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  1. #31

    Default Re: Weapons of Mass Destruction ( my opinion )

    they really invaded iraq because they assumed there's really wmd there and they admitted it that they are wrong.

    the world will always have wmd whether we want it or not. that's reality. for now.

    good news is the world is trying to eliminate these weapons. it's not on the headlines or in the news most of the time but it is happening.

    could north korea deliver its nuke to south korea or japan? i doubt it. having a nuke is different from getting the nuke to your 'enemy.' will they do it if they are capable? without a doubt, no. seoul is too near the dmz. and they will not use it on their korean brothers. this two nations, the us, and red china are the lifeline of north korea. they are the one feeding them, literally. the problem with north korean leaders that they are stucked in a 'cold war mentality.' they think they could blackmail the world in acceding on what they want. the world most especially japan is uneasy but i feel that this crisis on north korea will be settled peacefully.

  2. #32

    Default Re: Weapons of Mass Destruction ( my opinion )

    I wonder if there are any So. Korean nationals reading this thread...I wonder how they would answer the following question: "Do you fear the possibility of a large scale attack by No. Korea possibly occuring in your lifetime"?Â* I would pose the same question to any Japanese national reading this thread. Somehow, I don't think that they will be quite as relaxed about this issue as you appear to be, Cerebus. There is no "brotherhood" that exists between North and South Korea. Approach the border and risk getting shot...They live in two seperate and opposing worlds, with well-defined borders. And as far as doing trade with North Korea, the US imports NOTHING from North Korea, and exports virtually nothing. It's been that way for years...Remember, they expelled the IAEI inspectors in 2003 while investigating No. Korea's nuke capabilities. I wonder what they were/are hiding? Hmmm...

    As for the WMDs in Iraq, if you review the reports filed by the IAEI and UNSCOM you will see that a number of Biological and Chemical weapons agents that Iraq originally admitted to possess were never accounted for or submitted for destruction by the UN teams. It was the Un special commitee (UNSCOM) that exposed Iraq's extensive Biological Weapons program prior to having its inspectors expelled by Saddam Houssein in 1998. They were not allowed to fully expose and eliminate said programs or account for the missing weaponry.

    Iraq had these weapons, used them, and continued developing them while inspectors were kept away from their clandestine bunkers and lab facilities. Sadamm is a terrorist of the first order, and used his resources to conceal his arsenal from the inspectors. After their expulsion in 1998, he had more than enough time to camouflage or relocate his WMD programs and stockpiles.

  3. #33

    Default Re: Weapons of Mass Destruction ( my opinion )

    we are talking about wmd and not large-scale attack. north korea will never attack south korea with wmd if they are capable. nor a large-scale attack because they could not sustain it. and there is no logic in invading the south. north korean invading japan? impossible nad they got no reason to do it. of course, the south koreans and the japanese are, say, uneasy.

    they are 'brothers,' sir. the two koreas. they both dream that they reunite. and the brotherhood exist: 'massive' aid by the south to the north. food, medicines, fuel, fertilizer, etc. almost everything. the south cannot afford the north to collapse. they learned their lessons from germany.

    what keeps north korea starving to death is the aid from the south, japan, china and the US. US is one of the largest contributor of aid to north korea.

    north korea say nukes but having a delivery system for it is in doubts.

    about the wmd in iraq, white house admits that there is none when they invaded iraq.

  4. #34

    Default Re: Weapons of Mass Destruction ( my opinion )

    Cerebus, you are looking at the Koreas thru rose colored glasses. The situation there is still incredibly unstable. You portray a "peace and love" relationship existing between North and South Korea by using the term "brotherhood". It was less than 2 years ago when Naval vessels from South and North Korea fired on each other in the waters of the Yellow Sea! North Korea's restraint on atacking South Korea is based on a statement made by then President Bill Clinton in 1993... "An attack on South Korea will be considered a direct attack on the USA".

    As for massive aid being supplied by the US, that's an overstatement on your part. It's true that the US provides some humanitarian aid to North Korea thru the UN; however, it wasn't until 1995 that the US began easing a 40+ year old trade embargo with North Korea. And that was ONLY in exchange for an agreement by No. Korea to HALT its nuclear development program. The US further eased economic sanctions against NK in 1999, in exchange for NK's agreement to discontinue testing its LONG RANGE MISSLES (capable of reaching the US, Hawaii and Alaska). You claim that they don't possess the delivery system to lob a nuke or other WMD into South Korea or Japan

    I can't believe that you still feel that there were no WMD in Iraq...I suggest you read the reports by the IAEIÂ* and UNSCOM inspectors. And while you're at it, read up on the history of North Korea (1950 - today) to get a better picture of the threat that they pose to other countries.

