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  1. #11

    its real smart when you accept unknown files from unknown senders. that's just dumb.

  2. #12
    Preferred Partner markyap's Avatar
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    Jan 2005
    i keep my bluetooth on all the time to connect to my equipments...
    set it to HIDDEN or NONE DISCOVERABLE mode para walay samok...

    and why would you open the file...delete it if you receive it...or reject it before accepting it...simple!
    it wont harm your phone if you DONT OPEN the file...

    or get a newer phone. n73 and up di naman na mu work ang viruses.
    n70 and lower raman ang ma-apekohan sa virus.

    pocket pc doesnt get affected by sis programs/virus...

    gizmo text line +63918-94-GIZMO (0918-94-44966)
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  3. #13
    do not press that damned 'OK' button if an unknown device send you something. period.

  4. #14

  5. #15
    C.I.A. john_yo's Avatar
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    nang hinaot man gud na naay mo send na chicks para makig txt mate, waaaaa

    if you cant stand the consequences, turn the dam think off, hehehe toink... PEACE

  6. #16
    better hidden or switch off of your bluetooth. if it is unknown don't accept.. tapos!!

  7. #17
    basta bottomline ra jud never accept from unknown sender

  8. #18
    .sis ra ba ang nay virus? how bout ang .bro virus pud?

  9. #19
    C.I.A. cosplay's Avatar
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    My put:

    1. A .sis file is not a virus. It is comparable to that of a zip installer in windows, only that it is designed for Symbian fones. It is an acronym which stands for Symbian Installation Source. Dili ni siya application so you cannot consider this a virus. Probably it contained a .APP file nga nag-self install sa imong phone after you clicked on accept.

    Let me repeat: "After you clicked on accept."

    2. The main reason why bluetooth has been granted equipped with permission capabilities is to avoid malicious software and malware fron connecting to your phone. Wala man cguroy such thing as autorun sa phones... unlike sa Windows Operating System nga ining paslak nimo sa USB Flashdrive kay auto-copy ang mga virus mao nga paspas kaayo mo spread. IOW, don't accept files from strangers coz the tendency is, you get something suspicious.

    3. PDAs, especially Windows Mobiles, do not run .sis or .app files. They are designed for the Windows platform so ALL files are in sync, running on either formats the Windows Operating System runs on. Some PDAs could even browse other cellphones files WITHOUT having to obtain permissions from the owners, just as long as their bluetooths are switched on. But again, they could only browse without permission, not SEND FILE WITHOUT PERMISSION.

  10. #20
    This issue was ages ago I think the people now are aware of this bluetooth thingy.

  11.    Advertisement

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