315 Bloor Street West Toronto
AUGUST 26TH - 29TH 2005 SEPTEMBER 1st-4TH 2005
We invited youths, individuals, members of civil society and representatives from governments and non-governmental organizations to participate in this forth coming “ International conference on Youth’s Suicide Prevention and strategy “ taking place at World Youths welfare convention Hall, 5017 N. Dupont Highway Kingston, Ontario, Canada and the “International conference on Child Labor” at Cludio hall Cam S.maria Formosa Castello 8240-I 9172 Napoli,Italy .to learn more about the complex issues surrounding Youth’s Suicide Prevention and Child Labor – and see what national and international actions are being taken to address the issues.
Why hold a conference?
Suicide among young people is a growing problem in modern societies. But by international standards youth suicide rate is one of the highest in the world especially among the youth.
In 2000, 96 young people died from suicide in New Zealand.And also look at the one that took place at Indonesia last 2003 last year were lots of Australians lose their lives . This was the lowest number of deaths since 1986 and showed a large drop in the number of suicide deaths. But for every completed suicide there are a far greater number of attempted suicides.
Suicide is not a disease that can be cured. Rather, it is a complex problem for which there is no one cause or cure. Instead there are a range of biological, cultural, economic, social and psychological influencing factors. Most suicides, however, can be prevented.
The US Government has responded by producing a national strategy to signal the way forward to deal with the challenge of preventing young people from considering suicidal behaviours. However, the Government cannot reduce youth suicide on its own, as it needs the support and involvement of individuals, families, communities, services, and businesses.
The US Youth Suicide Prevention Strategy was developed by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and the Ministry of Health.
The US Youth Suicide Prevention Strategy, published in March 1998, has two parts In Our Hands, which is the general population strategy, and the strategy specifically targeting needs and approaches. In March 2001 the Ministry of Youth Affairs took over responsibility for leading and co-ordinating the US Youth Suicide Prevention Strategy.
Why an International Youth Suicide Prevention Strategy?
The purpose of the Youth Suicide Prevention Strategy is to provide leadership at an international level by outlining the key interventions that need to be in place to prevent suicide.
The Strategy was published in March 1998 and has two parts 'In Our Hands' which is the general population strategy, and the strategy specifically targeting needs and approaches.
The framework of the strategy is broad enough to be long lasting and inclusive enough to guide interventions from a range of sectors, from government, local government, professional groups, non-government organisations, service providers, community members and private individuals.
An international level strategy recognizes the complexity of the problem and the need for a co-ordinated and collaborative response both across government agencies and out to non-governmental entities.
Development of a national strategy also allows for the identification of existing interventions and gaps that need to be addressed.
Finally, a national strategy provides a recognisable and consistent strategic approach to suicide prevention. It is essential that youth suicide prevention programmes are well-designed in order to ensure that they do no harm. The national approach aims to ensure that best practice is pursued in the development and delivery of youth suicide prevention. Objectives of this conference is young people involved in discussions and decision-making on the issue of Suicide revention reviewing the progress made to date in suicide prevention .Intervening to reduce youth suicideThe Youth Suicide Prevention Strategy as a whole draws together a full range of interventions spread across the two parts of the strategy. The general population component In Our Hands takes a public health focus and the specific component draws strongly on a community development approach.
Suicide prevention requires a multi-faceted approach which focuses on: ,,,
·1 building resiliency of the whole population
·2 providing ongoing support to those who may be suicidal or who have long term needs
·3 support to those that have been affected by a suicide or serious suicide attempt and improving our knowledge and understanding the causes and rates of suicidal behaviours.
The higher rate of youth suicide and the Global commitment to improving health is being addressed in part by specific component to the strategy.
Prevention initiatives need to be well co-ordinated and engage a range of sectors, including central and local government, community, professional groups and families.
Suicide prevention initiatives must take into account research and best practice to minimize the potential to do harm.
Range of interventions
The range of interventions which contribute to the prevention of suicide are generally derived from reducing the impact of identified risk factors and by increasing resiliency by promoting protective factors. In many ways they attempt to interrupt the pathways which can lead to suicidal behaviors.
The Youth Suicide Prevention Strategy as a whole draws together the full range of interventions spread across two parts of the strategy. Both merge within one core intervention approach as follows:
·1 Strengthening families, young people and communities
·2 Providing early intervention
·3 Providing intervention/treatment
·4 Providing post crisis support.
All of these are supported by research and information.
Youth Suicide Prevention
CANADA august 26th –29TH 2005
Italy Hosts World Youth welfare Conference on Child Labour
World Youth Welfare is a signatory to and a leading participant in international agreements to protect children, the most important of which is the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child. The Convention recognizes a range of rights related to children and child protection, and calls upon countries to honor their obligations to uphold these rights. The Convention is the most widely ratified human rights treaty in the world, with all but two countries having ratified it.
