question for all employed women..
why is it that some women don't date guys when their officmates?.. is it because when things doesn't work out your afraid to be talked about?... or... is it just immaturity/juvinelism defense..?..
question for all employed women..
why is it that some women don't date guys when their officmates?.. is it because when things doesn't work out your afraid to be talked about?... or... is it just immaturity/juvinelism defense..?..
No need to answer if you dont want to... (mods gomensai)
To all the girls:
is it worth to lost your virginity to a guy, whom you wont be marrying?
dat depends..if i know nga la koy future ana nga guy, in the 1st plce nga sugton man nku xa.Originally Posted by taga_ipil
then kung uyab ...naa man gyd tawn na sa amo nga " seeing my future wid him" mentality thingking nga mao na gyd na ug xa na c inday hatag tanan..apil na ang pag ka "vrigin"
but then if plainly igat2x or char2x lang,i wont give in oi..swerte ra kaau ang laki..
Does money really matter in a guy?
They should be independent. I don't want a guy to depend on me for his wants and needs. That's all.. they don't really need to be rich.. But more importantly.. they should have goals for life... and I mean REAL goals..
Would you leave a guy who used to have money and now doesn't?
Depends. If not having money was his intention, I would probably leave him. I hate depression.
What Women Want: Secrets About Girls Every Guy Should Know!
Everything about girls and what girls want and need in their family life, relationships, marriage, dating, passion and romance
Monday, September 25, 2006
Proven Tips That Would Work In Seconds To Help Your Woman Who Is Always Feeling Neurotic And Insecure
You may think that your mate is neurotic an insecure, but can you blame her? The way that some guys treat a good woman and the way the media portrays woman, it is no wonder that a woman would question their mate’s intentions every now and then.
Do you have it in you to stick by her side and tell her that you love her?
If you want to see the relationship through all you have to do is follow your heart and show her honesty.
Eight Proven Tips that Would Work In seconds to Help your Woman Who is Always Feeling Neurotic and Insecure
1.Make sure she knows why you love her and why you stay in the relationship. Let her know every now and then what made her stand out among the rest and why you love to spend time with her. You can take out a book of photos and go through every moment that you fell in love with her.
2.Take her out and allow her to get all dressed up. Women feel more confident and beautiful when they are given the opportunity to doll themselves up for their man. You should make a night out every now and then where you wine and dine her. If you are on a tight budget, make a special dinner for her, but still dress for the occasion.
3.Bring her unexpected gifts. The gifts don’t have to be big, expensive, or fancy. It could be something that she mentioned she needed. For example, maybe she needed a light bulb changed in her chandelier. The next night, come over with a bulb and ladder. This also lets her know that not only you care, but you listen to her every word.
4.Plain and simple; tell her that you love her. Tell her every now and then that she means the world to you. You may think that you show her you love her, but she needs to hear it every now and then.
5.Let her know that you are committed to the relationship. Sit down and talk to her every now and then. Ask her about her day. Ask her about how she feels. Talk the insecurities out.
6.Spend more time with her. If you feel that you have more extra time lately, try to spend it on her or spend your time on trying to find ways to heal the relationship.
7.You can always try to distract her. If you haven’t had that much time on your hands and she’s starting to wonder about the relationship, distract her with a pet. Yes, buy her a dog, a cat, a bird, whatever you think she’d like. It’ll take the focus off of you so much.
8.Finally, try to validate her feelings. If she feels that you haven’t been a great boyfriend lately, discuss it. Maybe you haven’t been. Try to look it from her point of view.
Even though you think your girl is being ridiculous, her friends wouldn’t think so. That’s because woman are insecure all the times about everything. They don’t think they are pretty enough, they aren’t smart enough, that they just aren’t good enough to find their prince and happy ever after.
The media doesn’t help either. Women are killing themselves because they feel they need to be less than 100 pounds. Women are going under the knife because they feel that they need to be busty. All because the want to impress a guy or have more dates. That doesn’t say much about how shallow woman think men are.
If you want to know exactly what a woman needs to be happy in a relationship with you is just your time, attention, affection, and love. Pay attention to her; listen to what she has to say even if it means nothing to you. Show her that you want her by romantic bedroom settings. Show her passion. Above all tell her that you love her. You may think that she knows, but she has no idea how much you love her until you tell. Yes, actions speak louder than words, but you need to reinforce your actions by saying the words.
It’s not hard to recognize a neurotic and insecure woman. Some woman can hide it better then most, but every woman is to some degree insecure. The most confident woman is insecure about something. She maybe very confident in a bathing suit, but standing in front of a room filled with businessmen might make her want to hide. You will find that some women are needy more than others, but they all require the same things. The truth, affection, and love from a man are all that most women want.
If you want to stay in a relationship, but you still have no idea what she wants from you, all you have to do is remember a few things. Tell her that you love her, cuddle up to her when she’s had a hard day, and be honest. By following those simple tips and by keeping your communication lines open you should have a healthy relationship. You should be able to reassure her of your commitment and your relationship could flourish.
Even though you may think that your girl is going crazy, she’s just worried. She’s worried that she thinks more of the relationship than you do. By simply reassuring her that you are good man with morals and integrity you have the bases of a good relationship. A relationship is a give and take and both parties need to work at it. Everything can be resolved by talking it through.
What Women Want!
Do you know that most relationship or marriage can be long lasting if ONLY you would understand the Woman in your life?
If you are in love with a specific woman, and you “know” she’s the right one for you, you can learn how you can place yourself in her thoughts and her dreams! Everything will be in place for her to fall hopelessly in love with you.
let's be practical, kailangan man jud money. dapat stable ug job para makasupport xa nimu noh!![]()
Women want men who listen to them. Basically, a woman wants a man who is the male version of her bestfriend. In short, kung ikaw dodong naay gusto sa babae, spend time with her and just listen to her. Bisan unsa pa iyang yawyaw, bisan pa mag buntag siyag yawyaw, paminawa...or at least, pretend to listen. Pag antos para ma santos.
"What women wants" for me, I don't think it's a good idea if we are going to assume what girls/women wants. I'd prefer to sit by with her, and listen to what she wants. The best person that can tell you what girls/women wants are the girls/women themselves.
i wont leave a guy, who used to have lots of money as long as he is persevering to earn.. but if he is a lazy bone then, better think.. ang lake ang maningkamot para sa family.. kay mao jud na ila essence sa family..
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