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  1. #191

    Default Re: RELIGION

    I saw a beast coming out of the earth, it a crown of ten horns and
    seven heads and on each head a blasphemous title (CCB Catholic pastoral edition - Rev. 13: 1)

    Titles of "Mary" in the RCC

    Life Â*(Jn 11: 25)
    Advocate (1 Jn 2: 1 NAB)
    Lady of All Nations (Rev. 15: 3)
    Queen of Heaven and Earth (Dan. 6: 34)
    Hope (Col. 1: 27 NAB)
    Intercessor (Heb. 7: 25)
    Mother of Perpetual Help (Ps. 109: 5)
    Her Sinlessness/The Immaculate Conception (compare against Rom. 3: 26 and Heb. 7: 24, 25)

  2. #192

    Default Re: RELIGION

    it performs great signs, it even makes fire come down from
    heaven in the sight of men (Dancing Sun)
    - Rev. 13: 13

    it breathed life into the image of the beast (the Eucharist) who was wounded by the sword
    (the Word of God, at first suppressed but as the printing press was invented by Guttenburg, the truth has been revealed after Christians have been fellowshiping in error in the RCC for many years) but has been healed. it forced all people rich or poor big or small, slave or free to worship the image of the beast
    - Rev. 13: 14 - 16

    when we poured wine offerings to the Queen of Heaven and baked cakes in her image did our husbands
    not give us consent?
    - Jer. 44: 19

    My people provoke me to anger they bake cakes and make fire for the goddess they call the queen of heaven.
    My anger will be poured out on this place
    - Jer. 7: 16 - 20

    Prophecies against the Eucharist:

    Heb. 9: 25 - 27
    Heb. 10: 18
    1 Cor. 11: 26

    and in fulfillment of Ps. 78: 2 it is clear that Jesus was speaking figuratively e.g. Eat the scrolls (Ezk. 3: 1- 3)
    Yes his flesh is real flesh (The Word of God) and His blood is real blood (The Holy spirit) but Jesus is no longer body and blood He is in his glorified body (1 Cor. 15: 50 - 55) The perishable cannot inherit the imperishable so flesh and blood cannot enter the kingdom of God. 1 Cor. 15: 50

    He will send his forces to profane the citadel sanctuary (God's temple, us Christians 1 Cor. 3: 16, 6: 19 ) and set up the abominable idol on the highest wing of the temple (The Eucharist) But wise men will teach many (The Protestant Reformers)
    Some of the learned will stumble (Ecumenicals and Evangelists who use the Word of God for their expedient end) but those who hold are strong in the faith will stand firm
    - Daniel 11: 31 - 35 (CCB Catholic Pastoral Edition)

    Once you see what Daniel has prophesied as the abominable idol (let the reader understand) let the people of Judah ( allegory for Christians, God's people) flee to the mountains - Matthew 24: 15 (CCB Catholic Pastoral Edition)

    it had those who did not worship the image of the beast killed (Inquisitions. Those unrepentant "heretics" who didn't worship the wafer were massacred because Ignatius defined them as "the beginning of all evils" hence his command to abjure all factions) - Rev. 13: 14 - 16

    Clearly the Lord's supper was a fraternal meal and was a remembrance but NOT a reinactment of the once and for all sacrifice (Heb. 9: 25 - 27) that is already complete (Heb. 10: 1 although those with inability to love and those who are unable to discern the body (the church) will drink judgment upon himself if he takes the Lord's supper.

    Eat the scrolls (Ezk. 3: 1-3, Rev. 10: 9 ) these were figurative terms NOT meant to be taken literally, meaning internalize God's Word (Is. 34: 16 ) for it is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path (Ps. 119: 105 )

    Knowing Christ (Pro. 9: 10) ("eating his flesh"), we are given the Holy Spirit (his "blood")because of our faith (Gal. 3: 14 ) thus those who have turned to him are saved.

  3. #193

    Default Re: RELIGION

    Quote Originally Posted by Von!-x
    Isn't it ironic that you claimed this yet cannot be sure of your own salvation? You even included Paul in your very own uncertainty of eternal life.

    Can't you claim John 3:16 as it is? Cant' you claim eternal life as a free gift as stated in the Bible? Murag gilisod lisod ra gyud.

    Anyway, with all the dogmas and church doctrines, it cannot change what is written in the scriptures. Sola Scriptura. Sola Fide.

