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  1. #1

    Default Istoryan WEIRDNESS TAG... Wait until you get tagged.


    Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things about himself/herself. People who got tagged need to post a reply of their own 6 weird things. In the end, you need to choose 1 istoryan to be tagged and write his/her name. Don’t forget to send him/her PM that says "you are tagged" and tell them to reply in THIS THREAD. Do not reply if you haven't been tagged.

    This could be fun! =)

    ...And I'm going to start... here goes nothing:

    Weird Thing #1 – Nailbiter. Yes, I bite my nails to oblivion! There comes a time in our lives when we feel all nervous/insecure/unsure/tense/anxious/worried (if you don’t, you’re not human) and thus, the nailbiting. I really should kick the habit (bah!!! Been trying to for the Nth time!) because it’s so disguapa to my hands. Well, that’s not really weird… because I know you guys do it. But do you do it until you see blood coming out?

    Weird Thing #2 – Pain lover. I like pain. GI Jane said it reminds us that we’re not dead yet. I only have 4 tattoos and I want 3 more. Why? Because of the pain not just the body art. My pain tolerance is quite above the average I should say and I don’t mind going under the knife for any surgical procedure -- be it medically or cosmetically.

    Weird Thing #3 – Hair flossing. So sue me! For me, hair is a good alternative for flossing. Since flossing is not too common around here and you can’t find a good floss item on the counter, I suggest you find a dead strand on your head and use it. You’ll find that some are extra strong! Lolz.

    Weird Thing #4 – The Carnivore. I eat anything meat. Turtles, snakes, frogs, birds, wild boars, rabbits, dogs, you name it. As long as it’s well done. Thanks for my father dear who feeds me anything since I was little, I wouldn’t mind eating whatchamacallit as long as it’s cooked. I even ate my 14-year-old half-bred Great Dane, my pet since I was 2 years old, when it died of old age. I was 14. He made sumptuous caldereta.

    Weird Thing #5 – Aloof but aware.
    According to my BFF Dapoieee, “being aloof but you're actually socially aware”. Now that’s contradictory to me having short-term memory. I have a tendency to suppress all my memory like I put them in archives in my brain to make room for more processing. Hah! Three days and I forget it. Sometimes I don’t seem to listen to people talking – little do they know I’m an eavesdropper expert. Thank you Cantubo for teaching me how to be certified Chismosa. I do remember details clearly, so I guess they’re put away on top of all the archives. That’s why I remember them so well. It’s very easy to find these files inside my head. Maybe I space out during conversations (Dapoieee says “space out” is a major understatement!), but I guess that’s the time when I’m sorting the archives. So don’t worry about that. Dapoieee can attest that I’m actually listening, in spite having THAT look on my face.

    Weird Thing #6 – 2-minute Appetite.
    Bon Appetit! Two minutes and I’m gone. During meals, after two minutes, I’m done. Why? I don’ know. But I don’t like to eat after two minutes. I eat fast and I get indigestions a lot. Maybe that explains the flatulence. Ha ha ha!

    TAG! You’re it!

    >>> and I'm tagging DIEM!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Istoryan WEIRDNESS TAG... Wait until you get tagged.

    [color=navy]Sigh. Here goes.

    Weird Thing #1 - Caressing my Canines: I have four sharp pointed canine teeth in my mouth. Once in a while I feel the sharpness of these teeth with a finger or the tip of my tongue, sometimes to the point of nearly drawing blood. Nearly.

    Weird Thing #2 - I LOVE SUNFLOWERS: I find sunflowers more romantic than roses. I just do.

    Weird Thing #3 - I grade legs: I have a working criteria on how to qualitatively judge and rate a lady's legs.

    Weird Thing #4 - I am a closet claustrophobic: It's not really apparent and thankfully I don't get to be in such situations that would nurture that fear of closed spaces but yes, put me in a closed, tight space too long and...

    Weird Thing #5 - I am Souperman: I love soup. Soup. Soup. Soup.

    Weird Thing #6 - Nature can be cruel, but I can be crueler.: Once I forgot to feed the lab rats under my care for my Chemistry thesis. They (the rats) got so hungry that they ate each other's insides. Even drank up all the blood. Not really much mess for me to clean up.

