i dont like fitnessfirst,they didnt tell us first about the contract they was just charge,i hate fitnessfirst we want to stop but we cant,we want to talk the manager but no time,i dont like it,etc... i hope it will close
i dont like fitnessfirst,they didnt tell us first about the contract they was just charge,i hate fitnessfirst we want to stop but we cant,we want to talk the manager but no time,i dont like it,etc... i hope it will close
wow!!!!! what a thread so its not only us here in manila members who have this kind of complaints. murag wala man dyud nay mahimo ang mga tao sa FF kay mag sige man lang na sila ug pasahay maski kinsa. ang mga staff diha gihimo lang na sila ug bola pati na ilang manager kuno coz i visit there once asking may billing laliman ka gi ingnan lang ko ug to contact may manila branch kay dili sila pwede mag settle what a ****ing shit is that!!!! mao ba ni global company na a lang sila puro sa pilipinas pero dili sila maka settle or maka tubag sa akong simple question or rather complaints. not only the FI are not accomodating all of them maski man gani ilang FM, FOHM lalo na ilang puti na manager. i just hope that they will attend to this thread and complaints.
That Stella is a pr!ck. She keeps on insisting i join and calls me on unholiest of hours.
This is a very informative post, i need to warn my friends about their billing strategy ( I now have a higher calling...).
Me and my sister also had the same problem with Fitness First. I already stopped working out there. The problem with them is BAD CUSTOMER SERVICE. Fitness First should be thankful that people are airing their complaints, that way they could improve their services. Okay my complaints are:
1) They should explain the TERMINATION process during the signup ... they never did that.
2) They should also MENTION that the contract RENEWS itself automatically if no notice is given ... again I never heard that from them.
3) They should not STATE FALSE claims .... like I can remember clearly that the agent who signed us up told us that if we wanted to freeze our account, we just call him and he will freeze it ANYTIME. Now thats actually deceiving customers. My sister had chickenpox so she cant go to the gym for 2 weeks, she wanted to freeze it for a month. When she called the agent, she was told to submit a doctor's certificate ..... huh? I mean it's chickenpox, she didnt go to the doctor because chickenpox goes away in due time. They should LISTEN to their customers, it's as if they are telling us that we are making up lies just to FREEZE the account. This is plain BAD customer service. Where is the promise that they can FREEZE the account ANYTIME for a VALID reason. I mean get real ... do they really want someone with chickenpox to workout in the gym.
I still DON'T RECOMMEND Fitness First. I hope they improve their services for their remaining customers, else they might go out of business soon.
We have the same problem with fitness first. I was also billed after the three months duration and same with your relative opted for the freezing but was billed again the full amount. I would have chosen to terminate it but was persuaded to have frozen instead . What I'm pushing is to have the latest bill reverted out from my credit card. My membership is also open-ended it would have been helpful if these rules were made known as we would end our subscribed month (3rd month).
Post the update of your case, for the many who will be guided and informed. There must be something we can do to assert our rights. I'm considering filing a case.
their rule, sucks.
update on my case:
i followed up many times almost every day, and i was told finally the charges have been reversed na! whew, thank god! but i haven't received my statement yet, i still have to see if really really true. sometimes u can't believe people from that office na.
i read all your posts and im just curious, how the news article about your complaints coming up? im really looking forward to read it and imagine how it would make ff crap in their pants![]()
if FF would attribute all these to clients not reading the contract first, i would say na, they committed the first fault.Â* ngano man?Â* they hired people and make them work for them w/o even having them know the content of the contract they are to present to clients (considering st@rr's conversation with the FF agent).Â* it's clear, niingon ang person from FF, sultian lang cla kon gusto mo-continue...w/o even telling them that they also have to be informed when they are quitting.Â* in fact, the should-have-been-done thing is to tell the clients that they don't have to tell them if they are going to continue rather, if they are to quit coz that's an open-ended contract.Â* why so hard to do that?Â* kung ikaw ang tarung na agent, you would tell clients oi. esp, upon hearing that your client asks on what to do in case they'd like to continue. di ba automatic na unta na i-continue niya-that there is a MUST-to-do when quitting? else, i would say na style na jud na nila ang ilad-ilad business scheme.
and upon listening to clients about these complaints, it seems that FF finds it REALLY hard to revese charges made, when in fact, wala nagamit ang service and the clients have enough reasons.
ngano man?Â* ILAD-ILAD jud tingali ni?Â*
and then there's someone bragging about his being a businessman- Constantine... why brag about this?Â* to show that u know business schemes far better than the rest?Â* that, daghan pa'g dapat mahibaw-an ang mga clients before they have the right to complain? HACOME AGAIN
CEBUANOS frugal? so what? unsa'y problema ana? asking for our money's worth makes us wise buyers. And if people brag of them not asking for their money's worth, that means, they aren't wise. INDEED.
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