    As I've said, I do not have absolute certainty of anything because absolute certainty belongs to God alone. I do not doubt the ability of God to save me, as you but neither him nor I would be absolutely certain of being saved. My damnation is not proof of the inability or insufficiency of God's saving power; my damnation is of my own doing. Mea culpa, I am all to blamed for my damnation, not God. It is not doubt in God's saving power that makes me uncertain of my salvation, I, being human and not God, merely acknowledge my inability to possess absolute knowledge.

    Of course, I claim John 3:16, but according to its proper context as established by Holy Mother Church, not your flawed interpretation. Eternal life is a gift from those who hold out to the end.

    Anyway, Sola Scriptura and Sola Fide is nowhere found in the Bible, but Sola Gratia and Sola Verbum Dei.


  4. #194

    Default Re: RELIGION

    Quote Originally Posted by Von!-x
    @dacs - verses are quoted here about assurance of salvation! Do you think it's untrue?
    Read my writings. I don't just think that there is no assurance of salvation (as Protestants understand that assurance). I believe that there is no assurance of salvation (as Protestants understand that assurance). Every sin we commit will always be abhorrent to God and will always separate us from Him.

    Quote Originally Posted by Von!-x
    Do you think the apostles died without being exactly sure of salvation?
    The apostles have given their lives to a friend. I believe that they themselves exercise the sacrament of reconciliation among themselves (just as bishops in the Catholic Church confess their sins to other priests). I believe that they have died in the grace of Christ - the friend to whom they have given their lives. There is no greater gift than that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Von!-x
    Do you think popes, priests, saints, died without exactly being sure of where they are going to spend eternity?
    Indeed, that is why we have the sacrament of reconciliation and extreme unction to prepare us and make us more receptive to the grace of God when we are in danger of dying. It is through the grace of God that all of us will be saved.

    Quote Originally Posted by Von!-x
    Do you think that all your knowledge about the catholic church and its doctrines will merit you a place in heaven?
    No and it never crossed my mind. My reward will be great, though, if I speak for Christ and His Body the Church and if I can bring anyone back to the true fold of the Body of Christ.

    Quote Originally Posted by Von!-x
    Are we certain that the saints whom catholics prayed for intercession are now in heaven? You may dismiss these questions, but it cannot change the assurance real believers have in Jesus Christ.
    Yes, we are certain. Why? Because the Church had examined their lives and found it worthy of emulation. The Church then declares them saints which she has the power to do. Pardon me, bro, but you may believe in Christ but you don't obey Him by going against the Church He has founded.

    Quote Originally Posted by Von!-x
    To the others - the time to live is too short! We do not know when our time will come. But it is certain, that one day, we will face our Creator! How good are you to merit a place in heaven? How knowledgeable are you for your name to be written in the Book of Life? Romans 3:10, There is no one righteous, no not even one". Romans 6:23 "The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus" . There is still hope, and that hope is in Jesus Christ. 1 john 5:11-13 "And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life."
    To the others : Probe everything; retain what is good. Know what the early Christians said about Catholic Church and her distinctives. Realize that the fullness of truth can only be found in the Catholic Church. If you have any personal question regarding certain Catholic distinctive, I humbly offer my service to give you an explaination of that distinctive or I will personally point to someone who can assuredly offer you a much clearer explaination. Please limit your question to a single topic for better discussion.


  5. #195

    Default Re: RELIGION

    Read my writings.Â* I don't just think that there is no assurance of salvation (as Protestants understand that assurance).Â* I believe that there is no assurance of salvation (as Protestants understand that assurance).Â* Every sin we commit will always be abhorrent to God and will always separate us from Him.
    Yes, God wants us to be perfect and sanctified.

    I want you to turn them away from that they will receive forgiveness of sins and a place for those who are being sanctified by faith in Me - Acts. 26: 18

    I am the Ressurection and the Life, so those who die believing in Me will live and whoever lives believing in Me will never die - Jn. 11: 25

    To those who overcome, I will grant him to sit in my throne just as I overcame and sit in my Father's throne - Rev. 3: 21

    Who can overcome the world but those who believe Jesus is the Son of God? - 1 Jn. 5: 5

  6. #196

    Default Re: RELIGION

    Quote Originally Posted by Obese Bo Ricardo
    Worship - (as defined in Meriam Webster) an extravagant form of veneration. Sometimes worship can be used as a metaphor. e.g. in romantic relationships people admit that they worship their significant other although they don't literally bow before their partner. or say prayers for their better half
    Thank you. That clears it up. The word 'worship' then is not only used for God alone.