    And I spy with my big eye the iStoryan named psyche_08! TAG, YOU'RE IT!

  3. #3
    Banned Moderator psyche_08's Avatar
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    Default Re: Istoryan WEIRDNESS TAG... Wait until you get tagged.

    Just 6? Anyway, ergo:

    #1 THE CONTROL FREAK - The control freak who's out of control as what somebody said. I have the tendency to control everything that I'm working on, example, I'm working on a certain report and I'm using Excel or I'm using another computer, it would take me about two hours to personalize the PC or to complete MY settings. Starting from the desktop background down to the font, color, and alignments of the report but when it comes to the arrangements of the house etc etc... I don't have a control over myself.

    #2 THE MASOCHIST - I seemed to enjoy the sting of the needle. I have a couple of piercings and I did it on my own using the largest stitching needle but I when it comes to the matter of the heart...

    #3 CLAUSTROPHOBIC - Sad but true. I barely use the elevator but I have to since I work at the 16th FLR of the Keppel tower but I usually stop round 7th FLR to breathe a little then proceed to 16th FLR.

    #4 UNEASY - Most of the time I scratch my smallest toe and my right thumb when I'm in deep thoughts, bored and tense. And also when I focus myself on something or when I'm thinking , I bite my lower lip too.

    #5 SPACE OUT - I go silent and stare at space sometimes, BEOR usually call it "in the zone". That's what my colleagues noticed most of the time. What can I say, I have my world some times. LOL

    #6 THE MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder) - *uh oh* I shift personalities like changing clothes. Most of the time I talk a lot and there are times that I want to be completely alone without any reason at all. There are also times that I get annoyed with every little noise that I hear especially from people who "thought of themselves as a walking encyclopedia". Well, I can be the most jolly and noisy person and goes mute in the next minute.

    ... actually there are about a couple more things... nah... ferget bout it.

    I have my eye on Galadriel, TAG! You're it! *oow knows*

    Updated person to TAG
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  4. #4
    mrsBeoR Galadriel's Avatar
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    Default Re: Istoryan WEIRDNESS TAG... Wait until you get tagged.

    i don't really know if the things i'm gonna post here are weird but here goes

    I Count
    - when i brush my teeth, i count up to 20 brush strokes for each side (front, back, side) not including the tongue. i tried brushing without counting and it felt like my teeth was not clean enough. so i stuck to counting while brushing.

    - i also count up to 20 when i wash my hands with soap before rinsing it with water. to make sure my hands are clean.

    - when applying deodorant, 5 strokes for each armpit...para balance

    Shopping - as what they say shopping for clothes and shoes are a girls favorite past time. It does not hold true for me.
    - i don't do my clothes shopping (my mom or my sisters buy them for me as gifts). I don't like shopping for clothes. I love to shop for books, video cd's/dvd's and most of all for FOOD

    - I am allergic to...would you believe it ...the beach, the ocean, the sea. just a little salt water on my face and i will have a lot of itchy bumps. as much as i love going to the beach, i can only submerge myself up to my neck and make sure that not a single drop of sea water touches my face.

    - Cooking
    My uncle finds it weird that I cook without using MSG. I am allergic to MSG. IT gives me migraine. I prefer to season my dishes with salt, pepper and herbs. MSG = MIGRAINE = NOT GOOD.

    - Dust
    I sneeze when my nose detects dust, i think i have allergic rhinitis. I dust off the bed before going to sleep. i tried sleeping without dusting it off but my skin can feel the dust and it makes my whole body itchy. When I run my fingers on the bed, I can feel the small particles of dust, i make sure the bed is free from it. If i can't dust the bed, i make sure i put a malong or another blanket on top of the bed sheet and that is where i sleep on.

    - Food
    one of my favorite snacks/food is Cerelac wheat banana

    i think this makes up for more than 6.

    now...who to TAG...hmmm....d'monyita

  5. #5

    Default Re: Istoryan WEIRDNESS TAG... Wait until you get tagged.

    ayuyeyyyyyyyyyyyy! here goes..........

    I CAN SEE DEAD PEOPLE ---joke!

    serious na ni.......

