'm gonna take your family apart piece by piece, you understand me? Piece by piecel "
clue ... La Hermandad movie
" A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America
Man on Fire (2004) - very nice and touching movie. sinister and is almost an anachronism in today's political correct atmosphere.
Creasy (denzel washington): [talking to "The Voice" on the phone right after shooting his brothers hand] I'm gonna take your family apart piece by piece, you understand me? Piece by piece.
"Here she is, the Super Luxurious Omnidirectional Whatchamajigger, or S-L-O-W for short."
clue - funny movie. Don't mess with the hat.
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the cat in the hat
QUOTE: Oh, it's nobody's fault but my own! I was looking up... it was the nearest thing to heaven! You were there...
CLUE: Terry MacKay
No idea, sorry.
Quote: When in doubt, ****!
Clue: Al Pacino and Chris o donnel movie.
Scent of a Woman
Hoo Ha! - Lieutenant Colonel Frank Slade
"Eh donkey! Two things: shut... up"
clue: one funny animated movie
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