View Poll Results: To the professionals in here, what do you do for a living and how much do you make in a month?

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  • ~PhP 8, 000

    11 7.01%
  • ~PhP 10, 000

    13 8.28%
  • ~PhP 15, 000

    23 14.65%
  • ~PhP 20, 000 and more

    110 70.06%
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Results 71 to 80 of 310
  1. #71

    Default Re: profession and your pay?

    Quote Originally Posted by MrBiddle
    dako-a na ani oi! i mean 70K
    You have to really work hard to get that far.

    You work hard at getting the job.
    You work hard doing the job.
    Then you have to work hard at getting the payment from the client.

    It involves alot of marketing as no one else will be doing it for you. Alot of my time is spent looking for and negotiating with clients. And that takes money. Many a times, especially with big clients, a project gets stuck somewhere in office bureaucracy and you actually lose alot waiting for those big money projects to be approved.

    Aside from the that, there's the maintenance and updating of your equipment just so you can remain competitive with others in the same field.

    That's why I mentioned that 10k-70k is just the income, not the actual profit.

    And, by the way, despite all the glamour invovled, those prestigious lifestyle magazines actually pay really dismal amounts for all the hard work you put in.

  2. #72

    Default Re: profession and your pay?

    nya stable na nga income? naa jud ka madawat every month?

  3. #73

    Default Re: profession and your pay?

    It's a rollercoaster ride with high highs and low lows. Sometimes you earn alot in a month and times you barely have enough to cover the bills. That's the facts of life in freelancing. You don't have the security of a regular paycheck.

    It's also seasonal. There are times when these clients need to prepare for big events and will need your services and then times when they'll leave you high and dry.

    Like for wedding photographers peak season is around May-June-July then after that you'll probably just get one or two a month. Hotels and resorts will need their marketing materials in time for the tourist seasons. If your clients are furniture manufacturers the high season is before the big shows in Cologne and Highpont and also the local Cebu-X. My schedule would be packed full and I'd busy going from one factory to another then after that I won't hear from them for months. Same with clients in fashion, jewelry, etc...

  4. #74

    Default Re: profession and your pay?

    Quote Originally Posted by psyd_1
    sad to think those who are in top are earning big amounts plus allowances without nothing to do but to stick their asses unto their seats, do some chizmiz over the phone and telling us to hurry up in certain a program...
    Bro, equip with patience............... time will come you'll in position you been ranting for also don't forget a cold refeshing drink & caviare while in a close door meeting. Do i mention that every close door meeting, corporate folks squeeze them in and out. How about those midnight call and extended working hours w/o compensating as OT. Thats the paycheck they been paid for.

  5. #75

    Default Re: profession and your pay?

    frontdesk angel in a callcenter 15-17k a month ++benefits

  6. #76

    Default Re: profession and your pay?

    mas daku diay sweldo sa sykes?pila man starting dira kay balhin na lang ko hehehe

  7. #77
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Default Re: profession and your pay?

    Im a freelance web developer...
    i earn on good months up to 200K and on bad months 50K..

    I work 7 days a week and up to 20 hours a day.

  8. #78

    Default Re: profession and your pay?

    Ok naman nang "bad months" nimo kay ang gross 50K man kaha? pila ang ikawat sa gobyerno basta 50K?

  9. #79
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Default Re: profession and your pay?

    a lot...

  10. #80

    Default Re: profession and your pay?

    I mean what's the percentage in particular of how much is unrighteously taken from you? hehehe.

  11.    Advertisement

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