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  1. #111

    Default Re: RELIGION

    Dacs, you got spirit kid I'll give you that.... what? THe prayers answered and ascertained 100% by the CIA to not be coincidence? That's a fractured evidence. Heck even the heathen and Feng Shui have hundreds of signal graces...

    I even wonder if you've bothered to take a look at Bro. Lasala's article. He's SVD anyway:

    Yes you got spirit at least your arguments are supported by Scripture and documents that are considered authentic because of "Sacred Tradition" even much more credible than those who argue here without Scriptural defense or references..... but at least take a look at Bro. Lasala's article.

  2. #112

    Default Re: RELIGION

    @Obese Bo Ricardo ive read the link you have given mr.dacs, and im still waiting for dacs to explain some of it..

  3. #113

    Default Re: RELIGION

    Quote Originally Posted by randy111979
    You mean Richard right? Last time I check, Catholic pa man ko. hahahahaha. And the way your handling your discussion s.n.m.p. i think you have lots to learn of being a Catholic.

    Keep up everything bro, but don't forget your values. God bless.
    No, you are not. You may wish to be, but wishing does not make you a Catholic. Being makes you a Catholic. You have derided a priest, an alter Christi. That is not a behavior of a Catholic. You may have claimed baptism into the Catholic Church but you surely can lose that membership into the Body of Christ - and, from your posts, you have chosen where you want to be.

  4. #114

    Default Re: RELIGION

    Quote Originally Posted by silent-kill
    @s.n.m.p is this the way you behave as a catholic? "na tumba pa ang taw imo pag gi luwaan"..
    Asa nga post niya giluwaan, bro?

    Quote Originally Posted by silent-kill
    so, are you saying that the picture is jesus him self?.. can you give me a link or something... on how jesus really look like. cause ive seen lots of version of him.
    Mao lagi ni. Pangutan-on unya dili motubag. How do you know it is not His image? Hulat ko sa imong tubag ha?!

    St. Thomas Aquinas, considered to be the greatest mind in Aristotlean philosophy, wrote in his Summa Theologica, II-II,81,3 ad 3:

    Religious worship is not directed to images in themselves, considered as mere things, but under their distinctive aspect as images leading us on to God incarnate. The movement toward the image does not terminate in it as image, but tends toward that whose image it is.

    Do you know what are cherubims? Have you seen one? Do you most of Israel at the time of Solomon have seen one? A number of times, Israelites are asked to make images of cherumbims. Read Exodus 25:18, Exodus 37:7-9, 2 Chronicles 3:10-13, 1 Kings 6:23, Ezekiel 41:17-18 and Hebrew 9:5. Where they exact image of cherubims? Was it necessary to have an exact image of cherubims?

    Additionally, statues and icons are two different things - at least, in their theological importance. Icons have a more stringent requirement. Their design, color, and other characteristics actually speaks of theological things. Statues are a lot simplier by comparison, and less stringent.

    Quote Originally Posted by silent-kill
    i have a neighbor who was a catholic before... when she became a born again christian she burned all statues , images of jesus and saints... so did she sinned?
    Actually, we faithful Catholic also burn statues and images of Jesus and the saints. Since these things are sacramentals, we dispose of worn-out images and broken statues by burning them. In the case of statues, we break them to small pieces so that no recognizable piece remains. Then, we bury them. All without malice.

    If she knew what these things represent and convey and understood the theology behind them, then she had committed a grave sin.

    Quote Originally Posted by silent-kill
    ~is st. NiƱo jesus?[please answer this]
    A represention of the Child Jesus, yes.

    Quote Originally Posted by silent-kill
    ~so is god giving special favors, attetions to saints, does he listen more to saints?, ?.. does it mean if more people including saints pray to god the more he listen to your prayers?. [pls answer this]
    Have you read Proverbs 15:29? How about Romans 5:18? Saints are men and women who have proven their righteousness before God and the lives they have lived showed it. Job had proven his righteousness before God (though he may have stumbled sometimes). His intercession for his friends is worth more to God than the prayers of the three. Indeed, God listens more to saints who are righteous before His eyes than to us who can still sin and is sinning.

    Your last question actually surprised me. You have never heard of Christ saying 'where two or more are gathered in my name, I am there among them (Matthew 18:20)'? You can answer your questions yourself : who is God more likely to listen to - a man who is still sinning and is a sinner or one who been judged righteous by Him?

    Quote Originally Posted by silent-kill
    ~why does catholics have repetitive prayers? didnt god tell something about repetitive prayers?, or is it more on traditions?...[pls answer]
    You have never read my posts, have you? I have already answered that query. For your convenience, look at Matthew 26:44. Who is repeating the same prayer using the same words on the same night? How about Revelations 4:8? Would you stop them from praising God? After all, it is 'vain repetition', right?