  5. #35

    Default Re: Weapons of Mass Destruction ( my opinion )

    they are brothers. rosy because it is. unstable, yes. the cause of instability is kim il-jong and his generals. nothing else. they are propping their regime through (military) force. spending most of its money maintaining its army (4th largest). clinton statement that i know of, is that he threaten to attack the north if it won't abandon its nuke program. about what you said, i cannot confirm it. could you give me a link?

    technically, the koreas is still at war. no peace treaty was signed between them. so encounters like those of the ships (the north's ships crossed the south's sea border that north's consider theirs) will happen.

    they got long-range missile and nuke but it's not the same as having a long-range nuclear missle. they have not yet reach that point. i did not claim this. i read this.

    read my post again, sir: 'massive' aid by the south to the north.

    the guys that pentagon send to iraq to find its wmds after the invasion conclude that: ISG has not found evidence that saddam hussien possesed WMD stock in 2003, but the available evidence from its investigation—including detainee interviews and document exploitation—leaves open the possibility that some weapons existed in Iraq although not of a militarily significant capability. i got it wrong: white house did not admit it.

    and now the two of us are too off. so, i say eliminate all wmds.

  6. #36

    Default Re: Weapons of Mass Destruction ( my opinion )

    I've enjoyed debating with you on this topic. A good site for North Korea is "" ...
    I found the Clinton quote there... enter "north korea" in the search box and and find tons of info on NK. I think the Clinton quote was in the area titled "North Korean Special Weapons Guide", but I'm not sure cos I read a lot of the sections on that web page. Let me know if you can't find it and I will track it down.

    Peace - vince

  7. #37

    Default Re: Weapons of Mass Destruction ( my opinion )

    i can't help but fascinate the development of WMD.

    acquiring updated information of WMD and their proliferators have somehow suffice my fascination.

    it wont be long that Philippines will have its own WMD.

    our scientists has been weaponizing meningococcemia and bird's flu strains. JK!

    reading this thread reminds of a website in which US have accused China of downloading classified WMD infos from the federation of american scientists.

    since that day, i guess they have updated the site's front page and remove any direct link to their Special Weapons Primer which contains valuable information of the history, production, design, delivery, testing and effects of WMDs.

    luckily, i have remembered the direct link of their Special Weapons Primer.

    check it out...

    cerebrus: i guess, looks like the 8 countries you have mentioned weren't complete. perhaps youÂ* should try to check this out.

    plus the 'not so detailed' information of B2-Stealth Bomber

    this site have mentioned Philippines in the EBOLA virus section....

    The Ebola virus was first identified in a western equatorial province of Sudan and in a nearby region of Zaire in 1976 after significant epidemics in Yamkubu, northern Zaire, and Nzara, southern Sudan. Between June and November 1976 the Ebola virus inf ected 284 people in Sudan, with 117 deaths. In Zaire there were 318 cases and 280 deaths in September and October. An isolated case occurred in Zaire in 1977, a second outbreak in Sudan in 1979. In 1989 and 1990, a filovirus, named Ebola-Reston, was isola ted in monkeys being held in quarantine in a laboratory in Reston (Virginia), Alice (Texas) and Pennsylvania. In the Philippines, Ebola-Reston infections occurred in the quarantine area for monkeys intended for exportation, near Manila. A large epidemic o ccurred in Kikwit, Zaire in 1995 with 315 cases, 244 with fatal outcomes. One human case of Ebola haemorrhagic fever and several cases in chimpanzees were confirmed in CĂ´te d'Ivoire in 1994-95. In Gabon, Ebola haemorrhagic fever was first documented in 19 94 and recent outbreaks occurred in February 1996 and July 1996. In all, nearly 1,100 cases with 793 deaths have been documented since the virus was discovered. The natural reservoir of the Ebola virus seems to reside in the rain forests of Africa and Asi a but has not yet been identified.

  8. #38

    Default Re: Weapons of Mass Destruction ( my opinion )

    @kyle_nexus: hmm. . . interesting but i doubt it. we can't afford it and no reason for it. the country i listed above are from what i can remember. i cannot think of any other nation. could you tell what i did not include?

    i visited the site you mentioned before. but mostly on the plane stuff.

    on having wmd: we or any country got no logical reason having one.

    @ vince russo: also i. thank you, sir.

  9. #39

    Default Re: Weapons of Mass Destruction ( my opinion )

    cerebrus: i have given u the link, please try to browse.

  10. #40
    Weapons of Mass Destruction d ka afford ang Pilipinas ani..

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