without facts (those presented by gareb), all you have is rhetoric.
that's the meaning of rhetoric.
empty words that hold no value.
now, my question is...
what are you going to do with the facts, presented to you by gareb?
are you just going to keep on complaining, without deeds to back up your words?
this is the main reason why the philippines is so poor.
no one wants to do anything significant that elevates us from our current predicament.
little boys like yourself, who play virtual war games all day long on the computer, don't read books, and spout off virtual war cries, prefer the american militaristic models spoon fed to them thru the american media and cinema as the only means of change.
this is the reason why you're so excited about "taking up arms" to "solve" our problems. the glorification of armed revolution is as american as apple pie.
affecting change, without taking lives, now that's revolution.
go read a book.
go visit a hospital.
go tutor some kids in your school.
go run for public office.
go do some research.
just please stop complaining like a little brat, and get off your ass!!!