grabe jud !![]()
payter!! bloody insane!!
love this song..i can relate to this.. :mrgreen:
Nindot da.hehehehehe kalitan man sad ta ki patay hasta ang babay hahahahaha pero choi gyud SUpport gyud ko Urbandub nindot tanan ila manga kanta man cebuano pa gyud wohooo.hahahaha
Payter kaayo nga video!
basta URBANDUB nindot jud!
cebu's pride!
kewl... two thumbs up for Urbandub..
this presents a new landmark for udub vids
first no performance shot.
then they act!especially gabby!hehehehe
then they have a really ok story with big name actors in it!izza calzado is H-O-T!ehehehehe
and the surprise sequence at the end...well,it's not really a surprise but i was quite shocked at the end...quite brooootal for mtv!!!hahahaha it's typical quark henares, ala
but the thing is,the cuts and sequencing seem to be off...not tastefully done,murag amateur at times.kulang ang drama and tension leading to the end.sayang au kay payter raba
unta ang ending...duno if i-edit pani for mtv and myx...hope not!ahahaha
nice au ilang video.. pang-international kaayo'g dating
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