Escudero or Defensor? Hmmmmm. It's like choosing between the devil and the deep blue sea, but there must be some lesser evil between the two. I should say both have told lies at some point or another. But there's something so appalling about the way Escudero grandstands on the Filipino people's cause all the time, (like we're so dumb to even notice the irony). You see if they're truly honest about their convictions, then they should respect the process, the constitution, and the rule of law because I believe that the truth if indeed it is the truth will surface however it is pursued, and there can only be one truth---not the truth that either side wants. Besides, the opposition in general who claims that they are for the 84 million Filipinos don't even have a clear blueprint as to how the government is run and by whom if ever the president is ousted. Isn't that a little scary? Honestly it has gotten to a point wherein just listening to the counter arguments from both camps is already annoying. Isn't it ironic that in the opposition's camp we see the daughter of an ousted president go hand in hand with the son of another ousted president to oust our current president? Haven't we suffered enough from the miseries that the past presidencies have brought us? It's an eyesore to see these people in the opposition who now wants to change the course of the governance by getting rid of the present administration and all they say is that they are for the Filipinos. Well, I say this--- They had their chance AND THEY BLEW IT! Now what?