To make further progress on these commitments, World Youth Welfare is hosting the International Conference on Child Labor in Napoli City, Italy from, September 1st - 4th 2005. The conference builds on the growing international momentum emerging from recent inter-governmental, non-governmental and regional meetings, resolutions and declarations on various aspects of the issue of Child Labor. The Italy conference is being co-hosted by Minister of Regional Affairs Mr.La Loggia, Enrico and Mr. Maroni, Roberto Minister of Labor and Welfare.
What are the objectives of the Conference?
To bring to an end human trafficking, Child prostitution, child exploitation etc,
President Kennedy once said, "A child miseducated is a child lost." Around the world today, we have more than 100 million children between 6 and 11 who will never attend school, in what UNICEF has accurately labelled a "silent catastrophe." Many of these children are toiling right now in dingy sweatshops and enduring backbreaking labour.
It is said that the future is written on the faces of children. If so, that future is full of both hope and despair. To see the bright eyes of a young girl attending school for the first time is to see the prospects of an unlimited horizon. To see the world weariness in the tired features of a twelve year old who had already known a lifetime of work is to understand the crushing burden poverty places on children.
It takes but a glance to understand the simple truth: child labor is simply wrong. Child labor is wrong because it robs children of their potential, swapping the meager wages of menial labor for any hope they might experience a brighter future. Child labor is wrong in the eyes of the world, because we know that children should be in school rather than at work. Child labor is wrong because it undermines the very core hope of securing lasting social and economic progress in the developing world.
It our responsibility -- national governments, non-governmental organizations, and donors alike -- to act to right these wrongs.As the head of a development agency, I believe deeply that development is a critical issue for the future of all the world's citizens, rich and poor alike. Understanding that fact, it is imperative we speak to the threat to this future posed by child labor.
Over the long run, a nation's greatest asset is human capital. Human capital does not simply materialize, nor can it be conveniently purchased. It must be cultivated over the long term. Human capital is not a commodity, but rather a distillation of our deepest values, our hopes, our dreams. A healthy, educated, well-trained citizenry is development.
How is human capital generated? Through education and the intellectual growth of our children. We all recognize, and this conference's Agenda for Action makes explicit, that child labor and basic education are deeply related. They are opposite sides of the same coin. Children who are at work cannot be at school. Children whose parents see the value of education, and who are afforded the possibility of learning in a safe and appropriate school, will not forced to make the devil's bargain of sending their children to work before their time. But in too many places this remains an empty hope, far too many parents see no option but to try and generate enough income to keep the wolf away from the door for another day.
Toward the goal of combatting child labor, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) formally adopted basic education as one of our five fundamental goals in support of sustainable development. We have now made explicit what has been implicit in United States policy for many years: our fundamental principle that no person should reach adulthood without the basic skills that come from a decent education.
This is more than just rhetoric: this year, we plan to invest more than one hundred million dollars in basic education in developing countries around the world. And we expect to maintain this commitment over the years to come.
We will focus our education resources on those countries, particularly the poorest countries of sub-Saharan Africa, in which a high proportion of the children who will be entering adulthood early in the next century do not currently have effective access to primary education. And under a commitment made at the Social Summit by the First Lady of the United States,MRS. LAURA BUSH, we will invest heavily in assuring that girls receive full and equal benefit from educational opportunities in their countries. I urge our partners, both in the donor community and among national governments, to do the same.
When child labor is replaced with universal basic education, when intellectual growth and curiosity replace the closed box of repetitive drudgery in countries throughout the world, we will see a flowering of the human potential and the human spirit that will lift even today's poorest countries. And if we fail to act, and allow labor rather than learning to continue to be the norm among poor children, we will sow the seeds of generation after generation of dispossessed with little recourse but desperation and violence. As our First Lady MRS.LAURA BUSH recently said, "No nation can hope to succeed in our global economy if half of its people lack the opportunity and the right to make the most of their God-given promise."
Let me be clear: we can never end child labor without offering in its place universal and high quality education. But education alone will not be enough to end this scourge.
Throughout much of the world we see children at work within a stone's throw of a public school. If education is available to them, why do they not take advantage of it?
Two words alone answer that question: poverty and exploitation.
We know that many families believe their children must work. They live at the margins of the economy, barely able to generate enough income or grow enough food to survive. Many, especially the youngest children, do not survive.
The answer to this problem is solid and sustained economic growth which is also broad-based, so that the fruits of the economy are widely shared among the poor. Without this growth, grinding poverty and the attendant need to act for today rather than plan for tomorrow will remain the reality for millions. And children will remain at work and without a viable future.
This is why the United States invests heavily in support of economic growth in our development assistance programs. This is why we have made global food security a basic issue of both foreign and domestic policy. And is why we believe that the growth of fair and open global trade offers the best opportunities for all the world's people to prosper.
