..Enjoy the feeling it brings..maybe talking about it will just ruin the spontainety..
..However, if you really feel hanging with the situation, then ask him straight to the point and get an answer..
.. hahayz kidz, hehe... as they've pointed out, you have two choices; wait for him to express his feelings for you OR you do the asking yourself. point here is honesty.
hala oie... torpe na gae na xa. so help him out nlng gamay.. heheh! kaluoy pod intawn.. balik man ug puppy love..hahaha! btw, talk to him sis. there's no harm in asking aha man gyud inyo relasyon padung...
enjoy na lng the feeling of being an M.U coz mao na cya ang stage na kilig-kilig gamay ba. Enjoy everything you have.,
I find that surprising because it just seems to me that with what you have experienced with love in the past you would know what would be the right thing to do or at least, the best thing for you to do for your happiness.
With that all I can say is, pls_fixme_imbroken, what's the rush?
I still remember your first post here in istorya, it was a thread:
where you talked about your previous past relationships and how they failed. At times you were not at fault, there were times that you're the cause.
Rather than wonder whether or not if your present romance is just a mere fling or hanggang M-U ra ba kani imong blossoming love, take a step back, relax and relish this moment because if it's meant to be more than just a deep friendship or a fling, if it's meant to be love, then it's not something to be worried about or to be nervous about.
Though at times we can't just help the way we feel, we should at least try to control our emotions because these cloud our judgments and if we can't decide what's right, then we'll always end up wrong and that's never a good happy thing, is it?
So breathe, breathe well and wait. While you wait, you can pray for the best or exercise to have fun or worry the things that really deserve your concern. I just think that this shouldn't be one of them.
Hoping for your kind consideration.
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time will tell sissy..basta makahuwat ka..but if di na gyud and you get REALLY confused na, ask him straight..it will benefit you both..
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