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  1. #351

    Default Re: Koi Hobbyist and Collectors... please share your info here.

    Koi Kichi book by Peter Waddington
    (Brand new!)

    "Koi Kichi" contains many areas of information notusually found in other books. Most importantly it has a lot of commonsense answers based on 20 years of Koi experience.

    His chapter on parasites, bacterial, viral, and fungal diseases is authoritative, detailed, and complete. It is just what will save the novice Koi keeper from poor advice from uniformed sources. The specific remedies he recommends have already saved enough of our Koi from death that we have more than recovered the cost of the book.

    The author goes into detail on pond planning, design, construction, and the whys, whynots, and how-to's of water treatment. He also includes specific recommendations on water pumps, air pumps, plumbing equipment, biofilter material and pond materials.

    His chapter on filtration is incredibly good. His knowledge is exactly what any Koi pond builder or keeper needs.

    Peter Waddington is a typically British author with understated wit and humor liberally sprinkled about to keep us smiling.

    His frequent and detailed trips to Japan's Koi breeding area acquaint us with the most famous Koi breeders for each Koi variety.

    His pictures are beautiful, numerous, and show each of the Koi varieties.

    The Koi Book Every Koi Hobbyist MUST Have.... Very rare copy in the Philippines! Made in USA for P10,300 only Free Shipment anywhere in the Philippines Sulit buy!!! or you can check out for prices in USD and details... A very good investment for Koi Hobbyist!

  2. #352

    Default Re: Koi Hobbyist and Collectors... please share your info here.

    Hello KOI GURU's ...

    Gusto lang ko makahibalo what are your feedbacks regarding sa akong plan na AVIARY that would contain medium sized birds like PARROTS and KALAWS and I am planning also to build a FISHPOND inside sa cage for the KOI's also . Naa ba problema na ? Will a PREY and PREDATOR relationship will occur ? The POND will be 6 feet deep .
    " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America

  3. #353

    Default Re: Koi Hobbyist and Collectors... please share your info here.

    maybe kay naa man large birds. but what im concerned is ang waste sa birds ma hulog sa imu pond.

  4. #354

    Default Re: Koi Hobbyist and Collectors... please share your info here.

    Quote Originally Posted by SPRINGFIELD_XD_40
    Hello KOI GURU's ...

    Gusto lang ko makahibalo what are your feedbacks regarding sa akong plan na AVIARY that would contain medium sized birds like PARROTS and KALAWS and I am planning also to build a FISHPOND inside sa cage for the KOI's also . Naa ba problema na ? Will a PREY and PREDATOR relationship will occur ? The POND will be 6 feet deep .
    Bro good day!

    Koi pond inside an aviary is not a good idea due to the bird waste and indeed its a predator to the kois too. BUT the question is how big is your aviary and how many parrots and kalaw will you have? ok lang ang koi pond inside a very big aviary na dili mahulog tanan bird waste padulong sa pond.

  5. #355

    Default Re: Koi Hobbyist and Collectors... please share your info here.

    Quote Originally Posted by Micvince2007
    Bro good day!

    Koi pond inside an aviary is not a good idea due to the bird waste and indeed its a predator to the kois too. BUT the question is how big is your aviary and how many parrots and kalaw will you have? ok lang ang koi pond inside a very big aviary na dili mahulog tanan bird waste padulong sa pond.
    It is a big cage gyud bro , something in the figure of 20 ' X 40 ' X 40 ' . I already solved the problem , the pond will still be located in side the aviary but isolated from the air space of the flight birds . Mahug naay section and divider na sa sulod .

    Tnx for the inputs !
    " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America

  6. #356

    Default Re: Koi Hobbyist and Collectors... please share your info here.

    springy asa man ni nmo i butang?

  7. #357

    Default Re: Koi Hobbyist and Collectors... please share your info here.

    Ang KOI pond bro sulod sa cage sa mga langgam , ang cage sa mga langgam wala pay kabutangan , mo hitch lang ko sa lote na i acquire ni erpats probably in the mountain baranggays in Talamban , Guadalupe or Busay .
    " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America

  8. #358

    Default Re: Koi Hobbyist and Collectors... please share your info here.

    patanawa nya ko springy ha

  9. #359

    Default Re: Koi Hobbyist and Collectors... please share your info here.

    @ BONG .... b asta mahuman istambay ta didto .

    I have this planned project about 3 years ago bro . Kapoy na man gud gimik and city life . NIndot na ang bonding with friends , istambay and inom gamay within the city reach kay overlooking the city pero you are in touch with the natures side .

    Puhon bro .... lami kaayo ang paminaw madunggan sa mga splashing sounds mde by the KOI'S and the chirping and flapping of wings sa mga BIRDS in one location and probably at the same time .
    " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America

  10. #360

    Default Re: Koi Hobbyist and Collectors... please share your info here.

    Quote Originally Posted by SPRINGFIELD_XD_40
    @ BONG .... b asta mahuman istambay ta didto .

    I have this planned project about 3 years ago bro . Kapoy na man gud gimik and city life . NIndot na ang bonding with friends , istambay and inom gamay within the city reach kay overlooking the city pero you are in touch with the natures side .

    Puhon bro .... lami kaayo ang paminaw madunggan sa mga splashing sounds mde by the KOI'S and the chirping and flapping of wings sa mga BIRDS in one location and probably at the same time .
    sakto gyud....puol na ang nightlife ...nindot ng nature napod w/ beer on the side..cge update lng nya ani imo project springy... ky ako pod ga plan unta ko anang pond pero lisod man gud dri sa house ky tungod sa akng anak...kuyaw mao nya ang mo langoy sa pond

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