legalize? people are doing this already on the internet? you see this has been going in on.. they also evolve like technology.. Here's my personal view on this topic:
Normally they setup their profile mostly using Friendster which is very popular.. then facebook then multiple etc.
This is how it works based on my observations not based on my personal experience hehe.. these people (online pimps) has networks or young gurls they could be as a high school students or college or part time professional for hires etc. most of those gurls has private picture folders right? so most clients access their profile view.. see some bikinis, skins etc if they like it they will initiate send a smile or send a message saying "Hi" etc I'll make you a model.. or whatever just trying to show that they are interested to meet them blah.. blah..
So the profile owner will respond saying I'll get you acccess to my private pictures etc or sometimes they will give you a YM id or whatever like MSN etc and then you know what will happen next..
So for example they started to chat exhange details etc sometimes they will offer you a web cam access right? for you to see them the beauty and how it is look like IRL (in real life) right? just like when you will go to Junguera and then select whoever is the baddest one hehe.
So.. normally they say I'm open kinda person I can do whatver as long as only on the net etc.. so if you want me to take off my tops I can do that blah2x.. then okay you like say if you want to continue you can pay me.. now here's when the money transfer happens.. yeah whatever is the popular money transfer in the area.. it counld be LBC, Western Uniom or bank to bank transfer or whatever just to trasfer faster.
That's how it goes.. and I see alot of gurls doing this from home with computers and of course webcams.. just browse around for example in Friendster.. you see them everywhere.. just try it and experiment then you will understand.. what a theory