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    on CULT Status b|tcH_g0dd3sS's Avatar
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    Default 'Gender-bending' chemicals found to 'feminise' boys

    “Gender-bending” chemicals mimicking the female hormone oestrogen can disrupt the development of baby boys, suggests the first evidence linking certain chemicals in everyday plastics to effects in humans.

    The chemicals implicated are phthalates, which make plastics more pliable in many cosmetics, toys, baby-feeding bottles and paints and can leak into water and food.

    All previous studies suggesting these chemicals blunt the influence of the male hormone testosterone on healthy development of males have been in animals. “This research highlights the need for tougher controls of gender-bending chemicals,” says Gwynne Lyons, toxics adviser to the WWF, UK. Otherwise, “wildlife and baby boys will be the losers”.

    The incriminating findings came from a study of 85 baby boys born to women exposed to everyday levels of phthalates during pregnancy. It was carried out by Shanna Swan at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, New York, US, and colleagues.
    As an index of feminisation, she measured the “anogenital distance” (AGD) between the anus and to the base of the *****. She also measured the volume of each boy’s *****. Earlier studies have shown that the AGD is twice in boys what it is in girls, mainly because in boys the hormone testosterone extends the length of the perineum separating the anus from the testicles.

    Undescended testicles

    In animals, AGD is reduced by phthalates - which mimic oestrogen - which keep testosterone from doing its normal job. At higher doses, animals develop more serious abnormalities such as undescended testicles and misplaced openings to the urethra on the ***** - a group of symptoms called “phthalate syndrome” in animals.
    When Swan’s team measured concentrations of nine phthalate metabolites in the urine of pregnant women, they found that four were linked with shorter AGD in sons born to women showing high exposure levels.
    Although none of the boys developed abnormal genitals, the quarter of mothers who were exposed to the highest concentrations of phthalates were much more likely to have had boys with short AGDs compared with the quarter of mothers who had the lowest exposures to the chemicals.

    And although all the boys had genitals classified as “normal”, 21% of the boys with short AGDs had incomplete testicular descent, compared with 8% of other boys. And on average, the smaller the AGD, the smaller the *****.

    Changing masculinisation

    Swan believes that at higher exposures, boys may suffer from testicular dysgenesis syndrome - the human collection of more serious abnormalities which corresponds to “phthalate syndrome”.

    “We’re not exactly seeing testicular dysgenesis syndrome, but a cluster of endpoints consistent with it,” said Swan on at an international conference on Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in San Diego, US.

    “If you see this, you’re very likely to see every other aspect of masculinisation changed too,” says Fred vom Saal, professor of reproductive biology at the University of Missouri-Columbia, US.

    Vom Saal says this could include behavioural changes like those seen in animals, including an aversion to “rough-and-tumble” play and a reduction in aggressiveness.

    Criticising methods

    Environmentalists say the results strengthen the case for a ban or restriction on some phthalates in baby toys, as has been proposed in Europe and California.

    But phthalate manufacturers maintain that the chemicals have been thoroughly tested and are safe. They are also critical of aspects of the study. David Cadogan, director of the European Council for Plasticisers and Intermediates, points out that just one urine sample was taken from each pregnant woman, which cannot rule out drastic variations in exposure over time.

    Also, he says that all AGD measurements should have been taken in babies exactly the same age, not in babies ranging from three to 24 months in age as in the study. The disparity in ages meant that complicated mathematical analyses had to be applied which may have made it more difficult to distinguish genuine differences in AGD from differences accounted for by age or weight.
    Swan’s results will appear in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives.[br]Posted on: February 29, 2008, 04:47:42 AM_________________________________________________If this would be true, 50 years from now, there will no longer be MEN.
    "JUST A WOMAN? Oh honey no!

    I am awesome with a splash of bitch and a dash of wonderful.

  2. #2

    Default Re: 'Gender-bending' chemicals found to 'feminise' boys

    wa manko kasabot oi.. pwedi i summarize>?hehe

  3. #3
    on CULT Status b|tcH_g0dd3sS's Avatar
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    Default Re: 'Gender-bending' chemicals found to 'feminise' boys

    I believe what it's saying is, over exposure to the chemical Phthalates can alter the hormone that makes males "men"

    and that continuous exposure to this chemical may "feminise" boys -- meaning they'd either become gay or entirely wipe out the male species because soon they will not be able to reproduce. Hhmmm perhaps wipe out the human species entirely?

    anyway, the chemical Phthalates is often used to make plastic really soft.
    "JUST A WOMAN? Oh honey no!

    I am awesome with a splash of bitch and a dash of wonderful.

  4. #4

    Default Re: 'Gender-bending' chemicals found to 'feminise' boys

    dli mawala ang men...
    its just they will become abnormal...

  5. #5

    Default Re: 'Gender-bending' chemicals found to 'feminise' boys


  6. #6

    Default Re: 'Gender-bending' chemicals found to 'feminise' boys

    may we know ur source so we can make our own research b4 we comment...

  7. #7
    on CULT Status b|tcH_g0dd3sS's Avatar
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    Default Re: 'Gender-bending' chemicals found to 'feminise' boys

    There are alot actually. If you Google: Phthalates you'll find several links.

    Here's one:
    "JUST A WOMAN? Oh honey no!

    I am awesome with a splash of bitch and a dash of wonderful.

  8. #8

    Default Re: 'Gender-bending' chemicals found to 'feminise' boys

    Quote Originally Posted by b|tcH_g0dd3sS
    I believe what it's saying is, over exposure to the chemical Phthalates can alter the hormone that makes males "men"

    and that continuous exposure to this chemical may "feminise" boys -- meaning they'd either become gay or entirely wipe out the male species because soon they will not be able to reproduce. Hhmmm perhaps wipe out the human species entirely?

    anyway, the chemical Phthalates is often used to make plastic really soft.
    a bit of an exaggeration i think...

    an increase in estrogen doesn’t make a man into a woman you know. It also doesn't make a man gay. There are actually some men who have naturally higher estrogen and some women with higher testosterone. In Psychology and Gender Identity, there are men who are feminine. They're not gay, completely straight but display "feminine traits". There are also women who are a butch but are completely straight. Having higher levels or the stuff doesn't make a person gay. There are a lot of factors that make someone gay - the whole nature vs. nurture thing. What the levels of phthalates probably affect is the aggressive behavior since there’s a direct link between testosterone and aggression. The boys with higher levels will be slightly smaller down there but they won’t suddenly grow vaginas.

    I’m not saying the whole study is farce just probably a little less credible. 1. the basis of “feminization” is defined by “anogenital distance” (AGD) which doesn’t present the whole picture. "Feminine" is defined bu a lot more than that. 2. 85 controlled subjects is a small scale experiment and for this study to really rattle a few cages in the scientific world it has to be done in a massive scale over a long period of time.

  9. #9

    Default Re: 'Gender-bending' chemicals found to 'feminise' boys

    Would this explain the ever increasing gay population?

  10. #10

    Default Re: 'Gender-bending' chemicals found to 'feminise' boys

    Quote Originally Posted by yokam
    Would this explain the ever increasing gay population?

  11.    Advertisement

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