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  1. #721

    Default Re: Istoryan Writers

    [color=navy]Now let's move on from Setting. I hope everyone were able to grasp the relevance and use of Setting as an element of writing. If there are any more inquiries and ideas on setting, please share

    Now, I'll share some information and ideas on "Character".

    What is Character or Person in Fiction

    According to Wikipedia, in works of fiction, a character can be any person, persona, identity and entity. There are many kinds of characters in fiction: archetypes or stock characters, round or flat characters, dynamic or static characters, protagonists or antagonists et cetera.

    A character may be based on an "archetype", a common pattern that's seen through countless of stories in many cultures. For example we have Loki of Viking mythology, Puck of Midsummer's Night Dream and Bug Bunny are regarded to be of "trickster" archetype. They possess similar traits of mischievousness and cleverness to get out of situations their mutual defiance of established standards of behavior have brought them into.

    Archetypes or stock characters are used to fulfill a particular role in a story. Author Chris Huntley in his work, Dramatica, states 7 different archetypes defined by their "Action" and "Decision" characteristics:

    Driver Characters - those who propels the plot, usually the pivot which a story revolves around.

    1) Protagonist: "... the driver of the story: the one who forces the action." Defined by "Pursue" and "Consideration" characteristics. (The Hero)
    ex. Frodo Baggings and Aragorn of Tolkien's LOTR, Captain James T. Kirk of Star Trek.

    2) Antagonist: "... the character directly opposed to the Protagonist." "Prevent" & "Re-consideration".
    (The Villain or Shadow) ex. Sauron of Tolkien's LOTR.

    3) Guardian: "... a teacher or helper who aids the Protagonist..." "Help" & "Conscience" ex. Gandalf of LOTR.
    ( Wise Old Man or Wise Old Woman, or collectively, The Mentor)

    * Passenger Characters - just along for the ride.

    4) Reason: "... makes its decisions and takes action on the basis of logic..." "Control" & "Logic"
    ex. Chief Science Officer Spock of Star Trek

    5) Emotion: "... responds with its feelings without thinking..." "Uncontrolled" & "Feeling"
    ex. Medical Officer Bones McCoy of Star Trek.

    6) Sidekick: "... unfailing in its loyalty and support." "Support" & "Faith". ex. Chief Engineer Scotty of Star Trek.

    7) Skeptic: "... doubts everything..." "Oppose" & "Disbelief", (the Trickster archetype can be considered as skeptic, questioning and rebelling against the established way of doing things)

    One character may fulfill more than one archetypal role since characters, like people, can be complex and blend many personalities and traits of each archetype.

    Characters can also be round or flat. Round characters are often those that seem real and relatable to readers. They are complex, possessing both positive and negative traits, and they 'grow' through the course of the story. Flat characters are just the opposite, they remain as they are introduced and oftentimes serve a role or function to help the main character or push the plot.

    Characters can also be dynamic or static. Dynamic characters are those who change significantly. These changes can be in personality, physicality and choices. An example is Luke Skywalker. In the beginning of Star Wars: A New Hope, he's this wide-eyed, innocent farm boy eager and excited for adventure. By Return of the Jedi, he's changed into a more mature individual who's aware of his heritage and dark nature, his burdens and his purpose.

    Static characters do not undergo such changes. Whether round or flat, static characters' personalities remain essentially stable, to let them serve as thematic or plot elements. I noticed that a majority of villains are often somewhat "static" characters in regards to personality and purpose. An example, Darth Sidious/Palpatine, the main antagonist of Star Wars.

    What Writers Say On Characters.

    When writing a novel a writer should create living people; people not characters. A character is a caricature.
    --- Ernest Hemingway, Death in the Afternoon (1932)

    Each morning my characters greet me with misty faces willing, though chilled, to muster for another day's progress through the dazzling quicksand the marsh of blank paper.
    ---John Updike “Marching through a Novel” in Tossing and Turning (1977)

    Would you not like to try all sorts of lives— one is so very small— but that is the satisfaction of writing— one can impersonate so many people.
    ----- Katherine Mansfield, a letter dated April 24, 1907, Collected Letters

    The test of any good fiction is that you should care something for the characters.
    ---- Mark Twain.