By reducing poverty around the world, we will reduce the pressures that drive parents to send their children to work. But that in itself will not end exploitation.
We hear transparent arguments that children are employed because they have such nimble fingers, or other unique capacities that come from their size and agility. This is a lame excuse for an inexcusable truth: children are employed because they are more easily controlled, more readily exploited, and more handily discarded than adults who may be coming to understand the concept of their human rights.
The most egregious forms of exploitation -- child prostitution, slavery, work in life-threatening activities -- demand and have received universal condemnation. The United States government applauds efforts to bring these dark practices into the light of day where they can be seen by the international community for they are: a denial of everything that civilization values.
The truth is devastating; in many cases, children are exploited because some adult can strip-mine these children's inner resources for wealth or for pleasure, until there is nothing left of value. The shell of that child can then just be discarded.
This is not hyperbole; we know first- hand it is true. Organizations funded by my agency work with young prostitutes, boys and girls, some as young as ten, to get them off the streets, away from their pimps, and into schools. We have sponsored programs to get children out of bonded labor and, again, into schools. We have worked with street children to provide them with alternatives to begging and stealing.
In numerous meetings, the international community has spoken out against the most intolerable forms of child labor. The United States believes that we have an obligation to do more than speak. This is why we support the programs I have described, why we fund the International Labor Organization's International Program for the Elimination of Child Labor, and why USAID is supporting programs totalling more than six million dollars that work directly on issues of child labor.
It is also why the United States moved this year to enact into law a provision that bans the importation into our country of products made by forced or indentured child labor. This issue unifies the American public like few others: we will not make use of such tainted goods, at whatever price.
We are not naive about this. We recognize that only a small percentage of the world's child labor goes into products imported into the United States. But this is at heart a moral issue, and while we cannot speak for other countries, we have the right and the obligation to speak forcefully for ourselves.
All of us are here because we share the belief that child labor is wrong, and that we must all do our share to end it. We have before us an Agenda for Action that speaks to this belief, and that provides us with a common road map. Let us travel that route. And again, to quote former First Lady MRS. LAURA BUSH, let us "work together to provide the tools of opportunity so that every girl and boy ... can look with confidence toward the future. That should be our promise to our children for the next century."
Who is participating?
Both conference will bring together a diverse mix of delegates, including Ministers and representatives from countries with high rates of youth’s suicides and Child Labor and interested governments, United Nations agencies, international organizations, youth, researchers, civil society and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and the private sector.
Prepared by the Conference Secretariat
The conference on Youth suicide and prevention strategy (YSAPS) will commence on 26th through 29th ,May ,2005 in Canada, While the International Conference on Child Labor (ICOCL) will commence on 1st through 4th June, 2005 in Italy-Europe.
PROGRAM SCHEDULE: All participants will receive program schedule for both event by post before the date of the event.
Participants can also request for program schedule at the entrance of both events..
Venue for Youth’s Suicide and prevention Strategy * World Youths welfare convention Hall 5017 N. Dupont Highway Kingston, Ontario, Canada, CROSS SECTION OF THE HTC CONFERENCE HALL
Venue for Child Labor Conference -- Cludio hall Cam S.maria Formosa Castello 8240-I 9172 Napoli - Italy
Prof. Henrique Bengtsson France Dr. Zhong-Lie Wang China ICOCL Chief host -: Mr.La Loggia, Enrico
Chairman Advisory commitee Chairman planing committee Minister of Regional Affairs (Italy)
Prof. Gilbert Richard. Jones(uk) Mrs.Alice Lightborne Barrister Goivanni Adams.
Chairman organising Committee Secreatary Immigration Advocate
The Conference Organisers for both conferences has already made arrangements for all conference meeting facilities and rooms. Participants will enjoy free accommodation in the Canada. Generally security, communications, hospitality, protocol, delegate services, and all other administrative support will be enjoyed both in the canada and in Italy.
SPECIAL INFORMATION: .For recommended and Invited Delegates Only:
Correspondence and enquiries on arrangements , Please contact the organisers in the Canada.
International delegates must be in possession of valid travel documents for entry into Canada and Italy. In order to facilitate visa issurance, delegates approoved will be issued the Canadian Visa at their nearest Canadian or US Embassy, High Commission or Consulate in advance of their expected departure date while the Italy visas will be issued to delegates at the point of entry.