    Quote Originally Posted by Obese Bo Ricardo
    How can this not be called worship:

    Hail holy queen mother of mercy.
    Hail our life (compare against Jn 11: 25) our sweetness and our hope (compare against Col. 1: 27)
    To you do we cry poor banished children of eve (compare against Rom. 10: 13)
    To you do we send up our sighs mourning and weeping in this
    valley of tears, send them most gracious advocate (compare against 1 Jn 2: 1 NAB) your eyes
    of mercy towards us.

    That's not ^ just a written prayer or other mystical form of adoration as the hyperdulia is taught it is Mariolatry!
    Hey, bro! Finish that prayer.

    Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy (Since Christ is Mercy, Mary is the Mother of Mercy)
    Hail, our life, our sweetness and our hope (Remember metaphors? There is also the theological explaination but ...)
    To thee do we cry poor banished children of Eve (Acknowledging our sinfulness is very Catholic.)
    To thee do we send up our sighs (She is my mother as she is the mother of Christ, my brother.)
    Mourning and weeping in this valley of tears (Indeed, that is what this world is.)
    Turn then most gracious advocate (As she served as advocate for the newly wed at Cana to Christ.)
    Your eyes of mercy towards us (Every Christian - as Mary is a Christian herself - has a desire to offer help to everyone; especially to fellow Christians.)
    And after this our exile (Death comes to all of us.)
    Show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus. (Indeed, Catholics are very much into Jesus Christ.)

    Why did you not include the last few lines? It defeats your assertion, yes?

    Quote Originally Posted by Obese Bo Ricardo
    With this premise of worship established:

    The lawless one the one who opposes and exalts himself over
    every so called god or object of worship (hyperdulia)...
    the coming of the lawless one is according to the working of
    Satan, with every sign, and miracle that lies he will use all
    deceits on those who are perishing... with this God sends them the strong
    power of error so that they will believe the lie that those who didn't love the truth will be condemned

    - 2 Thes. 2: 4, 8, 9 - 12
    You are something else. Sorry, bro.

  7. #197

    Default Re: RELIGION

    Contrary to popular belief most modern thought of Satan owes itself to John Milton's Paradise Lost.

    What people don't know is Satan is capable of intertwining truths and lies with wormwood (Rev. 8: 11 )Â* hence Our Fathers in the rosary, or apparitions being able to talk about the passion, death and ressurection.

    Yes, In all apparitions the impostor Mary never openly claimed to be God but honorifics bestowed upon her decorated by the apparitions taking turns are due to God and God alone. (Isaiah. 44: 9 )

    It's funny that they teach a lot of extraneous stuff like for Lucia Dos Santos and her siblings to carry sacks because souls go to hell because no one was able to sacrifice for them (Heb. 10: 18 )
    (Antonio Borrelli's Our Lady at Fatima, July 1917, 2nd apparition) instead of leading them to the concise words of God about salvation such as Jn 11: 25 or Rom. 10: 9. Very simple.

    But that faith, God's wonderful plan had to be eroded. At all costs (Rev. 14: 9 )

    Despite the apparitions being able to talk about Jesus, his death and ressurection it's messages can be summed up like this:
    Pray much. And do good, but whatever you do don't trust in Jesus alone instead put your trust in beads, candles, dead saints (compare against Eccl. 9: 5 - 6)

    of course no apparition said that but we must open our eyes to understand the implications of it all.

  8. #198

    Default Re: RELIGION

    Quote Originally Posted by Obese Bo Ricardo
    Yes, God wants us to be perfect and sanctified.

    I want you to turn them away from that they will receive forgiveness of sins and a place for those who are being sanctified by faith in Me - Acts. 26: 18

    I am the Ressurection and the Life, so those who die believing in Me will live and whoever lives believing in Me will never die - Jn. 11: 25

    To those who overcome, I will grant him to sit in my throne just as I overcame and sit in my Father's throne - Rev. 3: 21

    Who can overcome the world but those who believe Jesus is the Son of God? - 1 Jn. 5: 5
    No Catholic denies that you need faith to be saved. Yet, they also affirm that you need to manifest your faith in good works. All Catholics, on the other hand, denies that you are saved by good works alone.

