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  1. #1
    C.I.A. john_yo's Avatar
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    Default What's WRONG with Pinoy TV Commercials nowadays?

    THEY ARE TEACHING WRONG, especially the kids the wrong answers.
    TIDE 1>2? toink, pwede diay na? 1 is greater than 2? this is a big impact on the kids kay na may mga kids sa advertisments. pagka faet intawon oi.

    fita, gusto ko sportscar yung red. - its supposed to be the thaught of sharing no matter how little or how many, its not the thaught na ni hatag cya og half then in return it will be given half also, when jesus cut the bread equally, did he expect something in return?

    fita, the guy reached out the stucked 1 pack of fita on the vending machine and after he gets it he gave the lady ther coins and eat the fita. WOW where are the manners... toink....

    voice combo sandwitch "Zipper mo Bukas"

    UNSAON naman lang ning mga advertisments karon oi. i admit guys and gals its funny, but when your children watched the advertisment 10 to 15 times a day, imagine what would he do. of course he will imitate it, and do you think its good?

    i thaught there is a screening committee for advertisments na before the relaease of the advertisment they have to watch it and evaluate it if its ok to be released to the public. asa naman diay ni?

    ka bantay mo mostly sa youtube there are advertisments that are banned, its because of this screening committee. ang uban maka gawas then ma banned, nya ang mostly kay dili jud ka gawas.

    i dont know about you guys pero para nako, DAKO KAAU NI NA SAYOP.....

    i was well raised by my mom and dad, thats why i want my kids to be well raised pud. to know manners and determine thats good and not. by grade 4 i already can determine it.

    what can you say about this guys... can we make the difference?

  2. #2
    up for this!

  3. #3
    yep!!! hasta pud tong kang angel locsin sauna nga axe!!!

  4. #4
    i think "no manners" is the wrong term to describe those advertisements.

    1. About the FITA advertisement, the guy wasn't really expecting anything in return. He gave the old lady half of his biscuit and didn't know she was a fairy who can grant wishes. When he gave the old lady his biscuit, he was not expecting to be given in return a car, or half a car for that matter. I think you got the wrong message.

    2. I don't see anything wrong with saying to people their zipper is open if their zipper is really open. Let's put it into a real life situation. If you happen to see someone whose zipper is open, would you tell them about it or not? If you pretend like you didnt see it, you would just put that person to humiliation even more. Why not tell him its open now rather than risk letting more people see it.

    So overall, i do think you got the wrong message of the commercials. (Although I agree to your advocacy on screening commercials to make it friendly to children)

  5. #5
    nah, nothing wrong with these commercials. it did the job of making you notice the product.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Santini View Post
    nah, nothing wrong with these commercials. it did the job of making you notice the product.
    maybe for us adults, there's really nothing wrong with those. but if you read the threadstarter's post real close, you'd understand that he was referring it to his children.. he's a good parent for being so observant on what's good and what's not for his/her kids..

  7. #7
    C.I.A. cosplay's Avatar
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    Don't watch TV. That's what computers are for.

  8. #8

    "Children's happy hour"

    Quote Originally Posted by cosplay View Post
    Don't watch TV. That's what computers are for.
    What he said^^^^^^^

  9. #9
    C.I.A. john_yo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by menatsu View Post
    i think "no manners" is the wrong term to describe those advertisements.

    1. About the FITA advertisement, the guy wasn't really expecting anything in return. He gave the old lady half of his biscuit and didn't know she was a fairy who can grant wishes. When he gave the old lady his biscuit, he was not expecting to be given in return a car, or half a car for that matter. I think you got the wrong message.

    2. I don't see anything wrong with saying to people their zipper is open if their zipper is really open. Let's put it into a real life situation. If you happen to see someone whose zipper is open, would you tell them about it or not? If you pretend like you didnt see it, you would just put that person to humiliation even more. Why not tell him its open now rather than risk letting more people see it.

    So overall, i do think you got the wrong message of the commercials. (Although I agree to your advocacy on screening commercials to make it friendly to children)
    1. i think you got me wrong bro, i think its you who got the message wrong, i did'nt say he was expecting. what i ment is if you are a fairy and you ask for something, do you really expect to get the whole thing and the owner gets nothing? think twice, maybe i can share but not all, the most i can give is half of whats there. so think clearly do you think giving a half of the sportscar was a good thing? the thought here was not something in return, its the thaught of giving half of the car. now if you think there is nothing wrong with it. think twice.

    2. you got me wong again, its not the zipper bro, how supid was i if i was reffering to the zipper, i was reffering for the entire advertisment. now if you think there was nothing wrong with it, think trice.....
    bitaw bro noh..... ako nalang jud klarohon aron ma kuha jud nimo og taron kay gusto man kaha ka e-hungit jud nako details by details...... its when the guy said na gusto mo ba itong voice combo sandwith?? hidi kita bibigyan nito(or something like this)..... or do i have to go on og gusto jud ka e-detail by detail, sory ha wla man gud ko ka memorize kay mag lagot ko maka kita ana na advertisment.

    i hope you got it now...

  10. #10
    C.I.A. john_yo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cosplay View Post
    Don't watch TV. That's what computers are for.
    good idea bro, maau pa magpa cable nalang ko or Dream satilite or something.... pero too expensive or just additional expenses... hehehe wala man gud ko computer bro, pobre ra intawon mi.

  11.    Advertisement

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