View Poll Results: Do you believe the "People's Inititive" for Charter Change is unconstitutional?

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  • Yes. It is unconstitutional

    17 31.48%
  • No. It is legal

    37 68.52%
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Results 61 to 70 of 472
  1. #61

    Default Re: MERGED: Charter Change

    Bisan Php20 billion pa, basta lang maka-ayo sa atong nasud ug igsoong katawhan.

    Ngano man sab nga tihik-tihikan 'ta 'ning Charter Change? Unya na lang ta magkwenta-hay tapos sa Cha-Cha.

  2. #62

    Default Re: MERGED: Charter Change

    I think the cost is possible especially on Con-Con. Because election throughout the nation is required. But what i saw in the TV this morning was about 3 billion pesos.

  3. #63

    Default Re: MERGED: Charter Change

    I got your point...but what about considering our present economic environment wherein many are really driving hard just to continue living. How much time do we need for this until we be able to say that our economy is now stable and prospering because of Cha-Cha? When gasoline prices would go up to 50 pesos, when a family earning 50 pesos a day would have to spend 1/2 of it just for the transportation fare, or when education on public schools would ask 500 pesos for misc. fees.

    Another thing, I do not judge this directly but as I see it, I just hope that this Cha-Cha is not a political way for PGMA, JVD and FVR to maintain their political party’s clout and control over the country’s politics. And so if we have the same political leaders that would be running our country then what good is this Cha-Cha that would still not serve the interest of the people but still the interest of the leaders.

  4. #64

    Default Re: MERGED: Charter Change

    6.8 billion can't feed million filipinos in a long run.....kung moingon ka nga ipanghatag nalang sa mga street families, this money is just for one day ra...
    but if you use this for the change in our constitution, it would surely benefits the future generation and even you son and daughter...!!!

  5. #65

    Default Re: MERGED: Charter Change

    I also got your point...
    But what I mean is much more than giving the money directly to the street families...As you read, I said OR which means which is better for the present economic crisis that we are facing right now...

  6. #66

    Default Re: MERGED: Charter Change

    Every move of a politician has a selfish motive as well. wether we like it or not. Let's just hope that we can benefit from their personal intentions. That's just how everything works nowadays.

    Two kinds of politician:

    Corrupt with accomplishments. and
    Corrupt without accomplishments.

  7. #67

    Default Re: MERGED: Charter Change

    this is nothing compared to what ERAP had amassed!!

  8. #68

    Default Re: MERGED: Charter Change

    ahak.mahala sad gud.

  9. #69

    Default Re: MERGED: Charter Change

    if that is true that the cost of changing our government costs 6.8 billion pesos then thats very little for what would be the outcome of changing the constitution....

    I am very sure that the people would benefit in this 6.8 billion cost..

  10. #70

    Default Re: MERGED: Charter Change

    If that is the cost to change our form of gov't then be it. Sa business gani bro mu invest man jud ka how much more na the whole nation na atong e change? If it will cost life just to change our beloved Pilipinas then we will do it! for our childrens childrens........ and for the next generations....... i believe, its about time to change the system.

    Dapat optomistic jud ang gov't in terms of planning, future plans i mean. Ngutang man gani silag minilyon para lang ilang e bulsa kani pa na ka-ayuhan sa atong nasud?,....

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