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  1. #61

    Default America, Please Liberate Us Too !!!

    without facts (those presented by gareb), all you have is rhetoric.

    that's the meaning of rhetoric.

    empty words that hold no value.

    now, my question is...

    what are you going to do with the facts, presented to you by gareb?


    are you just going to keep on complaining, without deeds to back up your words?

    this is the main reason why the philippines is so poor.

    no one wants to do anything significant that elevates us from our current predicament.

    little boys like yourself, who play virtual war games all day long on the computer, don't read books, and spout off virtual war cries, prefer the american militaristic models spoon fed to them thru the american media and cinema as the only means of change.

    this is the reason why you're so excited about "taking up arms" to "solve" our problems. the glorification of armed revolution is as american as apple pie.

    affecting change, without taking lives, now that's revolution.

    go read a book.

    go visit a hospital.

    go tutor some kids in your school.

    go run for public office.

    go do some research.

    just please stop complaining like a little brat, and get off your ass!!!

  2. #62
    Helio^phobic gareb's Avatar
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    Default America, Please Liberate Us Too !!!

    Quote Originally Posted by J0se_Rizal
    "What have you done for the Filipino people today?"

    I'm a doctor, specializing in oncology.

    those who are in the high and middle class pay me enough to be able to have the minimum in life.

    while those who cannot, i offer my services for free.

    what i am not doing, is ranting and raving about killing more people.

    allow me to throw the question back to you...

    "What have you done for the Filipino people today?"
    oh... if that is true then that is noble. if it is done in the spirit of charity and goodwill then that is commendable.

    i am but a mere student; no degrees whatsoever. i admit my experiences are limited and since u obviously have lived long enough compared to me, it is not arguable that u have experienced more than i have.

    but as a student coming from the lower classes i have mingled and have understood enough of our suffering to say that they, we have had enough. we have sacrificed enough and this suffering must not continue any longer. i have gone to the hinterlands, lived there for almost 10 years of my childhood, went back and eat kamote in the light of a lamparilla for the nxt 5 years and came to the city to see how life is in there.

    i have went to the huddled masses in the squatters area, those desperate people who will almost do anything for them to have something in the table at dinner to eat, the vendors at colon and befriended some of them before their stalls were ruthlessly torn down by the city government because it was 'ugly to look at' perhaps not realizing that these 'ugly establishments' were these people's source of lifelihood. i have befriended some ladies at gaisano metro who have been ladi off because of the unlucky situation of being pregnant. i have seen so many countless youth who would have had a promising future if only the tuition wasnt too high for them and their parents to send them to school.

    modest experiences really, compared to urs being a respected doctor. i am taking up psychology and hopefully will graduate next year. i may take up a job somewhere and have a family of my own... but these experiences that ive had will remain with me...

    'killing more people"? personally, i expected better from u. a doctor isnt suppose to talk this way... especially one who bears the namesake of the national hero.
    “What we call chaos is just patterns we haven't recognized. What we call random is just patterns we cant decipher. What we can't understand we call nonsense. What we can't read we call gibberish.” - Chuck Palahniuk

  3. #63
    Helio^phobic gareb's Avatar
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    Default America, Please Liberate Us Too !!!

    Quote Originally Posted by J0se_Rizal
    without facts (those presented by gareb), all you have is rhetoric.

    that's the meaning of rhetoric.

    empty words that hold no value.
    rhetoric... i personally think that the same challenge of backing up our words applies also to you, esteemed doctor.

    Quote Originally Posted by J0se_Rizal
    now, my question is...

    what are you going to do with the facts, presented to you by gareb?


    are you just going to keep on complaining, without deeds to back up your words?
    tell us what we can do. tell us how to clean up this mess that they have made at the airfields at subic and clark. tell us how to compete with a hegemonical system that this imperialist country has instituted upon almost all of the third world countries of the world. tell us how to change the system of greed and capitalism that has made the rich even richer and the poor even poorer.

    Quote Originally Posted by J0se_Rizal
    this is the main reason why the philippines is so poor.

    no one wants to do anything significant that elevates us from our current predicament.
    oh but many people do. so many that they are very desparate in improving our current social conditions. why do u think that millions of pinoys and pinay go overseas? perhaps because they see no hope for themselves in here... but also for their families to be able to afford a nice and decent life. can u being blame them for being so desperate? they are so desperate that they will go to great heights just to breathe easy.

    yet still, though many have given up hope, a certain number still remain hopeful, working hard hoping that someday, somehow, by any chance they will achieve their longed for prosperity in life... facing all the odds, playing fair... arent these people worth fighting for?

