Gradeschool pocketbooks: (Php50)
The Enchanted attic – by adele read (bantam first skylark)
The birds’ Christmas carol – by kate Douglas wiggin (apple classics scholastic)
Santa claus doesn’t mop floors – by Debbie dadey and Marcia thornton jones (little apple scholastic)
39 kids on the block (5)
friends forever (2)
enid blyton (storybook, pocketbook size) (2) - 30
365 stories for kids (pocket book size, thick, very old)
penpals (3)
fabulous 5 (2)
the family circus (comical pocketbook with black and white pictures, 4 books left)
Sweet valley kids (16)
Baby sitters club (11)
Bobsey twins (5)
The 3 investigators
childrens big books:
my story book dictionary (a set of 2 books, hard bound with 222 pages, with some colored pictures) – 200
big book of nature by Maurice burton (hard bound with 313 pages, including zoology, botany, and mineralogy, with good colored pictures, good for gradeschool and early highschool) – 300
stories from the bible (hardbound with beautiful colored pictures) - 200
childrens story book:
the dinosaur princess (pocket book size with black and white pictures per page) – 20
a fairy tale treasure trove by john patience (hard bound, with 9 popular stories inside, beautiful pictures) – 150
kids joke books: 20 – 50 (different thickness)
the joker joke books – 20
smart alecs jokes (6) – 20
1000 monster jokes – 40
1001 dinosaur jokes – 50
best joke book (4) – 20
jokes and riddles by Jeffrey s. nelsen (5) - 30
1000 knock knock jokes - 40
Teen pocketbooks: 50
Sweet valley university (7)
Sweet valley high (9)
Hardy boys (12)
Unicorn (4)
Diy dropouts by jim hutchings (humor comical)
Love stories – #4 the boy next door – by janet quin-harkin
p.s. I love you (sweet dreams) – by Barbara conklin
other books:
crossword dictionary – 80
comic album walt Disney Donald duck (5 stories inside) – 80
dandy cartoon book (3) – 10
asterix and obelix comics (5) – 30
book of tongue twister (super old) – 10
mimi fun junior puzzles for children (with a few answers but in pencil) (3) – 10