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  1. #1

    Default 5 Things U Wanna Try Doin' Before You Die

    istoryans why won't you share your i-want-to-do-this dilemmas..let's say, you're dying and you're given a chance to have 5 last deeds before you'll pass out.

    here's my TO-DO list:

    1. try on sniffing illegal churvabels..heehee!

    2. eat exotic foods..

    3. cut my hair (as in totally bald, i've never tried it..might as well be happy to see myself with a different trend)

    4.kiss my beau

    5. have a make-over

  2. #2
    C.I.A. acecrystal's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Blog Entries
    1. travel all over the world
    2. see him-----9 years na mi wa nagkita---wa tanan aron friends nami
    3. have a master's degree (europe?) hahaha!
    4. much much money
    5. have my own genie

  3. #3
    1. drive one of those f1 cars
    2. go sky diving
    3. tell her that she is so abusada and still i love her
    4. be as rich as bill gates
    5. travel around the world

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Blog Entries
    business dive
    cave dive
    sky dive
    scuba dive
    Holy Land dive

  5. #5
    to be with my elder bro...
    to buy things that my family needs
    learn how to swim
    buy a new clothers for my funeral
    to kiss and hug every one i love.....

  6. #6
    hug her.,

    kiss her,

    let her feL how much I luv her..

  7. #7

    1) Try sky diving.
    2) Try sea diving.
    3) Cosplay at least 10 characters before I die...
    4) Tell some person that I love that person.
    5) Cut an X-mark on my face...

  8. #8
    1. scuba dive
    2. sky dive
    3. bungee jump
    4. go out with the one i love....
    5. go to paris, france (so what kung walang love life?!?!?)

  9. #9
    (1) Spend 1 whole day with my entire family
    (2) Travel around the world
    (3) Sing in a worship concert
    (4) Watch the sunrise and sunset with my loved ones.
    (5) Spend time with less fortunate kids and tell them how God loves them

  10. #10
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    ako kay

    1) kiss sa ako lalabs
    2) shagit kutob sa makaya kay wa pa ko kasuway tawn ana
    3) buhat tanan wa pa nabuhat
    4) suway pangawat.. hahah!
    5) maghinulsol sa ako mga sala nya mangumpisal para malangit.. ehehe

  11.    Advertisement

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