I hope ISTORYANs can help me with my concern. I had my registration when I was in 3rd or 4th year college (2004) I guess and that time, I was using my birth name for the registration. Then came graduation application procedure, it was only this time that I realized that there was a typo error with my BIRTH CERTIFICATE. It only contained my first name while in my BAPTISMAL CERTIFICATE, my complete birth name was correct.
The change of name will take a month or sometimes months to get your change of name be done. It was already March that time and I could not afford to wait another month just for my name. I had an option to just adopt the name that was on my BIRTH CERTIFICATE. I did some thinking until I decided to just use the name on my birth certificate.
Now, my voter's ID consisted my complete name. I have voted twice already under that name. And next year (estimated year), we will be going overseas already. As far as I know, before you could migrate to a particular country, you should have at least voted once from your native country. Now what will I do? I have voted twice but under my old name. Since graduation, I have been using my new name already..that includes SSS, passport, Philhealth and bank details / infos / IDs.
1. Do I need to register again with the correct name?
2. Can I this be resolved by filing an affidavit of loss?
Please help me...thanks ahead for your replies..