i have a pet dog, named "unggoy"
A 5 month old Dobbie named CUBA ...
In memory of my best friend Suchel " CUBA " MOrejon now serving 10 - 15 years in the state of Nevada penitentiary for attempted murder , GTA , cocaine distribution .
" A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America
pagkagamay nako ang name sa amo dog na askal kay PAAKA...Originally Posted by emjay_wafa
hershey - Female Golden Ret
Kisses - Female Labrador
Alpo - Mix breed
Tootsie - Dach x askal
dogie - male
blacky - male
ramen - male
nissin - female
maggi - female
alstom - male
bugs - male
bunny - female
kenji - male
maxine - female
pikachu - male
evo - male
lancer - male
kimchi - female
beyonce - female
akong mga dogs ron
kiba = pit
sasha = lab
yuki = pit
aiko - pug
blackeye - pit
dvo - pitbull
dice - mixed breed mini pin
depy - german shepherd
dopey - fish
dusky - fish
doreo - fish
dascha - fish
pitbull = SPiCE
kay chix man cya then comback concert man 2 sa spice girls pagpalit namo niya
shihtzu-terrier = BRuNO
kay gamay man cya nga MALDITO kaau hehehe
my pets name
dogs (tzu mixed) - Mikay and iya puppies Enzo and Ichigo... and also Chewy
cat - Milky
fish - Albee
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