Koi Kichi book by Peter Waddington
(Brand new!)
"Koi Kichi" contains many areas of information notusually found in other books. Most importantly it has a lot of commonsense answers based on 20 years of Koi experience.
His chapter on parasites, bacterial, viral, and fungal diseases is authoritative, detailed, and complete. It is just what will save the novice Koi keeper from poor advice from uniformed sources. The specific remedies he recommends have already saved enough of our Koi from death that we have more than recovered the cost of the book.
The author goes into detail on pond planning, design, construction, and the whys, whynots, and how-to's of water treatment. He also includes specific recommendations on water pumps, air pumps, plumbing equipment, biofilter material and pond materials.
His chapter on filtration is incredibly good. His knowledge is exactly what any Koi pond builder or keeper needs.
Peter Waddington is a typically British author with understated wit and humor liberally sprinkled about to keep us smiling.
His frequent and detailed trips to Japan's Koi breeding area acquaint us with the most famous Koi breeders for each Koi variety.
His pictures are beautiful, numerous, and show each of the Koi varieties.
The Koi Book Every Koi Hobbyist MUST Have.... Very rare copy in the Philippines! Made in USA for P10,300 only Free Shipment anywhere in the Philippines Sulit buy!!! or you can check out
www.amazon.com for prices in USD and details... A very good investment for Koi Hobbyist!