for sale & for trade post your offers
RAM memory
[img width=500 height=375][/img]
1.PC-100 128MB = 600php last price 500php

2.PQI DDR-266 256MB = 1800php last price 800php

3.PC-133 StarRam 128MB = 950php last price 700php (never been used kay d compatible sa usa nako ka PC)

4.PC-133 128MB = 950php last price 500php

hard disk Seagate 10.2GB & 40GB and Maxtor Model: 90871U2(wa ko kabaw pilay campacity) = 1.5k all 3 ang tulo gyud ang palitun
i dont know if naa bah bad sector or defective bah kay dugay nani wa panggamita
[img width=375 height=500][/img]
lan card ethernet slightly used =100php box and installation software included
[img width=500 height=375][/img]
3 Fan Function in 1(usa ra ni kabuok)
Smart Case Fan 2 + LED Light = 300php
RFS: pinalit ni sa manila sa ako dad pero d ko kabaw mutaud nya wa nasd ko nahinganlan ani wa gyud ni nagamit with box pa giabug nalang diri sa amu.
[img width=500 height=375][/img]
[img width=500 height=375][/img]
def Hp LCD monitor = 2.5k Hp gyud mahalun baya nah
go to this link
[img width=500 height=375][/img]
[img width=500 height=375][/img]
[img width=500 height=375][/img]
guba ani kay ang power button ra d ko kabaw muayu ako nalang gikuhaan ug parts mau nalang ni nabilin
[img width=375 height=500][/img]
[img width=500 height=375][/img]
[img width=375 height=500][/img]
wa nako gamita kay d ko ganhan sa casing bati ug nawng ako nalang sd gikuhaan ug parts mau nalang ni nabilin
video card wa ko kabaw unsa klase nah video card
2CDroms ang usa ani sure ko ayu nya ang usa kalimut nako ayu bah or d
[img width=375 height=500][/img]
[img width=500 height=375][/img]
[img width=375 height=500][/img]
mau ni ako last nah PC ako nani gijunk kay naa nako bago
celeron 900Mhz
disket drive
[img width=375 height=500][/img]
[img width=500 height=375][/img]
[img width=375 height=500][/img]
ang CPUs wa pa koi price pero PM me pila inyu offer
up sd mu ani nah thread beh hehehe :mrgreen:
RFS: i dont need these items
take note: no warranties thats why its cheap
My other stuffs for sale
PC parts
HP 17"LCD monitor