Additional books found in the stockroom:
Mini fun junior puzzles for children (with a few answers but in pencil) (

Phil. Legends by gaudencio aquino 1995 133 pages 20php
Wheres wally? Act. Book (2) 50
Another giant book of cartoons and jokes 50 php
religious books:
1000 stories you can use vol. 1 by frank mihalic, svd 50php
the childrens bible 510 pages hardbound 200php
the childrens bible in color hardbound 300php
pictorial guide to bible prophecy by paul lee tan 400 pages 8.5 x 11 hardbound 300
365 guidelines for daily living by Harold sala 1997 50php
Chinese comics (4) 30 php
Archie double digest hardbound 19 left
Archie soft bound 17 left (same price)
Archie single digest hardbound 11 left
Mickey mouse hardbound 2
Richie rich hardbound 1
Wendy and casper hardbound 1
Uncle scrooge hardbound 1
Big books:
Oxford illustrated dictionary vol.1 AAC LEA 300 php (I dont know where the 2nd vol. is)
Funk and wagnalls standard desk dictionary vol. 1 & 2 1987 total: 878 pages 400php
Readers digest complete gyide to needle work hardbound 504 pages 300