Hi Guys!
To All Newbies in Web Development heres a simple tips to advice...This is very useful...
# Don’t apologize for wanting the job. Ask for it with confidence.
# Do take time to learn contract basics. Learn what should go into a contract.
# Don’t ever work without a contract. You’ll live to regret it.
# Do learn when to walk away. Trust your gut.
# Don’t ever get into an emotional battle with your client. It’s just unprofessional, and there are never any winners.
# Do understand your bottom line when setting prices and accepting projects. Only you know how much you need to live.
# Don’t work for free. Ever. This is not a volunteer job – it’s your career. Treat it accordingly.
# Do ask for feedback and kudos. You can’t know if your client is happy if you don’t ask. It’s a good way to make sure you’ve done what’s expected.
# Don’t shy away from constructive criticism – it only helps you to become a better writer. Listen, turn off your emotions and your ego, and judge the criticism for what it is – a gift. Here’s someone telling you how to do your job better. It could be great advice.
# Do invoice and remain active in seeking payment. If you’ve done the work, you’re owed the money. Period.
# Don’t give in to the methods of avoiding payment. They’re nothing more than avoidance tactics.
# Do ask for advice. Other freelancers have been there and can help you avoid the mistakes. Go to Anne’s forum and feel free to ask.
# Don’t stop learning. You’ll be in this business a long time – you’ll be successful if you understand that each day presents an opportunity to learn and grow your business.