EVERYTIME YOU PLAY ASK FOR somekind of compensation. SHOW US THE TF! (talent Fee)
If every Band, music performer just do this simple rule, we will have a booming LIVE music industry here in Cebu. It will only be called industry if the Artist and bands get money out of every GIG!
Ask for TF! dont be ashamed it is your right! you play they pay! simple. set a TF for yourselves.
If you dont Organizers will exploit any band. and then bands will say struggling artist me...well You did that to yourselves! ask whats due to you!
IT IS high time to ask for the TF!
During the Lokal Ground time and late 90' almost all bands ask for TF and organizers have no choice but to give whats due. In return it rubs off with the organizers also to treat bands fairly and forced their shows to be competitive and have extra quality. The Audience also benefits for a quality show everytime.
Dont ever fall for ... Wla Budget Bros, kaun ra. or Mahal man gud among main bands, or pang exposure ba! this is BULL! its the fast tract to being EXPLOITED! everytime.
Get someting out of the gig. a good deal or something. Dont leave with out getting something in return. Eventually, the artist are paying the Organizers for them to play. Here the economics: Travel fare for every member, payment for practice studio, or if you have your own practice room compensation for all equipments you bought, time and effort to arrange songs or origs, foods. then you go out there and play to a gig that you are treated unfairly, poorly organized, then your lucky if you ever get a THANK YOU card from the organizers. hehehe YOU do the MATH. You Artist is Loosing money every time you do freebie gig!
Then maybe its for the love of musiic and performing... Yes thats true, but in the long'll forget that, your fellow member will have other things on his mind other than For the LOve. You'll go hungry eventually and if its not compensated... NO MORE BAND.
There may be exception, Benefit shows, movement shows, special shows..... hey but thats more than 50% of any gig out there. Might as well ask honorarium on those too. maybe half your usual TF...But from organizers point of view lets make every show a benifit show and only give Honorarium. HAH! were back at being exploited! see?
ANd also most importantly, this forces the bands or artist to step up with their music and performance because you are PAID NOW. So WIN WIN for all, the Organizers, Performers, and The Audience.
Better Artists more TF, with TFs Organizers forced to make quality Shows, Entry Fee may be higher but based also on audience market in turn Audiences experience Quality Shows and Gig.