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Indeed PING LACSON is playing gamas and he is winning in the ART of WAR .
How could one LOWLY POLICEMAN bisan PNP BIG BOSS pa na siya or how can one POLITICIAN bisan SENADOR pa a siya can afford to shutdown almost half of MANDALAY BAY's OPERATION to other guest just so the WEDDING of their SON can be SUCCESSFUL on top of all the AIRFARE of the GUEST and SPONSORS all expense paid roundtrip and accomodation ? He he he ... lets just say its a HEARSAY because it cant be proven here in the forums but hey , I can prove it in person because its from an insider more credible than Boy Abunda .
The point is ... bisan si mga AYALA maglisod ug buhi ana ka dako na amount just to make a day of celebration SUCCESSFUL ... considering Lacson is not even included in the Philippines top 40 RICHEST .
Where did he get his money from ? His PNP savings ? His government salary ? I know the LACSONS are not that RICH prior to PINGS household name during his PNP days .

eng... eng.. eng.... SHOWBIZ balita
sakto pud kay weddings... showbiz gyud...