well if you think we have idiotic replies here ryan.... then your the biggest IDIOT of all because your the one who started this thread..... bloody *****!
well if you think we have idiotic replies here ryan.... then your the biggest IDIOT of all because your the one who started this thread..... bloody *****!
to st@rr.... thats why we have to asks questions.... goodness!
to crashburn i dont see any funny there and it doesnt mean that what we posted will make FITNESS FIRST alarming as far as i know now there are some who terminate who went back and sign up so i dont think its ALARMING. for fyi lang pud they dont have 4/6 months membership there.
and guys before you make banat to them!!!!! you have to know what's going on right now sa ila. and for the payment i heared that they have PDC checks and there's a promo if you have mercury citibank card.
constantine, how old are you? You seem to be loosing the chain of thought of the arguement here and you are just spontaneously babling out, third grade grammar.
Do you want me to summarize it again as ive done over and over on my replies?![]()
Hahaha! I think you guys are having a hard time understanding the posts here...
To constantine: just bloody make sure your grammar is bloody correct when you ask questions... just a friendly adviceHahaha!
mods warningOriginally Posted by Constantine
i suggest that you learn tact. your posts are already aiming at a member and not his post.
My suggestion MODS let them be. Para ma kabaw ang mga tao nga unsa ga hinawayon ang mga FITNESS FIRST. Thats a good advertisement para sa tanan. GANAHAN na ko mag fitness first da para maka dung-og ta ug mga libak sa ilang mga members. APPLY ko tomorrow.![]()
Yari Yari, what troublsome replies.
Zirv Is right, let them beWhat harm can he do with words anyway. Anybody with the right mind reading this thread will know whos right
Just my opinion on this thread lang. im not siding on anyone but both are really at Fault.
on the side of the company, they shud have informed earlier if their client is going to extend their membership. but to think of it, with "so many" members they have, they forgot to do so since i knew that the client will be "informed" of the billing 3 days? before the intended charge, or so ive known. but of course, there should be a certain person in charge of this, di ba dapat pud na sila mo inform their clients who they are goin to charge to their credit card? and whats the use of the front desk if dili sa sila mointeract with the clients. of course di ba when entering the premises they're super hi tech that they use bar codes and card id's just to enter the gym? wouldnt they know too what type of account the client holding the id's with info such as date joined to end of contract period to pending accounts like if nakabayad na ba ang client, ETC...?
on the part of ryan, i think you could've asked A LOT OF QUESTIONS including those in fine print because it doesnt hurt tho to be asking a lot. contracts always come in fine prints, to distract you from reading its contents, i know, you feel iritated reading those fine prints, who else doesnt? manigurado lang ta ba. anyways, about the constant proding of those two blokes who constantly prods you into let them train you for a fee, probably they think or knew your filthy rich enough to let them train you. hehehe joke. as for me, i dont mingle with those ppl unless needed so. in fact there was a free 2 sessions that ive used and then after that i didnt approached anybody anymore. unless of course i needed them. REMEMBER, you are their clients, if you dont need them, why should they rally around your back?
on who's right or wrong, its up to the readers, everybody is entitled to air out their greivances and their thoughts on anything, like this thread.
on the credit card, my advice, dont use it if your transacting on this kind of business unless you know that the charging party is responsible enough to inform their client that theyre goin to charge something to their credit card. as for me, i paid cash! hehe, not true tho that they dont accept cash, only credit cards. may nuon na CASH DAYON! dili pa sila ana? i asked about the cash scheme, it was said na 3 or 4 days before the end of the month you should pay up or .... interest? i forgot the last part. better pay in cash. wala pay problema sa pag keep track sa gasto, kay kung wala kay kwarta, wala pud kay gasto! eh di limpyo! hihihi.
to cap this, it has been done, we cannot go back to rectify what damages that had happened so let bygones be bygones and get on with our happy lives. no more ranting or mud slinging or whatever there is.
anyway, just like what crashburn said, Make this thread a lesson for everybody... whether you've experience this kind of problem already or for your future encounters.
PEACE OUT. and to ryan and company, no im not insulting you or anything, this is just my opinion on what this thread is all about. The End....
or is it![]()
Thank you Angelo937 for your 2 cents worth.
CUSTOMER SERVICE is very important to us consumers. But some companies here just take it for granted. I think Fitness First people know how to use a computer. I think even a cellphone can give you ALARMS for a particular DAY. Is it that hard for Fitness First to check their records in the computer? I mean they say they are a world renowned company and they can't inform all their thousands and thousands of customers about their bills. What is the computer for? For playing SOLITAIRE? Aren't they saying some jobs are being taken over by computers? Without computers you can't handle a lot of customers and you will be prone to BUNGLE in your service. DOES this hold true for FITNESS FIRST? So the EXCUSE it is because they have a lot of customers is so LAME. They better shape up or ship out. BETTER SERVICE MEANS MORE customers.
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