    Quote Originally Posted by J0se_Rizal

    little boys like yourself, who play virtual war games all day long on the computer, don't read books, and spout off virtual war cries, prefer the american militaristic models spoon fed to them thru the american media and cinema as the only means of change.

    this is the reason why you're so excited about "taking up arms" to "solve" our problems. the glorification of armed revolution is as american as apple pie.

    affecting change, without taking lives, now that's revolution.
    so u say for urself.

    Quote Originally Posted by J0se_Rizal
    go read a book.

    go visit a hospital.

    go tutor some kids in your school.

    go run for public office.

    go do some research.

    just please stop complaining like a little brat, and get off your ass!!!

    what do u think i am doing except for running for public office? please doc, there is quite a thin line between complaining and showing what is truth. to see it is one thing, to accept it is another.
    “What we call chaos is just patterns we haven't recognized. What we call random is just patterns we cant decipher. What we can't understand we call nonsense. What we can't read we call gibberish.” - Chuck Palahniuk

  4. #64

    Default America, Please Liberate Us Too !!!

    i've already illustrated my contributions, without engaging in rhetoric (without claiming facts i cannot support).

    my contributions don't involve empty promises and more bloodshed.

    the mental attacks i've posted above were more targeted towards Visual, than to you qareb.

    Visual is the great example of a boy easily impressed by propaganda.

    If i were an NPA recruiter, i'd make a martyr out of him.

    you on the other hand, have a wider understanding of the bigger systemic dilemma.

    no one has an answer to how we can solve this mess. and you gareb, representing the next generation of educated filipinos, will have your whole life to ponder this.

    i only hope that you won't follow the steps outlined by JoMa, Misuari, Salamat, etc. for i have seen first hand the stupidity and counter productiveness of their "war".

    if you really love the people you are fighting for, then don't send them to their death.

    the ARMED REVOLUTION is but an empty hollywood militaristic illusion. after 30 yrs, it hasn't proven its worth. this of course is just my humble opinion, which i don't sell as fact.

    so, from that point... i wish you luck, and hope you'll follow the path of change without having to pay for it by blood. god knows, we have already shed too much.

    (and i do commend you for your passion, humility, and efforts, gareb)

  5. #65

    Default America, Please Liberate Us Too !!!

    Quote Originally Posted by J0se_Rizal
    the ARMED REVOLUTION is but an empty hollywood militaristic illusion. after 30 yrs, it hasn't proven its worth. this of course is just my humble opinion, which i don't sell as fact.

    I beg to disagree! Permit me to lay down some facts. It was a mere 35 yrs. ago, on Dec. 26, 1968 that a breakaway group led by JoMa Sison formed the CPP. On March 29, 1969, the New People's Army (NPA) was established at a meeting between JoMa, Bernabe Buscayno (a.k.a Dante) & a few Red Fighters. What followed was the launching of the 1st NPA Guerilla Front. Presently, there are 128 NPA Guerilla Fronts operating in 70 of the 72 provinces. A Front may vary in size. It may consist of a battalion or a company in strength. In the cities, they have formed several cells of Armed City Partisans. Take also into account the mass bases in the countryside, the multi-sectoral mass organizations, & the silent impoverished majority. It has grown in leaps & bounds over the years. And lastly, we have accepted the fact that this is a protracted struggle. The time frame is immaterial!

    " Whenever there is struggle, there is sacrifice...
    And death is a common occurence..."

    A revolution is not a tea party...

  6. #66

    Default America, Please Liberate Us Too !!!

    so why are you, the high ranking majority of the communist party, and your diefied leader living outside of the philippines--living comfortably in the west?

    your lofty rhetoric sounds really nice from afar, when you're in canada.

    think of us back here, next time you visit one of those over size malls in canada.

    do you have more "facts" to share with us, that the general public can cross-check?

    or, are you just going to stick with propaganda as a means of conducting your "protracted" long distance communist revolution from comfortable canada?

    [by the way, we know you're in canada becuz your ISP gives away your location]

    and you're god-like leader, JoMa Sison, is in the netherlands. very nice

  7. #67

    Default America, Please Liberate Us Too !!!