    Quote Originally Posted by silent-kill
    why is it holy, who made it holy?.. god said "many church will stand by his name but still he did not recognize them" can you prove that jesus recodnise the catholic church to be his church? [if your answer is "can you prove it is not" then it cannot be proven].
    Notice your quotation, bro? It actually says that the churches that will come later will not be recognized. The Catholic Church is the only one founded by Christ. It will be a waste of time to establish again what I have posted previously. Read the posts, bro. There is no other church who claims to be Christian who can claim that truth historically, biblically, logically and theologically.

    Quote Originally Posted by silent-kill
    if jesus established one church and lets say it was the catholic church, does it mean all churches except catholic churches are wrong and not recognize by jesus?.,

    "hebrews 9:24 For Christ do not entered into the holy places made with hands"
    The Catholic Church recognizes Lutheran, Presbyterians and members of some other Protestant churches as separated brothers and sisters in Christ. The Church therefore also recognizes the need to bring them back to the true fold. One flock, one shepherd, one faith. The phrase - one flock, one shepherd, one faith - could not be applied to Protestant churches as a whole. They differ on things they consider essential. Some believe that baptism could only be administered to adults while others believe that infants could be validly baptized. Some believe that baptism is not necessary for salvation; others recognized the necessity of baptism. Yet, the same phrase - one flock, one shepherd, one faith - is true for the Catholic churches around the world.

    There are a number of errors in Protestant teachings. Sola fide and sola scriptura are two of the most obvious which is shared among most - if not all - Protestant denominations.

    Hebrew 9:24? He entered the synagogues in Israel, right? He sure did enter the Temple at Jerusalem. He also identified Himself with the persecuted Christians (Acts 9:4-5).

    Quote Originally Posted by silent-kill
    ~if religion is not flawed. why does similar religions that believes in jesus have conflicts about each others teachings?..
    Simple - because they hold erroneous man-made doctrine. (Sounds a Protestant addressing Catholics, huh?)

  5. #115

    Default Re: RELIGION

    Quote Originally Posted by Obese Bo Ricardo
    Dacs, you got spirit kid I'll give you that.... what? THe prayers answered and ascertained 100% by the CIA to not be coincidence? That's a fractured evidence. Heck even the heathen and Feng Shui have hundreds of signal graces...
    What are you saying, bro? You are not making any sense? Have you ever tried to verify the past and present documented evidences about the medical miracles that had occured and is occuring at Lourdes? You could easily verify that the doctors who examined these people who have obtained miracles are, for the most part, non-Catholics. Any doctor could actually participate in the examination of its credibility. Not all cures that had occured in Lourdes are considered miraculous but a large number of them had been verified by medical experts and practitioners to be miraculous.

    Quote Originally Posted by Obese Bo Ricardo
    I even wonder if you've bothered to take a look at Bro. Lasala's article. He's SVD anyway:
    What if he is SVD? Martin Luther is an Augustinian monk. So, what's the fuss? He is not the Pope, is he? Is he a bishop? No? If he is a priest, then what? No priest has any faculty outside of his bishop. Without the permission of his bishop, no priest could celebrate any of the sacraments validly unless there is a life-or-death emergency. No priest can teach about religious matters without the permission of his bishop and no priest is considered infallible.

    Quote Originally Posted by Obese Bo Ricardo
    Yes you got spirit at least your arguments are supported by Scripture and documents that are considered authentic because of "Sacred Tradition" even much more credible than those who argue here without Scriptural defense or references..... but at least take a look at Bro. Lasala's article.
    Let me have your argument then. Obviously, Lasala's article is not Scripture. You are trying very hard to connect the dots that you have never looked at the bigger picture. Fortunately, I have found and seen the bigger picture and it had guided me to the relationship of all the dots. I have found Truth.

  6. #116

    Default Re: RELIGION

    Do you think it's high time to ask Protestants for answers regarding their faith.

    Let me start this:

    Read Luke 1:48 - '... behold, from now on, all ages will call me blessed.'

    Do Protestants call Mary blessed? Did they ever have a positive discussion on Mary outside of Christmas? How do Protestant do it?

  7. #117

    Default Re: RELIGION

    Mary is indeed Blessed but we should not extol her beyond the place of another believer.
    Lasala's article is based on scripture and I use it because I am too tired to argue.

    You didn't even read the article...... it's actually a Scriptural interpretation of why the Roman Church is the biggest Christian denomination (and how it fits into prophecy) and all the supernatural miracles involving "Mary"....... or the Divine Mercy.

