AutoCad vs Revit
rotary phone VS IPHONE
dial up VS Broadband
typewriter VS Microsoft Word
general ledger paper VS quickbooks
walking VS 767 jumbo jet
screwdriver VS powerdrill
fold up map VS Google Earth
morse code VS cell phones
DOS VS Vista
newspaper VS RSS Feeds
polaroids VS digital cameras
chisel & stone VS digital prototype printers
record player VS IPOD
paper & pen VS tablet PC
Sharpie Pen & Fax VS Autodesk Design Review
telegram VS email
faxing VS Scan/email
bartering VS credit cards
calculator VS Excel
cave VS High rise
stars VS GPS
fire VS microwave
Betamax VS TIVO
radio VS Satellite Radio
4" black & white TV VS 70" Plasma
reel to reel VS DVD
floppy disk VS 8GB thumb drive
BC VS AD (Before Computers VS After DOS)
....and the list goes on.....
previous autocad user... hehehe...