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  1. #71

    Default America, Please Liberate Us Too !!!

    i have to agree with dr. rizal. it seems all filipino communists are just concerned with promoting their propaganda and sending impressionable young minds to their deaths, than they are about helping filipinos. why are the highest ranking "Communist" officers in western, non-communist nations? while, "directing" their so-called arm rebellion from the comforts of their homes in canada, the u.s. and europe. do they plan on returning and actually practicing what they preach? is their "revolution" just solely about bloodshed? what have they actually done for the good of our nation? i'd like JoRed to atleast give us a partial list of the good accomplished by the so called Philippine Communist movement (hopefully it will be a list that we can all verify, and accomplishments that do not involve "martyrs" and "heroes", who gave their lives for the "cause").

    i really have an aversion to propaganda, as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by J0se_Rizal
    Quote Originally Posted by JoRed

    " May kaliwa't, may kanan sa ating lipunan...
    Patuloy ang pagtutunggali, patuloy ang paglalaban...
    Pumanig ka, pumanig ka...huwag nang ipagpaliban pa...
    Ang hinde magkapagpasya ay MAIIPIT sa gitna..."
    " Magkabilaan " ni J. Ayala

    by the way, JoRed... i personally know Joey Ayala. i was the one who introduced him to the Pusod/Babilonia foundation in Berkeley, CA.

    he too feels the same way i do, about propaganda spouting "communists" living comfortably in the WEST.

    so do most others, here in the Philippines, who are actually trying to affect change.

    so, please...

    stop with the propaganda, JoRed!!! (we need true revolutionaries, not arm-chair revolutionaries, without anything significant to add).

    "Ang hinde magkapagpasya ay MAIIPIT sa gitna"-- YOU are the one stuck between your "communist" Propaganda and living in the West.

    So when will you DECIDE to come home, and HELP?

  2. #72

    Default America, Please Liberate Us Too !!!

    Ha! Communists with nothing in their minds but money... they are waging an obsolete war... they're better off playing Red Alert 2....
    ڤيكتور البَرت جَبيلاغين

  3. #73

    Default America, Please Liberate Us Too !!!

    Your contributions are indeed commendable, Dr. Rizal.

    Hopefully, these young kids realize that taking up arms against a more formidable opponent is not the most strategically wise option to take.

    And realize that true revolution is in the day to day grind, in which one helps his fellow man actualize his potential.

    You've given us an example to emmulate. and hopefully, others will follow.

    Quote Originally Posted by J0se_Rizal
    "What have you done for the Filipino people today?"

    I'm a doctor, specializing in oncology.

    those who are in the high and middle class pay me enough to be able to have the minimum in life.

    while those who cannot, i offer my services for free.

    what i am not doing, is ranting and raving about killing more people.

    allow me to throw the question back to you...

    "What have you done for the Filipino people today?"

  4. #74

    Default America, Please Liberate Us Too !!!

    Very interesting points. I always thought the Communists were here to protect and fight for us.
    Now, I'm more suspicious of their Agenda. Thanks for the info, guys !!!

    Quote Originally Posted by dirk
    i have to agree with dr. rizal. it seems all filipino communists are just concerned with promoting their propaganda and sending impressionable young minds to their deaths, than they are about helping filipinos. why are the highest ranking "Communist" officers in western, non-communist nations? while, "directing" their so-called arm rebellion from the comforts of their homes in canada, the u.s. and europe. do they plan on returning and actually practicing what they preach? is their "revolution" just solely about bloodshed? what have they actually done for the good of our nation? i'd like JoRed to atleast give us a partial list of the good accomplished by the so called Philippine Communist movement (hopefully it will be a list that we can all verify, and accomplishments that do not involve "martyrs" and "heroes", who gave their lives for the "cause").

    i really have an aversion to propaganda, as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by J0se_Rizal
    Quote Originally Posted by JoRed

    " May kaliwa't, may kanan sa ating lipunan...
    Patuloy ang pagtutunggali, patuloy ang paglalaban...
    Pumanig ka, pumanig ka...huwag nang ipagpaliban pa...
    Ang hinde magkapagpasya ay MAIIPIT sa gitna..."
    " Magkabilaan " ni J. Ayala

    by the way, JoRed... i personally know Joey Ayala. i was the one who introduced him to the Pusod/Babilonia foundation in Berkeley, CA.

    he too feels the same way i do, about propaganda spouting "communists" living comfortably in the WEST.

    so do most others, here in the Philippines, who are actually trying to affect change.

    so, please...

    stop with the propaganda, JoRed!!! (we need true revolutionaries, not arm-chair revolutionaries, without anything significant to add).