    The DREAMER - I have had many dreams (actual, sleeping) that have come true. Does that mean that I am one of the chosen dreamers of God? Wishing! Do my dreams scare me at times? Yeah.... Did they literally happen? Yeah basically...when in my dream I saw a friend preggy.... at that time I talked to her she didn't know but because I asked her to...she took the preggy test... and she was weee!

    The TEMPER
    - I have had one very bad instance that I became blinded with rage. I spoke something like "I wish mababawi ko lahat ng binigay ko." A week later there was a big big fire which gutted down his house. Only thing left were the clothes on his back...none of which...clothes, shoes, etc came from me. Certified witch daw ako hahahaha. Naaahhh.... I scared myself there. Update on that: I have asked God to take that kind of temper away and He has!

    - I actually love to learn.

    The frustrated BALLERINA - I dance in my room....and in my dreams... hehehehehe.

    The frustrated PIANIST
    - ahhhh the music i hear in my head.....

    The frustrated WRITER - I love to play with words. Working on that frustration now though... hehehehehe

    Asusme.... I dont know what else to write hahahahahhaha.

    Tag....tag..... tagging who else.... Gwyn! hahahahhahaha

  6. #6

    Default Re: Istoryan WEIRDNESS TAG... Wait until you get tagged.

    ...6 ra? certified weird man ko so try jud ko to post only 6 he he goes...

    STAIRS....for some reason I always had this feeling that I will fall down...I have had this premonition since I was a everytime I navigate steps...i am soooo much so that I have taken to counting the steps! So please do not wonder how come I know exactly how many steps are there sa ako school, gymn , and other places i frequent ... .and by the way I still have to fall down...

    ICE CREAM ...well I like them best when they are melted. ...yummy

    FACES ...i make faces...i actually take long in the bathroom because i spend a good deal of time watching myself in the mirror making faces!

    RATS...i have an irrational fear/aversion to them...'nuf said *shudders*

    TALKING TO SELF ...i do this a lot...sometimes i get carried away and at times do it in about embarrassing!

    DANCING WITHOUT MUSIC of my favorite lovey dovey times with my hubby is slow dancing without music...i actually enjoy it sooo much...sometimes more than when we dance to a tune it is Velvett's turn!

  7. #7

    Default Re: Istoryan WEIRDNESS TAG... Wait until you get tagged.

    ^ahhh that dancing with hubby thing is so sweeet

    okay, ang akong mga ka weirduhan:

    1. Trees - I talk to trees. When I pass by one, I greet it and it usually responds with a gentle ruffling of its leaves.

    2. Writing - I can write in the opposite direction--right to left. and cursive at that. Can write with left hand too--grade 6 level.

    3. Reading - Guilty of undisciplined reading. Can forget about meals or work if carried away.

    4. Patriotism - My list of crushes include Jose Rizal and Lapu-lapu. I can cry to Lupang Hinirang esp that played in the cinema.

    5. Crying - I feel compelled to look at myself in the mirror when I cry. tsk.

    6. Built-in Cry Timer - Nose congestion after a few minutes. very effective.

    Hmmmm who's next...

    b|tcH_g0dd3sS, TAG! You're IT!

  8. #8
    on CULT Status b|tcH_g0dd3sS's Avatar
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    Default Re: Istoryan WEIRDNESS TAG... Wait until you get tagged.

    *sigh the stuff for blackmail ...nah

    1. Getting Wet --- I am no cook and I haven’t learned how to cook intricate dishes. To show my appreciation for nice meals, I’d always offer to do the dishes. And even at home, my favorite chores are those that involve water --- yes even laundry! Ironically though, I’m not really fond of the beach or swimming for that matter.

    2. Typing --- I love typing. I love how the way my fingers feel when they skim the keys. It’s really awesome. hahahahha

    3. Graphomania --- Well I wouldn’t profess to have this psychological condition SO – outside the psychiatric definitions and conditions of the term, I would say I have the urge and need of writing, without regard professional or not. I write about little, small and not so important things. I have to do lists, I write down the things I want to buy, albums I wanna listen to, songs that I like, personal realizations, quotes that I like, texts that I like (I save them, then write them on a little book) and almost anything I want or like.

    4. Hair – When I take a shower, I pick each falling (fallen?) hair off me and place it (them) nicely and neatly on one side of my soap bin. I love the way they look all stacked up like that. I don’t count them though, that would be way off weirder.

