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"DIDTO AKO IG-AGAW SA PARI-AN POLICE STATION, ni-ingun ra ang police nga "GI-ULI NMAN KAHA SIR"? SEE?unsa mana nga klase sa POLICE? maayu pa diay kami nlang ga-pusil ato, HUMAN PA DAYUN "
that is the exact statement i am referring to. Maybe I misquoted you, but to me it sounded like blaming the police in general for rising criminality..Mea culpa if I did misquote it..
But, case in point: Di ko in favor sa vigilantes because it is a short term, band aid fix to the real problem, which I think is the point of our argument. Vigilantes could be today's heroes and as what vern has noted they could be tomorrow's hired goons. There are other reasons I do not agree to it:
1. Further violence will not make the cycle of violence stop
2. Sons, Daughters witnessing the brutal murder of their fathers? How many of this said criminals executed vigilante style were slain in full view of their families, sons/daughters? Does exposing these children to violence early in life give us the brightest prospect of a violence-free future?
3. I do not have God-powers nor harbour any delusion of grandeur to possess such. I am not the giver of life so thus I do not have the authority to decide who lives and who dies.
4. It is my belief that in order for us to live in a better, violence-free society, the solution is long term and shall include among other necessary items the restoration of our lost cultural values(like pakikipagkapwa, pakikisama, utang na loob), a national moral recovery program that shall embrace all and not just certain sectors, and assimilation of national pride.
Take note that although morality is a sensitive, subjective issue, society in order to succeed harmoniously will have a shared set of values necessary. Although this seems cerebral, if you take a close look, it will make sense to say that the rising criminality nowadays can be attributed to a loss of sense of value for our fellow humans/Filipinos/Cebuanos(pakikipagkapwa), loss of sense of altruism and helping those in need(bayanihan/pakikisama) characterized by so many of us now who do not give a damn about what is happening around us as long as we are left unscathed, and a false sense of utang na loob(e.g. by telling victim survivors "pasalamat ka wa ka patya"--->does it not sound like condoning the act of criminality?).
We have lost so much of who we are and it feels like a nation in identity crisis.