bsta naai mu posess nko mulala kog daghang asin...hahaha!!!
bsta naai mu posess nko mulala kog daghang asin...hahaha!!!
I know the questions are addressed to silverhawk, but i wld like to answer them to
what do you hope to accomplish with these activities?
We aim to help those in need of our services...we don't aim to please
The outcome we hope to achieve is a balance
(that which is without any extremes in energies that may have disrupted, disturbed or harmed any being in any place of existence being manifested in the physical plane)
we aim to resolve the issues psychically that which cannot be resolved by any other natural means
we also aim to have a harmonious and balanced co-existence between all beings in all planes
what is your purpose of questing spirits?
the term "questing" has been connotated with our native term to mean "channeling"
channeling and communication with spirits, elementals or any entities
is just one of the means of CPS to investigate these cases considered "paranormal"
the purpose of which is to either send earthbound spirits to the light
to gather more information from a departed soul to reasolve a certain dispute/issue
or to negotiate with an elemental for a harmonious co-existence
nothing more, nothing less...
do you guys have a direction or a mission statement to follow?
yes, we have a set of guidelines too as well as principles to abide by
one of which is to harm none
after questing, then what?
we hope that after a balanced assesment involving both scientific and psychic means, we can come up
with solutions that may empower or guide the people seeking our help in this field
counseling and making them understand the situation is of primary importance
what's in it for you?
we believe that whatever we sow...service, kindness, goodwill, generosity... to the universe
it will be repayed by the universe in the opportune time threefold
thus, our services are free of charge
actually, the experience itself is enough
for me, it gives me an the opportunity to discover myself and my environment
learn experientally, develop my abilities, reap good karmic points by helping people
and above all, push my spiritual evolution a notch higher
PSIONICS 1 topics:
Foundamentals in Psychism: What is Energy?
Psychic Senses: What's your keenest sense?
Psychic Hygiene and Defense
Psychic Reading Techniques: Aura reading, Intuitive diagnosis, Psychometry, Retro/Pre- cognition
Practical Applications: Healing & Creative Visualization
Yes, these topics can be read in any book or downloaded from the internet...
ANSWER: EXPERIENCE...this is priceless
Can you ask the author of the book if you want to clarify something?
Can you know whether something works for you or not?
Isn't it more FUN to learn with those who have tried it?
Whether you believe in these things or not is entirely up to you...
And I am just encouraging ONLY those who may have a spark of interest in these things
Our statement are not alone... and now the only thing to do is...
RESPOND. Blessings!
[br]Posted on: May 11, 2008, 02:23:37 AM_________________________________________________hahahaha...Originally Posted by Ramini
ello loyd, miz ka na namin sa grp, hope u cld join us sa PSi
nway, most of us are camera shy...
so im guessing that mas lalo na ang mga kalag..bwehehehe
full confidentiality in investigations are observed at all times
so suffice to say, dili mi magdala-dala ug media men sa among luyo
kay samok kaau na, maglagot pa ana ang mga kalag ug ungo samot!
All I know about psionics is that of what the Wingmakers site has been giving out. From this site mainly. If there is any difference on their methods, then I would be glad to join this group. But if their methods are just plainly the same and just a variety of some Rosicrucian group, I think I'll pass. Any enlightenment on the matter will be appreciated. Thank you very much.
hello cosplay
the psionics module is a collaboration of learnings from different schools of thought
And mga authors/speakers are
Wiccan, Kabbalistic, Rosicrucian, Pranic Healers, etc.
Not to mention the very first module maker is also a certified paranormal specialist
in a variety of things including Reiki and Black Hat Feng Shui in the US
I encourage you to find it out for yourself...
Where is the venue? I might sked a meeting today..Originally Posted by iczyes
tentative venue is Mountainview park hotel
tentative meeting place is JY square
for final details, just txt me @09178917532
a.) Pilay BAYAD sa seminar?
b.) Pilay BAYAD sa mga ekipos [equipment] ug kahimanan [gadgets]?
c.) Pilay BAYAD sa kapritso ug ubang mga kabudlay?
d.) Pilay maBAYRAN sa mga mangitag servicio sa mga "questor"?
e.) Pilay MASAPI sa mga tigpaka-aron-ingnon nga makakita'g espiritu?
forrester, wa ko kasabot sa ubang pagbinisaya nimo kay lalom kaayo..hehehe
anyway, i'll try to answer in the best possible way...
a.) Pilay BAYAD sa seminar? 700 with overnight accommodation, meals, transpo & hand-outs. 500 if willing ka matulog in open air with tents...
b.) Pilay BAYAD sa mga ekipos [equipment] ug kahimanan [gadgets]? gadgets for what?
c.) Pilay BAYAD sa kapritso ug ubang mga kabudlay? aside from that mentioned above, you bring your own provisions like soap, shampoo, junk food, etc... sa seminar
d.) Pilay maBAYRAN sa mga mangitag servicio sa mga "questor"? "questing" or what in CPS we call PSi (psychic and scientific investigations) are free of charge. it is an avenue to give back to the community we belong. OUR GIFTS ARE NOT FOR SALE.IT IS FOR THE SERVICE OF MANKIND.
e.) Pilay MASAPI sa mga tigpaka-aron-ingnon nga makakita'g espiritu? hahaha, funny... we don't pretend... coz in pretending you are fooling only yourself and no one else... we are just like any normal human being out there... we are mostly professionals: doctors, nurses, businessmen, salesmen, architects, computer fact, we are mostly often an achiever in our own fields...and we don't dress to stand out like the gothic wannabbes out there...just see for yourself and you'll know that experience in priceless...
Hahay!Originally Posted by forester
Makaoffend mad sad ni si Forester.
Makakita raba sad ko og spirits.
Mao nay usa sa akong "gifts".
Akong anak nga 9 years old sad makakita usab sa akong makita.
Dili buot ipasabot nga kung dili ka kakita og spirits dili na dayon na tinuod.
Dili baya mi magpabayad.
Dili man sad na angayng bayran kay mawala man ang imong "gift" kung magpabayad ka.
Katong nagpabayad sigurado ko nawala na ilang "gift" tungod kay nagpabayad man sila.
Tinuod nang dunay makakita og spirits, bay oi.
In fact, 3 famous priests in Cebu are known for their gift of seeing these spirits.
They even conduct rituals in getting rid or warding off spirits.
But I don't want to give their names.
I have to ask their permission first.
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