Phil, on Kobe: About Time
Like Kobe Bryant, Jackson said he didn't think Bryant would ever win the MVP, though he felt Bryant was deserving because of his dedication and hard work.
"There's some people that kind of turned their thumbs down on Kobe after the 2003-04 season, after the split-up of the team," Jackson said.
Jackson said the media "kind of washed their hands of being Kobe fans. ... That happens to stars in this game. Familiarity breeds some kind of contempt."
Jackson recalled how Bryant entered the NBA as a 17-year-old who was the "darling" of the league, before the media turned on Bryant.
"You were the ones trading him," Jackson said, laughing.
if wa pa kontrahe si kobe sa media ika 4 na t niya na MVP ni na season...but anyway!!! pinaka nice jud ni na MVP awarding akong nakit an!!!