Hong Kong students bring PSP to school, compete in exams
Posted Jul 2nd 2008 8:08PM by Andrew Yoon
Filed under: News
Next time your teacher tells you to put away your PSP in class, point them to this. In Hong Kong, a program called the "Mobile Learning Platform" takes advantage of various electronic devices (PSP included) and uses them to give students quizzes. According to the PlayStation HK site, "students can use mobile devices including PDA, mobile phones or mobile gaming devices to log in to the mobile learning platform and then test their own knowledge anytime and anywhere."
The program will be used for an "inter-school mobile quiz" contest to be held on July 8th. Eighteen schools will participate in a challenge that tests their knowledge of the Olympics, and other trivia. Sony Computer Entertainment Hong Kong is one of the sponsors.
Y'know, when we were kids in school, we wouldn't be able to use our Game Boys in class. But now, these students can use PSPs and win prizes. You guys have it so good.