wow nice succesful ang meeting. good luck sa group. just post the updates...
any updates
Mr_kyme: so when man kaha ta ani magkita-kits balik? murag fully book man hinoun ko dah sa weekend... kay naa videoshoot on sat and on sunday kay pre-nuptial pud... any suggestion? bai kung naa ka landline, pwedi tawagi ko karon unta sa balay 416-3011... talk ta about the project...
Mr_kyme: basin pud naa ko ipahimu sa imu lain nga project... hehehehehe dili na gyud naku madala gud...
hi, i am so interested with your group and i want to be one of ur useful person... i am and active member of Buhilaman theater group (though graduated long tym ago) but still i am active... we wer also planning to have a play this coming december and it's bisaya... w. songs, dances, comedy, drama, dula-tula style... wer also interested to be one of ur actors in your movies... hope you can contact us... you can reach me at this no: 09158895501. ty...
is this only for boys? coz i'm a girl... ihhiiiih
i can also help in the acting workshop... if you need one... our group will be willing to help.. esp me...or any other workshops related to that...
i'm dreaming to become a filmmaker smeday, finish masters in the us... as i am dreaming of... hu knows....
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