    Writing Characters in Non-Fiction

    Articles, like essays, may feature a fictional character or a real person, such as the author, in the form of a character sketch. In some narrative essays, the development of a person, real or fictional, is followed through a series of experiences and reflections.

    Here's an example, in the Times article in appreciation of Charlton Heston who just recently passed away.

    Information regarding such a subject is obtained primarily through an interview with questions and answers, or secondarily through other sources like previous interviews, memoirs, biographies and autobiographies.

  2. #722

    Default Re: Istoryan Writers

    [color=navy]For me, characters are important. They are essential. As like can attract like, characters are the human element that anchors and bridges readers to a literary piece. Though there are articles and stories that feature animals and even household appliances (in the case of Thomas M. Disch's novel, "A Brave Little Toaster"), but they're personified to possess human characteristics that readers can relate to.

    There are many articles and tips online on characterization and character development, it's a challenge what to suggest that you read but it's a comfort to know that there are such resources available. Here's a couple of links I can refer to you, for now:

    For the fictionalists: Story Writers and Poets
    Joyce Carol Oates is a prolific American author who's been teaching as Professor of Humanities in the Creative Writing program at Princeton University ("angel music sparkle sparkle") for 30 years! (bows low). For a taste of being a student of hers, watch her take on Writing Characters:

    For the non-fictionalists: Essayists and journalists
    Please check out this article about "How to Do Interviews for Your Freelance Writing Article" by Dino Marique(he's a good guy). It's direct, concise and very helpful:

    In writing articles and essays that feature a real person, sometimes it's helpful to have an "angle" or a general topic which your interviewee can respond to. For example, Ricky Lo of the Philippine Star has his column "Body Talk" where he interviews celebrities on their habits and ideas on beauty, fitness and health.

  3. #723

    Default Re: Istoryan Writers

    [color=navy]Writing Workout # 3: Getting to know your Characters through an Interview
    From >>eSSORTMENT article, click here

    --- Write in the first person viewpoint of the interviewer or as yourself, the author coming to interview your characters.
    --- Where is the interview? Where are your characters waiting for you? Why are you interviewing them?
    --- Minimum requirement is 300 words.

    Here is my effort for this workout. I've decided to interview "Adam", a character from one of the very first stories I posted in this thread and online. Get acquainted with him yourself by reading HUNTERS' NIGHT

    I set the interview via an early dinner with him at Black Angus where we both ordered sirloin steak (mine's 'well-done', his 'very rare'; no surprise there). He also ordered a glass of burgundy though he shares he no longer needs to drink but enjoys the rich bouquet. The same is said for the meal, he doesn't eat it but only savors the taste and texture of the meat.

    Adam appears Eurasian. He's a handsome youth. His manners are polite, pleasant, and likable. He's even dressed casually in sneakers, jeans and a shirt like any regular teenager who wants attention and favorable impression. It's just his eyes that appear out of place on that wide, clean young face. Their gaze is alert and steady, seeing everything with irises as darkening as twilight.

    D: Relative to world history, how young are you?
    A (laughs) I was 17 when I died then raised back. That was in 1896. But that's past, old news.
    D: Okay, present then. Presently, what have you been doing?
    A: Enjoying the times, I do art, I play keys for a local band. Do a little modeling on the side but only for evening shows and shoots. You know. Planning to get myself an iPod Touch.
    D: You like getting 'current'? Going with the latest trends?
    A: For me, it's adapting... I'm surviving... I'm also "living" too. Making the most of every moment. Since, I can't travel much, I like to think I'm a time traveler. These times and the trends today are interesting.
    D: You get in touch with others like you?
    A: Nah... I mean, not all the time. Sometimes, like once or twice a year, only like holidays. Like family. Some can be fun but most like to live in the past way too much. We can somewhat... territorial, yeah, that's it.
    D: May we talk about your... feeding habits? If you don't mind.
    A: Sure. Cool. Go ahead.
    D: Who are your typical... donors?
    A: Girls. Young women. They're fun to be with. Enjoyable. Vulnerable. They smell nice. Taste better. Clean. Especially those who are athletic and fit. I only sip enough to still the thirst. Taking lives can be dangerous. Life is a power, it can corrupt. Memories, thoughts are in the blood. Drink too much and one can lose oneself.
    D: But you uh... with the werewolf...?
    A: That was an act of kindness. His life cried, please put out me of my misery.
    D: So you do feed off.. uh what I mean to say could you feed off others, others like you?
    A: Yes but it's very dangerous. Taking a human life is like taking a drug, drinking of another like myself is taking on the entire drugstore. Uh hey mind if we finish quickly, 'coz I have to prep for a gig at Paseo.
    D: You like to hang out at such places?
    A: Only for the shows, pays well, social networking... but if you mean do I 'seek' at those places... Nah... alcohol thins the blood, tastes bitter too.
    D: All right. Can we meet tomorrow night?
    A: Okay. Same time right? Just text me where. Take care, man. Thanks for dinner.
    D: You're welcome, take care.

