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  1. #1

    Default Free Turkey's Energy Revolutionaries!

    Hi friends. This message is asking for your support.

    A few minutes of your time is all that's needed – by signing the petition and sending this appeal to others.

    On the 29th August, 21 Greenpeace volunteers from five countries, including Turkey, the Netherlands, Australia, Israel and Cyprus protested against Turkey's climate-damaging energy policy at a coal-fired power plant. As a result of their actions, they are being confined to Turkish borders without charge for an indefinite period of time until the court case begins.

    These excessively harsh bail conditions are an attempt to quash environmental protest in Turkey. No volunteer involved in a Greenpeace action has ever failed to attend a court date, and there is no evidence to indicate that such restrictions are necessary.

    Help us get these bail conditions lifted. They represent an unprecedented attack on peaceful civil disobedience and the right to stand up for our future.

    Don't let the Energy Revolution be stopped by a crackdown on Energy Revolutionaries.

    Please help. Visit the site. Sign the petition.

    Click on the link below:

    Then send it to others and let our collective voice be heard.

    By the way if you have blogs or run your own personal sites please feel free to post this appeal on them as well.


  2. #2

    Default Re: Free Turkey's Energy Revolutionaries!

    hi just as update on this campaign
    In 24 hours, over 2,000 petitions from 54 countries were sent demanding that restrictions on the Turkey activists be lifted and that a climate-friendly energy policy be adopted by the Turkish government. Some time after the first day, the number of petitions went over 4,000. And now they're free... The Istanbul judge stated that she was "well aware of the international pressure being applied."

    Thanks to all those who took a few seconds to sign the petition and to forward the cyberaction to others. This is a reminder that quick cyber kick-ass works... Below is the translation of the press release that went out in Turkey.

    Greenpeace Welcomes The Turkish Court Lifting Restrictions on the
    Climate Activists

    Climate Activists: œTurkey, must switch to peaceful, renewable energy sources, away from climate changing fossil fuels like coal!

    9 September 2005, Can-Canakkale/Istanbul “Can criminal court today lifted the restrictions on the movement of 21 Greenpeace climate activists. The restrictions have no precedent in cases of environmental protest in Turkey. They demonstrated at Can coal-fired power plant on Aug. 29 in protest at the Turkish Government™s dangerous energy policy (1). Had these type of restrictions were not lifted they could have set a negative precedent to quash environmental protest in Turkey.

    The 5 foreign nationals who were not able to go back to their countries since more than 10 days were particularly affected. The activists are charged with the law of illegal demonstrations (#2911) and the first court session will be held on Sept. 22.

    As a result of the ruling, international pressure is focused on Turkish embassies and the Turkish Government itself. More than 30 Greenpeace offices worldwide wrote to the respective Turkish embassies in their countries demanding that the Turkish authorities do everything in the power to get the bail conditions lifted. Greenpeace supporters from over 50 countries across the world added their voice to the protest with a cyber-action directed to the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayip Erdogan, Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdullah Gul and the Minister of Energy Hilmi Guler (2).

    Greenpeace Spokesperson Hilal Atici said:

    ”The activists took non-violent action to expose a major cause of climate change that threatens to affect us all “ the use of coal in power plants. Recently we”ve witnessed serious extreme weather events in Europe and in the US. We also suffer in Turkey from floods, droughts and increased forest fires. In the medium run, these effects will provoke agricultural deterioration, water shortages and reduce tourism. These catastrophes are examples of the climate chaos caused by our continuing dependence on fossil fuel sources, such as coal, oil and gas. Turkey must take its part in the efforts of the international community to stop this disaster and switch to peaceful renewable energy sources like wind, solar, small hydro, geothermal and biomass.

    Greenpeace demands from the Turkish Government that it:
    Set a long term renewable energy target of 10% by 2010 and 20% by 2020

    Attendand actively engage in the forthcoming meeting of the
    • Johannesburg Renewable Energy Coalition (JREC) in November 2005 that will seek to establish global renewable energy targets

    Takepart in the forthcoming International conference on climate change in December on Canada with a view to signing and ratifying the Kyoto Protocol.

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