    "Ang hinde magkapagpasya ay MAIIPIT sa gitna"-- YOU are the one stuck between your "communist" Propaganda and living in the West.

    So when will you DECIDE to come home, and HELP?

  5. #75
    Helio^phobic gareb's Avatar
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    Default America, Please Liberate Us Too !!!


    people are losing hope NOT because they are lazy... it is because they have done all that they deem moral and good... and yet they see no light at the end of the tunnel.

    can u blame them for wanting radical change when they cannot eat three times per day? can u blame them for wanting a new form of governance when their lands have been taken away from them? can u blame them for wanting to get rid of a supposedly corrupt governments who they think has not done them any good except perhaps used their cause as propaganda come election time?

    really now... there are ulterior motives... nobody i believe is an exception. it is a matter of knowing who is for genuine and selfless service and who is not.

    and now you are talking about BLAMING PEOPLE and NAME CALLING? please guys... u are better than this!

    see it this way...

    when a person has done all that he knows of to at least in a little way alleviate the disease of the society as much as one can... when one tries his most earnest to at least have that prosperous life for himself and his family... when one does what he can and knows how for the common good of all...

    and FAIL! can not one think that perhaps the FAULT is NOT in the process of TRYING and PERSEVERANCE but on the hopless system that one is in?

    and please do not tell me it is because of the Filipino's inate laziness, escapism, and all those pessimistic traditions that we supposedly had from our ancestors and former() colonial masters! filipinos are BETTER THAN THAT! u know this! u are filipinos urselves. can u not see it?
    “What we call chaos is just patterns we haven't recognized. What we call random is just patterns we cant decipher. What we can't understand we call nonsense. What we can't read we call gibberish.” - Chuck Palahniuk

  6. #76

    Default America, Please Liberate Us Too !!!

    Yes yes, but why are people like JoRed and JoMa Sison. Those who are our "communist" saviours in western non-communist nations, like canada, britain, the u.s. and the netherlands. If they believe their cause and idealogy so much shouldn't they be in vietnam, china, or cuba?

    Makes one wonder? why? Maybe this whole "armed revolution" is just some business venture. Where's the money going? More young students and children die as "martyrs" and "heroes" for the "cause", but I see no improvement. Where's the money going? and Who's getting rich?

  7. #77

    Default America, Please Liberate Us Too !!!

    Quote Originally Posted by mental slave
    America, Please Liberate Us Too !!! We Filipinos Promise Not to Resist Like The Iraqis. We have Always been Good and Obedient to You. Please Liberate Us?
    Your topic's title should be changed to "America, Please Dominate Us Too !!!"

  8. #78

    Default America, Please Liberate Us Too !!!

    good points guys!!!

  9. #79
    Site Keeper clarkhkent's Avatar
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    Default Do You Want U.S. Statehood For the Philippines?

    It was forwarded to my mail and i just wanted to share with you guys ...
    Do you think its possible Any comment and feedback? i know some of us here knows already about this but i ask na lang yur opinion!!!

    para nako sugot ko ani, for the sake of next generation

    Do You Want U.S. Statehood For the Philippines?

    It can be a possibility. Let your voices be heard)

    Why the U.S. may want the Philippines as a 51st state
    http://philippinegovantigraft.homest...oodB.htmlClick here)

    The Protocols (Procedures) in gaining U.S. Statehood For the Philippines
    http://philippinegovantigraft.homest...oodC.htmlClick here)

    For the Philippines, it's better to be bigger by becoming a member of the
    United States than being a beggar by remaining a member of the United
    Nations. If Filipino rich politicians and high goverment officials are
    sending their children and close kins to the United States for a good life,
    and buying real poperties in the U.S., why not make the Philippines a state of the U.S. so that the poor common Filipino people, likewise, can have the opportunity to enjoy a better life as much as those enjoyed by the families of rich government officials? Pagna-ipit na sa kanilang mga kalukuhan sa govierno, tatakbo agad sa U.S. Don't you think there is a bit of hypocricy by politicians who oppose U.S. Statehood for the Philippines?