  4. #724
    Junior Member monochrome_delirious's Avatar
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    Default Re: Istoryan Writers

    does anyone know of a creative writing course or workshop or class that I can join in Cebu?

  5. #725

    Default Re: Istoryan Writers

    [color=navy]^^There isn't a creative writing course available in Cebu at present, the closest I found so far could be an AB in Linguistics and Literature in the University of San Carlos. Check out the course outline here
    You could also strive in getting a Master of Arts in Literature also available sa USC and USJ-R.

    You could also try the writing classes at the International Academy for Film and TV but these are basically creative writing for film and TV. Here are the classes for this coming May 2008.

    Television Scriptwriting
    Know the techniques and differences in writing specifically for television
    Instructor: Zachary Kaplan
    Dates: May 5 to 9, 2008
    Days/Time: Monday to Friday, 5 to 9 p.m.
    Duration: 5 meetings, 20 hours
    Fee: USD 240 (International) / USD 120 (Local)

    Study Abroad Playwriting Program
    Bring out the playwright in you through a special class set in a beautiful and relaxing backdrop
    Instructor: T.B.A.
    Dates: May 5 to 23, 2008
    Days/Time: Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 12 noon
    Duration: 15 meetings, 45 hours
    Fee: USD 270 (International) / USD 135 (Local)
    Venue: Drama Studio, Bigfoot I.T. and Media Park

    I'll search more online basin there are new information, I always keep an eye out for information such as that.

  6. #726

    Default Re: Istoryan Writers

    Sama kahabog sa lubi sa atbang ang duha ka andanang balay ni Lolo nga ginama sa lig-ong kahoy sa lasang taliwala sa lunhawng bermuda, kamanggahan ug kalubihan, layo og silingan, hilom apan mapuno sa hudyaka sa gagmating nga kaapohan panahon sa Sabado ug Domingo. Wala gapaghot ang iro, gapasilong ang baboy sa ilalom, gihikot ang pansabong sa kilid sa pandayan, samtang gasuroy-suroy ang sunoy ug himongaan sa hawan sa akong Handomanan.

  7. #727

    Default Re: Istoryan Writers

    [color=navy]Writing Workout #4: Character Internal Monologue
    From bisoy's creative writing exercises, click here

    ---Expression of a character's thoughts
    ---An extended passage in a story or novel that expresses what a character is thinking and feeling.

    Imagine yourself as a super hero, or if you would prefer, a super villain. Any one or any kind. In not less than 200 words, write an interior monologue on a particular event as you're doing what you do as a super hero or villain or while taking a break from your super activities.

    Here's what I wrote for this workout:

    Hai, Darna...!

    Hai, some peace at last. Mmmm. It's beautiful up here.

    Okay just a 15 minutes break then a three hour patrol then I am done for today. I still have to get ready for my Natural Science presentation tomorrow and I haven't started studying the exam in algebra. Hai, why can't I have super IQ as one of my super powers? That would be so really practical. Look at me, I can beat a thousand men but I can’t even score 80 items right to pass.

    What’s on TV tonight? Ay, I can’t watch TV tonight. I wonder what happens in LOBO. I miss my Piolooo. Maybe I’ll just “listen” in.. no no got to focus, have to prepare. Do I want to be a superhero all my life? Not want, have to. Hai oh why me oh why?

    Good for others, they have choices. Even Valentina’s quit the bad-bad-girl-biz, now she’s on Animal Planet with her own show. Hai, she looked so sexy and great on that Maxim cover. Couldn’t believe she would do it, must have hit her very hard that last time.

