Source: Spacecat from
Verification: Confirmed
The group sent in advance have all disappeared from their camp.
12番隊から原*究明の為にひよりが呼 ばれる
The 12 division are called in to investigate by Hiyori.
All the 9th squad members from the camp seem to be dead.
Someone stabs Muguruma from behind.
白は襲われる前にテント内で寝てい ためやられた描写はない。
Mashiro didn’t see anything because she was sleeping in the tent before the attack took place.
せいれいていに**、各隊隊長一番 隊舎に緊急召集、
An emergency message is sent to each division captain in sereitei summoning them to an urgent meeting.
ひよりが少し前に出発したと聞かさ 、喜助が現*に向かう?とこで終了
Kisuke heads to the scene shortly after hearing about it from Hiyori? The end.
and another translation...
カラー表紙は少年期の市丸、白哉、 さぎ、そいふぉん、まゆり車九番隊 の名*判明。
The front page (colour) is young Ichimaru, Byakuya, Hisagi, Soi Fon, Mayuri and the names of Muguruma’s 9th division group are also mentioned.
若い*のアコン、眼鏡の女の*の* 員も登*。
There is even the young version of Akon and the girl with glasses.
あと浦原が分解しかけたこんぱくを 型の器に戻せばこんぱくは消滅しな かもと新しいギガイを 試作*。
Later, Urahara is putting a research konpaku into a human model/vessel, if the konpaku isn't destroyed when it's taken out, he'll be testing it in a new gigai.
ヴァイザードはもしかしたら レに入ってる可能性高いかも。
There is a high possibility that the Vizards could enter a gigai like this (TN: not sure if it’s just the writer speculating or an actual line).
個人的には寝てる白の襟がは*けて のを*車が直してるのが意外と優し なと思いつつ…
Kensei shows a tender side and fixes Mashiro’s scarf (?) while she sleeps.
あと*車刺された時、てめえって言 てるので顔見知りみたい。
While being stabbed Muguruma says “You...” and makes a face like he recognizes someone.