    Sorry for being so repetitive:

    If Mary were alive today certainly she would not want us to accept the excess baggage taught in Roman Catholicism... the problem I have with Protestants is their religious banner why go by a different name? It is only Christ who died for us therefore we should all go by the name Christian it wasn't Luther or the Pope or the Roman soldiers who died for us.

    Again, please bother to click on the link and give the article a read. Thanks. Am not advertising, there's nothing special about that webpage but the content.

  8. #118

    Default Re: RELIGION

    Quote Originally Posted by Obese Bo Ricardo
    Mary is indeed Blessed but we should not extol her beyond the place of another believer.
    Lasala's article is based on scripture and I use it because I am too tired to argue.
    You never answered the 'how', bro.

    Quote Originally Posted by Obese Bo Ricardo
    You didn't even read the article...... it's actually a Scriptural interpretation of why the Roman Church is the biggest Christian denomination (and how it fits into prophecy) and all the supernatural miracles involving "Mary"....... or the Divine Mercy.

    Sorry for being so repetitive:
    Why should I? You never bothered to consider my posts. They are all here now. Why should I bother myself with Lasala? What is his qualifications? I don't even trust some of the priests at the University of San Carlos on some issues. Tell me why should I bother with Lasala?

    I have provided scriptural reference which you have not counter-argued. Prove me wrong, bro.

    Quote Originally Posted by Obese Bo Ricardo
    If Mary were alive today certainly she would not want us to accept the excess baggage taught in Roman Catholicism... the problem I have with Protestants is their religious banner why go by a different name? It is only Christ who died for us therefore we should all go by the name Christian it wasn't Luther or the Pope or the Roman soldiers who died for us.
    Mary is alive in heaven - that I can be sure. She surely sees your endeavor to scatter Christians as a challenge to her sons and daughters in the Catholic Church to go to the battlefield to search and rescue.

    Quote Originally Posted by Obese Bo Ricardo
    Again, please bother to click on the link and give the article a read. Thanks. Am not advertising, there's nothing special about that webpage but the content.
    I have read Pezzota, Brewster and a number of others (including Lorraine Boettner, if I may add). They all say the same thing. Yet, they can never prove that what they claimed as taught in the Catholic Church is actually taught in the Catholic Church. I have read Jack Chick, James White and a number of other anti-Catholic 'apologists'. Bro, they have never given a good argument on their position.

    Sorry, bro. I got better use of my time.

  9. #119

    Default Re: RELIGION

    Judith 13: 18 - even she was to be called the Most Blessed among women. But the RCC has turned "Mary" into singular.

    Pezzota was lacking. and some of his interpretations of the apparitions are tentative whereas Lasala is CONFIDENT and CONCISE. With Lasala, if you make counter-arguments then we might get into a real conversation. There are even interpretations of Revelation 13, the identity of the harlot in chapter 17 proven beyond a doubt. It's NOT in Pezzota or Armado Ang (not familiar with those other "antiCatholic" books you mentioned though)

    Mary of Nazareth lived her life as a humble servant in perfect imitation of Christ's humility. But Mary of the Apparitions, a different person altogether is the exact opposite read more here:

    The common front being proposed by these apparitions is the farce called ecumenicalism the antichrist (Satan vis a vis Mary) just like in the dark ages (after the slaughter of the "heretics" who refused to bow to the Eucharist) seeks to unite all peoples to fellowship in error once again. Mary is the perfect disguise. no one with an iota of love for God would dare revile Mary, or link her name to the antichrist.

    Trust me, what you haven't read in Pezzota is in Lasala's article: if you bother.

    The mediation and intercession (Heb. 7: 25) of Christ is all-sufficient. the need for an alternate source of Hope, Life and another Advocate (1 Jn 2:1) is uncalled for. Those are just one of the attributes ascribed to "Mary" by the RCC, some of those probably courtesy of Alphonsus Liggouri.

  10. #120
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    Default Re: RELIGION

    Nice article Obese. I don't know who Lasala is but he may no longer be an SVD for long. The article he's written is similar to the writings of ex-catholic priests who made a volte-face.

    History books recorded the marian doctrine as one of the later doctrines of the roman catholic church. Though protestants respect Mary, they don't have the same level of devotion as the catholics. If you read the Acts of the apostles, nowhere was Mary exalted, as she is exalted by Catholics today.

    Perhaps, Dacs would like to quote scriptures, and early church writings about Mary. Kindly include also the stand of that idol-breaking pope.

    Mary is blessed indeed. Christians are blessed too.

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