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  1. #1

    Default badminton players, 38 +

    just wondering because there are many tournaments for different levels. are there also tournaments for people 38 years old and above?
    am sure there lots of middle aged people who are very active in playing badminton. are you one of them? where do you play?

  2. #2

    Default Re: badminton players, 38 +

    38 is not middle age, its supposed to be 60. i know there are tournaments for 40 and above.

  3. #3

    Default Re: badminton players, 38 +

    Unsa man nga tournaments for 40 and above? Naa bay naka-schedule na tournament?


    Middle age is the period of life beyond young adulthood but before the onset of old age.

    According to Collins Dictionary, this is "... usually considered to occur approximately between the ages of 40 and 60.
    The OED gives a similar definition but with a later start point "... the period between youth and old age, about 45 to 60.
    The US Census lists middle age as including both the age categories 35 to 44 and 45 to 54.

  4. #4

    Default Re: badminton players, 38 +

    Let's just say that in our local setting - kadtong dili madawat sa SK (above 35 years old tingale)......... that is a more sensible definition to determine mid-age for Pinoys......

    Ive read that Metrosports and Thristee tourneys had these categories.... sori 4got when & wer......

    u can chek on der posters at the big clubs - metrosports, holiday, city sports, southpoint, etc.

    im within this category but not interested to join tourneys coz of an injury (knees failing me ouch!). ryt now still resting..... i play at southpoint seldom thursday nyts. more regular on holiday spa every sundays. i know of 1 or 2 Istoryans hu r qualified pero dunno kon moangkon cla hehehehehe.....

  5. #5

    Default Re: badminton players, 38 +

    hmmm...., you just copied it from wikipedia (, hehehe! anyway, i still don't consider 38 to be middle age, that's still too young for me.

    anyway, i've heard there is/was a tournament in metrosports with that category, i'm just not sure if it's still ongoing. you can check it out if you like

  6. #6

    Default Re: badminton players, 38 +

    pugong gyud ta edad kay dili ta ganahan tawgon nga "T".
    maklaro ra kung ang mga kaduwa mga batan-on kay mo syagit "T" - time-out hahaha

    sa mga tournament man gud, maglisod gyud ang mga 38 or 40+ players kung walay grouping sa ilang edad. alkansi gyud duwa sa mga batan-on kay hinay na endurance.

  7. #7

    Default Re: badminton players, 38 +

    Quote Originally Posted by BaNGis
    Let's just say that in our local setting - kadtong dili madawat sa SK (above 35 years old tingale)......... that is a more sensible definition to determine mid-age for Pinoys......

    Ive read that Metrosports and Thristee tourneys had these categories.... sori 4got when & wer......

    u can chek on der posters at the big clubs - metrosports, holiday, city sports, southpoint, etc.

    im within this category but not interested to join tourneys coz of an injury (knees failing me ouch!). ryt now still resting..... i play at southpoint seldom thursday nyts. more regular on holiday spa every sundays. i know of 1 or 2 Istoryans hu r qualified pero dunno kon moangkon cla hehehehehe.....
    qualified sa unsa bro? senior citizen? hehehehe

  8. #8

    Default Re: badminton players, 38 +

    kinsa man tigduwa badminton nganhi nga 38 years old and above?

  9. #9

    Default Re: badminton players, 38 +

    ngano ngita man ka 38 years old ang above? dile diay pwede 37 and below? ayaw lang kaayo palabi gud para dile ka mohangak dayon, hehehe!

  10. #10

    Default Re: badminton players, 38 +

    Quote Originally Posted by Divemaster
    ngano ngita man ka 38 years old ang above? dile diay pwede 37 and below? ayaw lang kaayo palabi gud para dile ka mohangak dayon, hehehe!

    hahaha lisod makig-kontra batan-on kay mailhan gyud kinsa naay edad hehehe
    hinuon kung hagiton ug bata-bata dili man atrasan hehehe
    pila naman diay ka?

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