View Poll Results: Do you believe the "People's Inititive" for Charter Change is unconstitutional?

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  • Yes. It is unconstitutional

    17 31.48%
  • No. It is legal

    37 68.52%
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  1. #51
    Site Keeper clarkhkent's Avatar
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    Default Re: MERGED: Charter Change

    diin man ka ana nga figures? pls post the site! thanks

  2. #52

    Default Re: MERGED: Charter Change

    This I heard from the News of a radio station this morning with an interview of Cong. Rony Zamora of San Juan.

  3. #53
    Site Keeper clarkhkent's Avatar
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    Default Re: MERGED: Charter Change

    ic....thanks....pero its came from the opposition na sad like zamora! so i think murag another propaganda na sad ni nila para ang mga taw dili mosugot anang cha-cha....laliman mo nang 6.8 billion pesos.....what u think?

    opinyun lang po!

  4. #54

    Default Re: MERGED: Charter Change

    Yes you have a point. But I don't think this are just propaganda co'z as what I have heard the two commentators are having this topic and their amount argued is just 6.2B until suddenly they called up Cong. Zamora and confirm that it is 6.8B. And so I don't think that the radio station would be included for such propaganda thinking that Cong. Zamora is in the opposition side.

  5. #55

    Default Re: MERGED: Charter Change

    6.8bilyon shared to every filipinos is roughly about P90-P100 for each filipinos.
    current philippine population is 70-80 milyon.

  6. #56

    Default Re: MERGED: Charter Change

    Could the threadstarter please post links to any article regarding this?

  7. #57

    Default Re: MERGED: Charter Change

    If it's worth it then why not... but please don't let those congressmen do the changes to our constitution.

  8. #58

    Default Re: MERGED: Charter Change

    Cha-cha to start from w/in the minds and hearts every politician doesn't cost even a single penny..

  9. #59

    Default Re: MERGED: Charter Change

    Quote Originally Posted by polie
    Post your comments about this MUCH amount for CHA-CHA...

    For me, why don't they just give some of this to our street families or else help our public schools to improve by the ways of facilities and books. And for sure lots of this will just go to the pocket of the leaders of this movement like JDV...
    For me, your suggestion is of good cause but I think it would only be a short term relief and benefit only hundreds or thousands of pinoys. Those facilities and other materials you’ve mentioned are prone to wear and tear phenomenon. After a few years, the government would still need for additional budget to repair those facilities. Some books might become obsolete as there would be updates in certain subjects.

    Why not consider CHACHA? This could be an instrument to resolve decades long issues about the Constitution’s flaws. It’s too lengthy, yet Constitution scholars found out a lot of errors in there. Not only will CHACHA allow some detailed revisions from its contents, it could also approve recommendations for the shifting of the current presidential system to a parliamentary/federal form of government. Thus, forming a unicameral body (fusion of executive and the legislative branch) which would mean better communication between the two. In addition to this, the trimming down of the number of legislators would reduce enormously the national government’s expenditure while getting rid of decades-long duplication of work from the legislative (senate and congress). Imagine, in the current system, 24 senators are annually allocated P200 million each while 250 congressmen allocated P60 million each which we usually suspect being misused by corrupt legislators.

  10. #60

    Default Re: MERGED: Charter Change

    Quote Originally Posted by polie
    This I heard from the News of a radio station this morning with an interview of Cong. Rony Zamora of San Juan.
    threatened lng talaga ang kadaghanan nga naa dri sa NCR kay din-a kaayo masulo nila ang mga foreign investors....

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