    Where's your problem, bro?

    I think you have. Bro, let no one deceive you. The person who acts in righteousness is righteous. Everyone who commit sin is a child of the devil (1 John 3:7-. In 1 Corinthians 13:13, St. Paul distinguishes between faith, hope and love (Latin caritas which also mean charity) - and the greatest is love, not faith.

    Assurance of salvation? Romans 13:11 - '...For salvation is nearer to us now than when we became believers' Tell me again what were you saying.

  9. #199

    Default Re: RELIGION

    Quote Originally Posted by Obese Bo Ricardo
    Contrary to popular belief most modern thought of Satan owes itself to John Milton's Paradise Lost.

    What people don't know is Satan is capable of intertwining truths and lies with wormwood (Rev. 8: 11 ) hence Our Fathers in the rosary, or apparitions being able to talk about the passion, death and ressurection.

    Yes, In all apparitions the impostor Mary never openly claimed to be God but honorifics bestowed upon her decorated by the apparitions taking turns are due to God and God alone. (Isaiah. 44: 9 )

    It's funny that they teach a lot of extraneous stuff like for Lucia Dos Santos and her siblings to carry sacks because souls go to hell because no one was able to sacrifice for them (Heb. 10: 18 )
    (Antonio Borrelli's Our Lady at Fatima, July 1917, 2nd apparition) instead of leading them to the concise words of God about salvation such as Jn 11: 25 or Rom. 10: 9. Very simple.

    But that faith, God's wonderful plan had to be eroded. At all costs (Rev. 14: 9 )

    Despite the apparitions being able to talk about Jesus, his death and ressurection it's messages can be summed up like this:
    Pray much. And do good, but whatever you do don't trust in Jesus alone instead put your trust in beads, candles, dead saints (compare against Eccl. 9: 5 - 6)

    of course no apparition said that but we must open our eyes to understand the implications of it all.
    What is funny about sacrificing for the relief of fellow Christians especially those who have died? Are they not part of the Church? Ah, your problem is with purgatory. What is purgatory to you, bro?

    Here is nice webpage you can try. Click here. The article is written by James Akin, an evangelical Protestant who became Catholic. He certainly should now your line of argument.

  10. #200

    Default Re: RELIGION

    Quote Originally Posted by Meganda
    Majority of Catholic doctrine has violated God's Word. Yet millions of Catholics ignore God's instructions and continue following the traditions of men, claiming to be right because they are in a religious majority. Jesus warns:

    "...whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man... And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man..." Matthew 7:24, 26
    First gamble : 'Majority of Catholic doctrine has violated God's Word'. I hope you wont be eating your words. There are only a finite number of Catholic doctrines, and all of them do not contradict the Bible. Show us please all the Catholic doctrines that have violated God's Word?

    After doing so, prove (by quoting the Bible) that the Bible should be the sole rule of faith for Christians.

    Quote Originally Posted by Meganda
    Does God consider you a wise or foolish person? If you believe you can ignore God's commands because you are in a religious majority, you need to read Matthew 7:24-26 again.
    Are you a wise or foolish person? Have you obeyed the command of God that every believer should listen to the Church founded by Christ Himself? To what church do you bring anyone who disagree with you (as commanded in Matthew 18:15-1?

    Quote Originally Posted by Meganda
    Jesus gives another warning to the majority who have disregarded God's Word and are counting on earning their salvation through good works:

    "Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." Matthew 7:22-23
    Second gamble : 'to the majority who have disregarded God's Word and are counting on earning their salvation through good works' Majority of people who call themselves Christians are Catholics. Why do you keep on insisting that Catholics believe that they are saved by their good works? How many times will you have to be told that Catholics believe of the necessity of faith and good works for salvation before this fact sinks in your head? Please tell so that I could repeat it as you need. Ooh, are you not referring to Catholics?

    Quote Originally Posted by Meganda
    How is it that so many Catholics can call Jesus their Lord, yet totally disregard His instructions? Jesus asked that very same question in His Word:

    "And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?" Luke 6:46

    You can ignore this question now, but what will you say when Jesus asks you the same question in person when you die and stand before Him for judgment?
    I have to ask you the same thing : why do you keep on calling Jesus your Lord and Savior whilst disobeying His command of obeying the Church? Why do you keep on founding different churches or on being a member of newly established denomination? Please tell.

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