    Without the help of the United States, it is a sad fact that
    the Philippine Government by its own efforts could NOT even defend the
    national integrity and sovereignty of the Philippines from attacks by a few
    gangs of Abu Sayyaf kidnappers.

    On top of that Filipinos are being told that there is a need (or a
    joke?) to hire Ex-Mayor Rudolph Giuliani of New York as presidential
    consultant in order to solve the worsening peace and order situation in the Philippines.

    If such is the case, we might just as well find a way to become
    a state of the United States and make the Philippines a permanent peaceful place to live in. If the Filipino people would realize the great benefits, featured in a web site below, which we will surely obtain when the Philippines becomes a state of the United States, a great majority of them, specially the poor, will vote for U.S. statehood.

    After all, the United States may just be as eager to make the
    Philippines a state of the United States. If not, why do they care to the
    extent of sacrificing the lives of their own young men to help the
    Philippines fight the Abu Sayyaf invasion?

    Let's just be open about this issue: The U.S. wants the Philippines
    and the Philippines wants the U.S. albeit in silence. Take the clue. Let's
    be honest about "pahili-hili bago quiere" mentaility.

    Question: Why do the people in Basilan want the presence of the Americans in their province?

    The Benefits of U.S. Statehood

    Among others, the Filipino people would be able to derive the following
    enormous benefits by becoming a state of the United States:

    1. More employment opportunities for Filipinos will be
    created. Instead of Filipinos going to middle eastern and european
    countries to work like slaves, they can migrate without needing a visa to
    Mainland U.S.A. and get paid no less than the minimum dollar wage of around $6.50 per hour (or 325 pesos per hour or 2,600 pesos a day at present exchange rate) which is strictly enforced even to the lowly housemaids or muchachas. Also more production and income for Filipino farmers who wi ll benefit from modern farming technologies from Mainland U.S.A.

    2. The notorious lucrative kidnaping business and the ever
    increasing cold blooded murders of innocent people will definitely abate or
    even totally stop. This will be accomplished with the application of
    excellent law enforcement techniques now in use in the U.S. in sending
    kidnapers to jail through the strong support of the speediest and fairest
    criminal justice system in the world, the U.S. Grand Jury and Trial Jury
    systems. Illegal gambling and jueteng activities will be greatly
    controlled. More lasting peace will prevail as desired by the Filipino

    3. With the Philippine population of around 80 million, the
    Philippines will have at least 140 electoral votes in U.S. presidential
    elections (compared with California's 54 presidential electoral votes -
    currently the state with the highest number of electoral votes - for its
    population of 36 million) that will serve as a magnet for candidates who
    aspire for the U.S. presidency. Such candidates, specially the incumbent
    U.S. President, will be forced to pledge and provide economic and
    industrial assisstance to the Filipino people if he wants to win a
    reelection to office. National election candidates in Washington DC would
    be begging the votes of the Filipino voters as the Filipinos rightfully ask
    (but not as beggars) for economic ------stance.

    4. Additionally, the Philippines will be assured to have two
    (2) U.S. Senators of its own to represent the Filipino people in the U.S.
    Senate just like every other state of the United States and perhaps also
    around 138 Filipino Congressmen in the U.S. House of Representatives.

    5. Capital investments by big entrepreneurs from Mainland
    U.S.A. will flow into the Philippines which will mean more economic
    development for the Philippines. This will also result to more government
    revenues for the "state" and local governments of the Philippines.

    6. With high tech systems, the U.S. Federal Government would
    ably protect Philippine shores and oceanic jurisdictions. Our claim to the
    Spratly Islands will gain more respect from other contenders to the same
    territory. Other countries around the world will no longer look at the
    Philippines as an easy target for military invasion.

    7. Better education which mean higher income for Filipinos.

    8. Abatement of government graft will be ------red because the
    grand jury and trial jury systems will come into play as required by the
    U.S. Bill of Rights. This will speed up in sending Philippine corrupt
    government officials to jail like the common American people do to their
    corrupt officials in the U.S.

    9. Modernized health and sanitation facilities will be set up
    all over the Philippines. The exposed city canals, the breeding grounds of
    mosquitos and rodents that are causing many illnesses to city dwellers,
    will be provided with safe underground sewage and pipeline sanitation

    10. The Pasig River in Manila and the Pulangui River (Rio Grande) in Mindanao will be dredged to prevent flooding and further used
    for recreation and transportation purposes, thus easing road traffic
    congestions. The large rivers in Bukidnon - Tagoloan and Sawaga Rivers -
    could be harnessed as excellent and ------ive sources of electric power for the whole island of Mindanao.