    Quote Originally Posted by J0se_Rizal
    so why are you, the high ranking majority of the communist party, and your diefied leader living outside of the philippines--living comfortably in the west?
    Why? because of security reasons. There were several attempts on JoMa's life after his release. He has to seek political asylum like Ho Chi Minh before him sought it in Paris. In my case, it was a combination of two. A close relative (a military official) brought to my family's attention that I am in the military's Order of Battle. A hit list. It was also during this time that an opportunity to work for an NGO dealing w/ Filipino migrant workers presented itself. There was also a need to present our struggle to the Filipino community in North America & to the International Solidarity communities. Thus, here I am. But nary a day that goes by that I wish that I were working along w/ the masses. I have to remind myself that the Filipino migrant workers abroad are also part of the disinfranchised.
    Living comfortably? & visiting oversize malls? Naah! I WAS living comfortably in Cebu. For I am a part of the peti burgis. 3 squares a day excluding snacks. Here, I have to live within a budget. My meager allowance. First time in my life. Eating steaks & drinking red wine ? as what your other post implied...that's pure black propaganda. I'm surprised that you as a Man of Medicine would fall for that - hook, line, & sinker. I would at least expect you to discern. Besides, I am an abstainer & trying hard to be a vegetarian (I love fish). And talking about malls, you don't have to go abroad to visit them. The malls in Cebu can stand up to any malls in North America. After all most of them are owned by the Big comprador burgis & Trapos. The very class that American Imperialism depend, sustain, & support the most.
    I dare you to be open minded. Purge yourself from the poison of misinformation. Discern. Discern. Discern. The truth is out there!

    for further
    Ipadayon ang gisugdan ni Bonifacio! :idea:

  8. #68

    Default America, Please Liberate Us Too !!!

    Quote Originally Posted by J0se_Rizal
    so why are you, the high ranking majority of the communist party, and your diefied leader living outside of the philippines--living comfortably in the west?

    your lofty rhetoric sounds really nice from afar, when you're in canada.

    think of us back here, next time you visit one of those over size malls in canada.

    do you have more "facts" to share with us, that the general public can cross-check?

    or, are you just going to stick with propaganda as a means of conducting your "protracted" long distance communist revolution from comfortable canada?

    [by the way, we know you're in canada becuz your ISP gives away your location]

    and you're god-like leader, JoMa Sison, is in the netherlands. very nice
    ڤيكتور البَرت جَبيلاغين

  9. #69

    Default America, Please Liberate Us Too !!!

    By the way, if it's any consolation to you Rizal, I am a staunch anti-Communist...

    The NPA is not what it used to be; they're nothing more than a band of thieves, bandits, and extortionists. They're not fighting for our freedoms. They're fighting for themselves. Joma is fighting for an obsolete ideology far long abandoned by the rest of the civilized world. While the aims of Communism are noble, they are close to nothing but impossible.
    ڤيكتور البَرت جَبيلاغين

  10. #70

    Default America, Please Liberate Us Too !!!

    Quote Originally Posted by JoRed
    Quote Originally Posted by J0se_Rizal
    so why are you, the high ranking majority of the communist party, and your diefied leader living outside of the philippines--living comfortably in the west?
    Why? because of security reasons. There were several attempts on JoMa's life after his release. He has to seek political asylum like Ho Chi Minh before him sought it in Paris. In my case, it was a combination of two. A close relative (a military official) brought to my family's attention that I am in the military's Order of Battle. A hit list. It was also during this time that an opportunity to work for an NGO dealing w/ Filipino migrant workers presented itself. There was also a need to present our struggle to the Filipino community in North America & to the International Solidarity communities. Thus, here I am. But nary a day that goes by that I wish that I were working along w/ the masses. I have to remind myself that the Filipino migrant workers abroad are also part of the disinfranchised.
    Living comfortably? & visiting oversize malls? Naah! I WAS living comfortably in Cebu. For I am a part of the peti burgis. 3 squares a day excluding snacks. Here, I have to live within a budget. My meager allowance. First time in my life. Eating steaks & drinking red wine ? as what your other post implied...that's pure black propaganda. I'm surprised that you as a Man of Medicine would fall for that - hook, line, & sinker. I would at least expect you to discern. Besides, I am an abstainer & trying hard to be a vegetarian (I love fish). And talking about malls, you don't have to go abroad to visit them. The malls in Cebu can stand up to any malls in North America. After all most of them are owned by the Big comprador burgis & Trapos. The very class that American Imperialism depend, sustain, & support the most.
    I dare you to be open minded. Purge yourself from the poison of misinformation. Discern. Discern. Discern. The truth is out there!

    Ipadayon ang gisugdan ni Bonifacio! :idea:
    It must be really nice being in Canada!

    Isn't it FUNNY that communists seek sanctuary in non-communist countries? (Canada, the Netherlands... makes one wonder)

    I'd like to visit outside the Philippines someday, but I am needed here and there is work to be done.

    Some day, I hope to take an extended vacation, as you have JoRed.

    But, not until we've set the Philippines in the right direction.

    Have fun in CANADA!!! and I hope JoMa Sison is doing well in the Netherlands!!!

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