I personally am tired of this..EDSA 2 may have been interesting before but another People Power just isn't that powerfull anymore. I'm tired watching the news about scandals abot government officials. Our country is in very deep shit and this people are doing nothing to help. They are just conributing to the problem.Oust GMA? It is a very bold move. But who will be in place? Noli de Castro? This man is a first time player in politics.He knows more about repoting that governing. Believe it or not. If ever their will be a snap elections and Fosanna Roces is running for president..I will bet my balls that she will win..Filipinos are star truck and so blurre by their brightness doesn't even know if they are the right person to vote..When this jueten issue subsides as do other scandals alwaays have a way of desappearing. Another scandal will erupt..what could be next?Little green men in the palace? All this scandals and issues are doing is just adding to the expenditures of taxpayers money..Investigations into issues require time, people and money..This money could have been used in other things..I admire GMA for what she is doing right now..I am not pro GMA but we are better off with her right now than anybody else.