Originally Posted by
mau man kaha gud na bro then tell me kon unsaon nimo pag himo ug search engine site by refering yahoo and google to your own search engine.

Heard of Yahoo! and Google Developer's API? You dont have to parse HTML becasuse the response is REST or SOAP (webservices/XML protcols).
I have created a small Python program using Yahoo! API in less than 15 minutes.
This is the output:
D:\Users\gloryhunter>python yahoosearch.py WebSearch "istorya.net"
iSTORYA.NET - More than just talk! ... -> http://www.istorya.net/
iSTORYA.NET. if there's something to talk about, talk about it here. FAQ Search
Memberlist Usergroups Register. Author. Message. pitsay -> http://forums.istorya
iSTORYA.NET. if there's something to talk about, talk about it here. FAQ Search
Memberlist Usergroups Register. Author. Message -> http://forums.istorya.net/vie
iSTORYA.NET. if there's something to talk about, talk about it here. FAQ Search
Memberlist Usergroups Register. Topics. Replies -> http://forums.istorya.net/vie
iSTORYA.NET. if there's something to talk about, talk about it here. FAQ Search
Memberlist Usergroups Register. 3ds max -> http://forums.istorya.net/viewtopic.p
Then compare the result of search.yahoo.com if you search using istorya.net as keyword.