    11. Modernized housing development will greatly accelerate as
    government corruption is considerably prevented. Improving the home water supply system will be assured.

    12. Building of roads and bridges will accelerate as they will
    be funded with federal allotments.

    13. With improved peace and order condition, the tourism
    industry will flourish as much as, or even more than, Hawaii.

    14. The Philippine economy will undoubtedly maximize its great
    potentials for the benefit of every one.

    15. Filipinos are very resilient and intelligent people and we
    can easily learn the use and improve new technologies. The Philippines can become another Silicone Valley in Asia.

    16. Filipino Muslims, specially the poor, will be able to get
    higher and free education from the U.S. Federal grants and thereby enjoy
    more freedom for themselves and for their children. This will also mean
    higher income for them and better protection in the ownership of their
    properties from land grabbers.

    17. Lastly but not the least, for the good of an unmarried
    Filipino or Filipina and the biyudos and the biyudas. If they wish to
    improve the blood stock and color of their children, they may simply marry a "Blue Shield", or a "White Shield", or a "Black Shield" (whichever turns them on) without the need of seeking a visa or petition for a green card. Think of the best part of it, mga kababayan na singles pa.

    Why settle for less with Balikatan when we can get them all for
    all generations of Filipinos to come with U.S. Statehood?

    For those who oppose U.S. statehood for the Philippines, what
    can they offer in exchange for the better benefits stated above? NOTHING but more kidnaping, bank roberies, rebellion, prostitution and slavery of
    OFWs and worsening government corruption to the point where the common and poor Filipino people will become slaves of government officials and politicians like what is happening today in Sudan, Somalia, Uganda, Nigeria, Etc., whose people, many of which are like walking skeletons for lack of adequate nourishment.

    The best alternative to U.S. Statehood is the establishment of
    the Grand Jury and Trial Jury Systems To Let the People Decide
    In Criminal Justice Affairs and dismantle the self-serving Government Monopoly of Justice which is the root of all evil of government corruption
    and compadre systems in "high places" of the Philippine Government.

    thanks for reading this long story!!!

  10. #80
    Helio^phobic gareb's Avatar
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    Default Do You Want U.S. Statehood For the Philippines?

    i am strongly against this.

    to make ourselves lay prostrate at the feet of this power will only attest to our cowardice and ognorance to what is really happening. to do so is to close our eyes to the countless violations this particular power has contributed to the philippine nation.

    why not make the Philippines a state of the U.S. so that the poor common Filipino people, likewise can have the opportunity to enjoy a better life as much as those enjoyed by the families of rich government officials?
    practically unrealistic.

    Pagna-ipit na sa kanilang mga kalukuhan sa govierno, tatakbo agad sa U.S.
    a blatant sign of their "pagkatuta", don't you think?

    Without the help of the United States, it is a sad fact that
    the Philippine Government by its own efforts could NOT even defend the
    national integrity and sovereignty of the Philippines from attacks by a few
    gangs of Abu Sayyaf kidnappers.
    oh but we could have. it's just that we did not want to. the government used the issue of the abu sayaff to justify the entry of the american troops here in the country, aside from the fact that the American government has its own agenda for pursuing the abu sayaff, not only because of its supposed links with osama, but also because it is a renegade group formerly administered by the CIA. they do not want this fact to be known. but we know better.

    After all, the United States may just be as eager to make the
    Philippines a state of the United States. If not, why do they care to the
    extent of sacrificing the lives of their own young men to help the
    Philippines fight the Abu Sayyaf invasion?
    there is basically no correlation to the "help" as to their "eagerness to make us the 51st state. we just cannot see that this power will not work if it cannot have something in return.

    Question: Why do the people in Basilan want the presence of the Americans in their province?
    no they do not. human rights violations have risen up to alarming levels since the americans landed in basilan. people are being tortured, houses are being burned. people being shot and killed. all because they were suspected to know somethig about the abu sayaff.

    if these "benefactors" are really that great, how and why did the bandit abu sayaff escape to zamboanga del norte and has just recently added a few people to their collection of abductees?
    “What we call chaos is just patterns we haven't recognized. What we call random is just patterns we cant decipher. What we can't understand we call nonsense. What we can't read we call gibberish.” - Chuck Palahniuk

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