Originally Posted by
I mean IRAQ karon dili SA-UNA..(Mas Peaceful man karon compared sa-una)...but I don't want to put you in Harms way...Just 1 DAY not in IRAQ but here in our fiesty and lively streets to prove your experience and streetsmart...
Â*Ok di IRAQ sa una kay mas peaceful daw , MOGADISHU na lang ?? Kabalo ka asa na ?? OFFTOPIC na kaau ta , I decline to put out more info na lang kay mo sulti ra ba ka dayon na NGUGAT ko ug ni BRAG . LOLZ !! Sama sa akong gi ingon , bisan taga NORTH TOWN ka or MARIA LUSIA , pwede ka mahasa diha sa pagka marunong !! Bwahahahahaha !!
You said it right there...Don't be so sure the people you know will vouch for you won't have SOMETHING to SAY about you that you might not like and Is the EXACT OPPOSITE....PAg LOYALTY check daan....
Â*I Â*Dont need to dodong .... those people I was talking about are person who will catch a bullet for me literally so therefore I knew them that much and vice versa . Dont jump to conlusions lage .. BTW , those 100 people I was talking about or so literally kay di to sila mga taga COLON basin mugos na pod ka kuyugon nako sila LOLZ !!
As I said They are not your PETS... I don't know them but you can't keep the quiet for saying certain things quite the CONTRARY to what you CLAIM....Even im not in those 100...pero sa katong mga 100 person make sure mabasa nimo ilang UTOK HA kung walay sila I COMPLAIN bahin ka nimo
Refer to the post above . Kapoy na ug REITERATE sa tao sama niom na BOGO .... hahahaha pastilan nimo dodong oi !!
Â*Ask lang ko nimo ug question ha ONCE and FOR ALL , kung ang akong statements psotive kaau regarding LACSON , mo agree ka nako ??