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  1. #41
    Editor-in-Chief thisbe.ara's Avatar
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    Default Re: Psychology Majors

    in addition to dessay's sharing, i think a psychology major can be called a counselor considering that we do have counseling units. thus Psyc majors qualify best for guidance counselor jobs. sakto ba kow?

    @mitch: ambot lagi sis, naglibog na kow. i'll ask my teacher bout this for more clarification.

  2. #42

    Default Re: Psychology Majors

    @ dessay: i'm always online coz i often read related articles. besides, it's sort of review pa.. thanks anyway but kamang biya jud..hehehe

    @thisbe: i can give you related link sis with regards to your confusion & my post.. also, psych majors when in school are psychometricians.

    i thought g-delete ni nga topic kai nawala man..hehehehe

  3. #43

    Default Re: Psychology Majors

    School: STC
    Year graduated: 2002
    Why did you take up Psychology: i took up Psychology because i wanted to be better in dealing with people and my great love for kids...i thought if i would learn about psychology i can be a better aid in the growth of my future kids!..and before i was planning to be a pre-school teacher
    Fave line of Psyc: All of it..i really had a greattime with all of it! if i really have to have a favorite it would be my thesis or research!..
    Working (Company/ Position/ Type of Industry): Asst. HR Manager in a Language School
    Any regrets of taking up Psychology? No! and never..i was all good...

    i really don't think psych majors are better individuals because on the very first place same neurons are at work...but then could be that psyc majors are more adept in dealing with people of various backgrounds. It's more of like what one is trained to do, one is good at it. So like other professionals, they do good also on their own field.

    I took up psychology not because i hate Math...however my love of numbers is unrequitted...ehehhehe...

  4. #44

    Default Re: Psychology Majors


    welcome to the club!

  5. #45

    Default Re: Psychology Majors

    School: USC
    Year: 1992
    Y: it was one of my favorite subjects while i was studying nursing in manila but i went back home to cebu. wasnt accepted sa college of nursing ky very strict sila that time. i accidentally passed by the dept while going to my aunt's office sa secretary sa director of library. back then, i just love being with pipol around. lahi lang na feeling of contentment. emotional status nako that time, was not pretty stable too...i got a lot of unfinished business within and with my family and all these ky m not aware of pa...basi denial lang ko that time pod. maybe it's meant to be for me to discover and learn...eventually know and love the REAL ME!
    Fave/specialization: Psych 123 - Group Process
    Job today: BSN phil & US practicing RN.
    Regrets: NO WAY JOSE! it made me who i am today!!!

  6. #46

    Default Re: Psychology Majors

    proud PYSCH major grad here from Cebu Doctors' University!

  7. #47

    Default Re: Psychology Majors

    dako jud akong pagbasol y wala ko ntek ug psychology..tsktsk..
    pero graduate nako accountancy..and planning to tek the board exam this coming october..
    karun pajud ko krealized ma super jud ko nahan magpsych..
    maybe in two years time mskwela jud ko sa ko money..

  8. #48

    Default Re: Psychology Majors

    School: University of San Carlos
    Year graduated: 2002
    Why did you take up Psychology: Just like thisbe.ara, Psychology was my second choice... My first choice was Industrial Engineering. I don't know why, but when Fr. Raboy asked me what course will i be taking, I answered "Psychology". Well, I made the right choice.
    Fave line/major in Psychology: i think therefore i am/ theories of personality
    Working (Company/ Position/ Type of Industry): I am working in an engineering firm, doing an engineer's job... just a proof that psych majors can do almost anything! hehehe
    Any regrets of taking up Psychology? NOPE!

    I took up Psychology not because I hate math subjects. Industrial Engineering was my first love, but I feel that there's something about Psychology that needs to be explored. I've always been interested with Psychology and I've always wanted to study a person's behavior. I want to understand why people behave and think the way they do. There's so many questions in my head and Psychology answered all of it.

    Psychology helped me understand people better. And accept people for who they are...

    I am I. You are you. We're not here in this world. To live up to what you expect from me nor are you here to live up to mine. If by chance we meet its beautiful, if not it cannot be helped. The fact that we are here is worth the try.

    Love Psych!

  9. #49
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2007

    Default Re: Psychology Majors

    ^naman.. eng job pero psych grad? berry_muffin, how do you do that?!

  10. #50

    Default Re: Psychology Majors

    Quote Originally Posted by maia21
    ^naman.. eng job pero psych grad? berry_muffin, how do you do that?!
    the other side of me is good with design, i guess... but psychology is very much a part of my system.

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