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  1. #31

    Default Re: DUAL WAN ROUTER

    is the load balancer a separate appliance from d link?

    akong, load balancer appliances are quite expensive

    OT: soft touch

    familiar lage na nga word

    murag name sa internet cafe hehe

  2. #32
    ScrapeBox Development softtouch's Avatar
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    Default Re: DUAL WAN ROUTER

    Quote Originally Posted by r0mm3L
    is the load balancer a separate appliance from d link?

    akong, load balancer appliances are quite expensive

    OT: soft touch

    familiar lage na nga word

    murag name sa internet cafe hehe
    The d-link LB-604 is a load balancing dual wan router. I have one myself. Its not expensive, I got my from the US and paid about 4000 pesos (converted).

    OT too... the name softtouch (In full: Softtouch Software Design) is the name I used since about 25 years for my software developments and games. I have nothing to do with that internet cafe.

  3. #33

    Default Re: DUAL WAN ROUTER

    Quote Originally Posted by softtouch_ph
    It depends on the setup you do.
    On the routers config page, you can
    - enable or disable wan1 and wan2
    - select that wab2 is a backup of wan1 (what you don't want to do)

    So just enable wan1 and wan2.
    Then, on the load balancing page, you enable load balancing, and select for example "Packets TX + RX", and set share for wan1 and wan2 each to 50%.

    Thats it.
    thank you.. now i want one. heheheh.. the dlink is the cheapest load balancing router i have seen yet.

  4. #34

    Default Re: DUAL WAN ROUTER

    pwede ba ni PC1 to 10 sa globe mo kuha ug internet dayon pc11 to 20 sa smartbro? then incase naa usa ka provider ma offline mo back-up dayon ang active?

  5. #35

    Default Re: DUAL WAN ROUTER

    @ dam

    yes, that is its manner.

    @ all

    and mind you people, the philippine distributed version of this d-link dual wan hardware is quite buggy, specially related to or in point-to-point protocol on ethernet, and its 1.01 firmware version as given in site cant do the trick much to fix it. you may want to ask d-link singapore soon to have beta firmware for it in which they dont disclose it publicly but rather exclusively to individual problem characteristic.


    you may get two internet connections and have load balancing characteristic "without buying that expensive dual wan router" by using the interface metric system:

    okay yung design, pero it only needs some reconfiguration of both router.

    you can use the windows TCP/IP gateway metric, usually naka-automatic ito, change it to manual.

    here's an example of what you need to do...

    assign the PLDT internal IP to
    assign the belltel internal IP to

    all workstations should be on the same subnet.. example to assigned to all workstations.

    if you have 10 workstation you can configure the 5 workstation to use pldt and the other five to use the BT.

    5 workstation that will use PLDT and make belltel as an automatic back-up link.

    now configure the 5 WS to use the pldt gateway and under the TCP/IP properties go to advance setting, make sure the default gateway is with a metric of 1, then add a second gateway of (belltel) and make the metric as 2.


    5 workstations to use belltel and pldt as a backup link.

    configure the other 5 wokstation to use the gateway of with a metric of 1, and add another gateway of (PLDT) and the metric as 2.

    what these gives you is, the first five computer will use the pldt as the primary gateway and if the pldt goes down it will automatically switch to belltel, also this will provide some level of balancing, if the pldt gateway is very slow the computers will switch to belltel automatically.

    the same way will happen to the other five that uses belltel as their primary gateway.

    - courtesy of mindless

  6. #36

    Default Re: DUAL WAN ROUTER

    Quote Originally Posted by emma_subingsubing
    been using this type of dual wan also for a yrs already.. so far no problem encountered..
    and would you please clarify what dual wan router you used? where did you purchase it? and how much?

  7. #37
    ScrapeBox Development softtouch's Avatar
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    Default Re: DUAL WAN ROUTER

    I am too having a D-Link Dual Wan router, but I purchased it in the US, not here.

    As chipmunk888 said, you can use an alternate solution. I wrote something about that here:

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