    5. White Hair – I love pulling white hair off a head, doesn’t matter whose head. On mine, I love the sensation, the feel on my head while if I’m the one pulling – the sensation of pulling the white hair somehow relaxes me.

    6. Chemical Romance – I love the smell of freshly printed or photocopied material. Whenever I have freshly printed or photocopied something, I smell it right off the machine!

    This time I'm tagging


    "JUST A WOMAN? Oh honey no!

    I am awesome with a splash of bitch and a dash of wonderful.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Istoryan WEIRDNESS TAG... Wait until you get tagged.

    This is fun.

    1. Obsessive compulsive
    - I like to put/arrange things in a certain order. When cooking I like it to be systematic, when cleaning I like it to be in a certain order or phase. If my things are touched, it's world war IV. I know when something is changed in the house. I like all my things neat and clean. I shower a lot.

    2. Full on emotion - when i begin to do something, I put my heart into it and don't mind not sleeping. I like finishing what I have begun and crash afterwards.

    3. A million thoughts
    - My head is always full of things to think about. I can be with someone and my mind is somewhere else. I have been an avid daydreamer my whole highschool life. I guess I am figuring out how to make those thoughts work now. hahahaha

    4. Nailbiter - I love biting my nails, I guess even if the President is right in front of me. I get sheer pleasure in nipping those tiny skin.

    5. Excessive Talking - A few people think I'm gay because of that. But all those thoughts need to come out somewhere... I talk to my dog, my plants, my fish, I talk in my sleep [and in english, hahahaha]... can I talk to you?

    6. Print addict - I love brochures and pamphlets. Take me to the nearest product launching or expo and I'm in heaven. I grab every brochure I can get.many times I have more brochures than what I truly need. I don't care what language, if its in print and full color, give it to me...

    I'd like to tag tripwire

  10. #10

    Default Re: Istoryan WEIRDNESS TAG... Wait until you get tagged.

    I’m it?!

    This is so much fun. Okay, here are my things that I thought are weird.

    1. Full stomach. I always thought that having a full stomach going to sleep has a tendency of nightmarish way. Many have explained that it is the internal organs that are having difficulties of absorbing the food in tiny pieces. Or the body slows rpm and when the body slows/relaxed some organs don’t properly work – choking is the result. But my doctor friend told me that there is no connection between full tummy and nightmares. It’s jut that parents give you this answer in order for you to stop eating so much. Lol.

    2. Brushing teeth. Brushing teeth comes to me first at hand. Before going to bed and immediately after waking up. I don’t even want to talk to my room mate once because I have not brushed my teeth yet. In fact, I always bring tooth brush in my bag. One weird way I think I am not ashamed of is taking too much time brushing my teeth. Normally it only take about a minute or so but for me it will take me 15 strokes each tooth. Add them all if you have full set of teeth. Hahahaa…

    3. Underwear. I always buy and use white ones and the favorite brand is Hanes. They are the ones that are made of 100% cotton and if I use other brand, I have itches that you don’t want to know (really don’t ask me… lol). I have full sets of white undies on each day of the week. Even bring one pair just in case. Hehehehe.

    4. Creased pants. Whenever I wear my uniform pants, I’d like to have them properly ironed in crest, no crumpled, no tiny dents because I look more professional that way. I have co-workers asked me so many times why do I have to iron my pants (clothes) pretty well. I told them I can’t stop thinking if I have crumpled clothes – especially pants. If I have them, I have to walk home and change or iron it again.

    5. Silk sheets. I can’t sleep without silk sheets on my bed. No particular color as long as they are silk.

    6. Multo. In all my senses and in my field of medical science, I'm a wimp when people/friends talk about ghosts. I worked in a hospital and all my co-workers joke/pranks in telling any stories about certain areas in the room (ward). People died there because of weird reasons and come back to haunt the place. All in all, thinking about it makes me the creeps. One time, all my friends watched a horror movie (can't remember the title), I went out 30 minutes the movie started and I sweat and hyperventilatiing.

    I few of them but we’re only required 5. Sorry guys.

    I tag.... oh, shoots... I have to choose one of them now. I tag Brownprose.

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