Hi friends. This message is asking for your support.
A few minutes of your time is all that's needed – by signing the petition and sending this appeal to others.
On the 29th August, 21 Greenpeace volunteers from five countries, including Turkey, the Netherlands, Australia, Israel and Cyprus protested against Turkey's climate-damaging energy policy at a coal-fired power plant. As a result of their actions, they are being confined to Turkish borders without charge for an indefinite period of time until the court case begins.
These excessively harsh bail conditions are an attempt to quash environmental protest in Turkey. No volunteer involved in a Greenpeace action has ever failed to attend a court date, and there is no evidence to indicate that such restrictions are necessary.
Help us get these bail conditions lifted. They represent an unprecedented attack on peaceful civil disobedience and the right to stand up for our future.
Don't let the Energy Revolution be stopped by a crackdown on Energy Revolutionaries.
Please help. Visit the site. Sign the petition.
Click on the link below:
Then send it to others and let our collective voice be heard.
By the way if you have blogs or run your own personal sites please feel free to post this appeal on them as well.