@unmei: bro, i will be resposible for the tracking of accounts.
its basically the same as the net but since pinas ta, ill be selling it in pesos and the yearly subscription fee will be handled by me. I will bill you a year after if you'd be still interested t continue the service. Im offering this in PESOS. your yearly subscripton will also be paid in pesos but a little bit above the $20 dollar mark since i will be money transfering this to my US bank account. We will contact you a month before the service end to inquire if you stll would want to continue. About the one month free, no, were not offering it here.
its cash out when you get the unit but i can conduct demos and try it out on your computer so we will know if your intenet connection is capable of such service. Please contact me if you guys are interested. THanks a lot.