as an average juan dela cruz, which do you prefer to buy?
Used car lang ko boss.. Di man ko ka-afford gud...
and besides that naa pa jud other reasons:
If you're an enthusiast who want to learn more and would prefer getting your hands dirty than emptying your pocket more, mas nindot ang used car...Not only that you will be forced to learn but you would not hesitate to try things out kay lagi dili man brand new nga delicate pa kaayo)
You can then use the extra money (deperensya sa presyo) in upgrading your car
kung mu gasto mn jud gani ka, gastoha nalang jud.. brand new ..
mag antos pa ka if mag cgeg ka guba imong old used car
kung ako used car for the ff reasons:
1. depreciation sa sakyanan dali ra kau. bisag 1 month old pa dako na kau e ubos sa price
2. normally kung ang taw palit brand new ila jud na ampingan
3. ang ila hago sige panindot ma free inig palit nimo apil tanan accessories - panayming og datu!
if used car:
-ma timing ra ba gyud na nga end of life sa iya parts kana gyud inig saka nimo sa old bridge. Di na mo andar ang car, cause ka ug traffic jam, multa ka ug 1500 for towing plus, obstruction penalty plus cost sa repair/replacement sa part nga nadaut plus gamay nga ulaw kay kit-an ka sa imo mga friends nga nag apong sa imo stalled car hehehe.
if brand new car:
-mabuang ka ug amping. inig park tarungon gyud ug pahimutang aron dili magarasan.
-before and after mosakay murag ka ug praning, sige tan-aw kung naa ba mga garas o dent sa body.
-sige ka palit ug mga accessories para sa imo brand new car.
-sige ka limpyo sa imo brand new car.
Maypa, mag bisikleta na lang ta, exercise na, minimize pa sa pollution, wala pa gyud gasto sa gasolina. hehehe
I thought we're not talking here about terrible used cars....
Depende man sad gud na sa pagpili nimo.. how you carefully picked the car...
Kung akoy mopalit, I would try to know who's the previous owner of the car....
How much is a brand new vios now? 400 to 500K? for half the price, you can get a good working (and sometimes modded) honda civic! and that brand new vios is gonna give you problems too after the warranty period....IMO lang
I would personally prefer BRAND NEW VEHICLES kung ma afford nako .
As much as POSSIBLE I would avoid SURPLUS VEHICLES but it doesnt mean I am closing my heart on USED LOCAL UNITS .
" A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America
ok ra man ang used car as long as kaila ka sa seller, especially the way he/she takes care of the car.
used car lang lang. parehas ra na, maguba gehapun, even brand new. taas pa kaayo depreciation sa brand new. may lang na kung sobra sobra sobra imu money.
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