USA VISA ASSISTANCE: The organising committee will render visa assistance to all participants requiring entry visas to the Canada pending if the visiting applicants return their forms along with the confirmation of their hotel reservation in Italy as evidence to prove that participants will proceed to Italy after the event in the Canada. In this case, All participants are adviced to book for their hotel reservation for the conference on Child Labor taking place in Italy .We will process your visas from the Canadian Bureau of Immigrant Affairs by the special influence of top Canadian officials and some Canada Immigration Lawyers who have all fought to see the reality of this events if we receive your forms together with the confirmation of your hotel reservation booked in Italy proving that you will be leaving the Canada after the conference. We shall fax to you the confirmation of your authorised visas and a copy to the consular section at the Canada Embassy in your country or the nearest Canadian or US Embassy to your country . You will only appear at the embassy for the issuance of the visa seals in your passports. You must appear at the Embassy with the correct information forwarded to us during the processing of your documents.
AIRPORT SHUTTLE: Delegates will be met on arrival in Italy and Canada and escorted to their assigned hotels. Buses will be available for transport to the conference venue.Please be informed that delegates will thoroughly be searched at their arrival, and at the conference entry points. All delegates are advised in advance not to be in posession of dangerous weapons, sharp objects and metals as they will be considered as terrorists both in the Canada and in Italy. The Canada special security force will be assigned to the conference venues both in the Canada and in Italy.
PARTICIPANTS FLIGHT TICKETS: Our independent donors have also made available sponsorship for participants flights tickets routing from participants home country to the Canada , from Canada to Italy and from Italy to Participants home country. The organising committee will render visa assistance to all participants requiring the Canada with the aide of our Immigration Advocates and other Canada higher personels. All participants will receive the all round tickets at the airline sales office in their country or at the sales office closer to their country after the processing of their documents. Although Italy is served by some international flights, Air France has been choosen for the trips,in some countries where Air France do not operate , alternative Air Line will be provided for them.Many delegates arriving in Canada and Italy from abroad will be required to complete customs and immigration formalities at the initial point of entry. Delegate transportation back to International Airport at the end of the conference will be provided by the Secretariat.
SPECIAL INFORMATION: At the end of the Youth Suicide and Prevention Strategy conference , tours and Picnics in the Canada, all participants will depart for the ICOCL to be held in Italy. Participants will be taken to the airport to continue their trips to Italy.
Delegates attending the four days “Youths Suicide and prevention Strategy conference” will be housed in a number of hotels in the Canada. Accommodation have been arranged in groups for all invited groups.Our dependent donors have made available sponsorships for the accommodation and feeding in the Canada.
The conference organisers together with the Italian Ministry of Tourism in Rome has selected Standard Hotels with cheaper accommodations rates and good facilities. Arrangements for the booking of rooms in Italy are by direct communication with the hotel management.No other hotel confirmation will be accepted for the processing of the Canada Visas apart from the confirmation issued by any of the selected hotels.Therefore particpants are advised to booked their hotel on time and forward the confirmation along with the conference registration forms for advance processing of the Canada by our colleagues in the Canada Immigration .
Participation is only by official recommenedation. Only a group will be allowed to participate from a country and the group should consist of only Six(6) to ten(10) persons. Two groups may be considered to participate from a country. One of the group will be used to replace any of the country that will not be able to participate.
Registeration for both conferences is just by one process. All groups must pre-register by sending to the head office through E-mail to the Organiser in the Canada , names and passport numbers of the participating delegates. When mailing their pre-registration, they should include the group’s official e-mail address , fax and telephone numbers.
A group is not fully registered until their conference forms and confirmation of their hotel reservation booked in Italy is received by E-mail in the Canada.
NOTE : All delegates will be issued photo identification badges that must be shown for access to both conference venues. This will be mailed to only fully registered delegates.
Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in English Language, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic and Chinese.
International direct dialing is available in all hotel guest rooms, with charges added to the guest's account. Calling cards for international telephone calls are available for sale at a number of convenience and other shops and drug stores. During the events, telephone and fax services will also be available at the Delegates' Business Centre.
A number of services will be available to delegates at the Delegates' Business Centre, located at the various meeting locations. These services will include: photocopying, faxing, e-mail, Internet access, message drop-off and pick-up, and changes to travel arrangements.
A nursing station will be available to delegates during meeting hours.Delegates may wish to check with their local health offices for specific recommendations. Delegates are responsible for paying their own emergency medical, surgical, dental and hospital expenses while in Italy and in the Canada to medical staff at time of treatment.
Italy uses euro. The current exchange rate currently varies all the time as the US Dollars keep on devaluating. The U.S. currency is accepted in Italian establishments, however it is recommended that you exchange your currency at a bank or financial institution, or use a banking machine, to obtain the best exchange rate. NOTE : Please know that this conference should not be use for scam.
Gregory washington
Global Youths Welfare
Please email your application and resume to:
vallescas_mm@yahoo.com within this week. The application will be screened and the succeessful apllicants will be informed thru text or email. If you have queeries, pls contact me in this numbers: 09159614428 or 09269693346.
_________________________________________________" To be or not to be, that is the question."