    Maybe I should take FHM up on their offer. Just for experience only. The cash would help. Save that thought for later. 5 more minutes. Relax, Darna hai Darna, relax.

  8. #728

    Default Re: Istoryan Writers

    [color=navy]Break muna tayo for some personal updates

    I woke up around 11 pm last night and hadn't slept since. During those late hours, I watched some TV, made and ate 6 tuna sandwiches then finally settled myself in front of my laptop to do the following:

    1) Wrote 2 more pages to my screenplay. Then reviewed and edited the past scenes. Finally, I've reached the 61 page mark or roughly the middle-end of the 2nd act. Now I got about no less than 30 pages to finish. It's a snail's trail of progress. I've reached this far due to artificially inducing insomnia, doing away hours of rest in order to be 'awake' during those magic hours where my own creative juice flow out like a stream. No sacrifice, no victory I dare say.

    2) I've also been starting on a blog novel project I call "Phantasmagoria". All I got now are seeds and a plot. Need to plant and let it grow.

    3) I've also compiled a list of pension houses in Metro Cebu for a friend who's visiting next week from Bacolod. The list contains contact details, websites and their basic room rates. I've also included links to two online maps of Cebu City so that anyone can view where a particular pension house or inn is located. Those interested to have a copy, please let me know via PM.

    shaxyra is enjoying her sojourn in Hong Kong right now.

    Ate thisbe is working hard as always. She's also back writing freelance for the Internet.

    I've seen some progress in galenostiel's Tales of the Damned on her blogsite.

    Akoyako is posting in other threads specializing in Bisayan language discussion and works.

    Haven't seen Von-x awhile here, will have to check his blog for his own updates.

  9. #729
    Elite Member
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    Default Re: Istoryan Writers

    Quote Originally Posted by diem

    Haven't seen Von-x awhile here, will have to check his blog for his own updates.

    No stories were formed in my brain right now. Puros sa numbers and figures.

  10. #730

    Default Re: Istoryan Writers

    this is from my blog entry entitled: The Return of the Incredible Amateur

    When mania strikes there is no other help for me but to write. Although I have no designs to turn pro for in my opinion I am an incurable amateur, write I still do.

    I have just recovered and am recuperating from Writer's Coma, an abject state of literary unconsciousness resulting from the deliberate neglect of the written word, overexposure to what is commonplace and stultifyingly normal, lack of potent stimuli, and severe head trauma caused by a series of abrupt and unexpected events exacerbating emotional instability and incapacitating one from coping with the rest of the world- much less find time to write about it. I was out cold for almost two years!

    The people I have met and lived with and the events which occurred the past months, which sum up to almost two years, truth be told, are all eligible material for interesting writing. Good stuff. Controversial if you please for all you showbiz groupie nuts and rubberneckers. But hey that's yesterday's news. Stale meat. What I can do though is give young (or young at heart) writer aspirants some sound advice.

    Here are some few tips on how to keep clear of the dreaded Writer's Coma:

    1. No matter how taxing your work is always, ALWAYS take time to read and write. A few snippets from your favorite author's work can work wonders. Nothing is deadlier and more potent than pure envy. Go ahead and drool all over your choice author's syntax, adjectives and imageries. Then exorcise that evil envy by exercising the poet in you. A line a day can drive the demon away.

    2. Never let life get the upper hand. Life can be one tormenting feign and one big yawn (ho-hum) when it's not. Instead of just wallowing in your misery, why don't you wallow AND write about it. When you die- or when you finally decide to take matters into your own hands- a publisher may chance upon them and land you your ticket to posthumous fame.

    3. Keep a journal. Sure a human lifetime companion serves a multipurpose of being your lover, portable conscience and confidant. But your feelings and sentiments for them are arbitrary. Sure you can choose to keep a dog instead but their intelligence is equal to/lower/slightly higher than that of a preschooler. Dolphins are smarter. But really why go through all the hassle? A journal clears your head, is handy, keeps your writing in check, aids your memory, inoculates you from human judgment, and above all things it will NEVER betray you. It is as constant as change and it keeps you sane.###

    visit my blog site:
    [br]Posted on: April 18, 2008, 04:04:52 AM_________________________________________________s orry for the double post.

    [color=navy] No Problemo, double post fixed.

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